From all the corners of the earth they come! Heroes all! Drawn together by a single man with a uniqueness of vision to create the worlds only truly international Super-team. More then just a fighting team, this group of unique individuals is a concept, in both vision and execution of the perfectly orchestrated Super team. They are all unknowns, but that will not be for long. Soon all the world will come to know the name of

Strikeforce :Freedom!


Trial by fire!

By Ralph Angelo Jr

Eight miles above the middle eastern country of Libulia, the flying figure of the Hayabusa rockets through the heavens! His brown and white form arcs through the sky, his underarm wings stretched forward, as he flies faster then he ever has before, at an altitude unheard of for him, until this moment!

"Incredible" He thinks, "Albright was correct, my body protects me from the thin atmospheres affects, and more so, I can actually breathe the small amount of oxygen present here as well. But to the task at hand..."

He tilts his head downwards, and the goggles he wears begin to transmit images , back to the Ambassadors hidden Skrull Starcruiser, where the rest of Strikeforce: Freedom await.

Inside the Cruiser, Alan Anscom receives the images, and begins to display them in the ships holo-screen.

"He's getting them, and they're a doozy. Look at all this... There's factories creating massive weapons of war here, as well as training camps, where it seems like hundreds of troops are going through the motions. I guess our boy Achmed bel Har'dehd. Really is the terrorist master everybody believes."

The Ambassador has stood silently nearby, his arms crossed upon his massive chest, as his alien eyes have taken in everything around him. He is a Skrull, but a rather unique one. The Ambassador is a Skrullian Eternal, and his powers and abilities differ vastly from other Skrulls. Other Skrulls, such as Achmed bel Har'dehd .Uncrossing his arms he majestically makes his way towards the holo projector, which is playing the images Hayabusa has sent across the cabins interior.

"He is below. His stench is apparent even here. These are his soldiers of evil. He must be stopped. Permanently. I will not rest until the cancer of the Deviant Skrull race is extinguished from this world."

Throughout the craft, the other members of the neophyte super team repress a group shudder. One month has passed since the team came together and began working out strategies for their attack on Libulia. And until this point, the assembled group has never seen the Ambassador angry, or even passionate. Yet they have just now. All hold their own council, save for Auto-American.

"Gentlemen, this is not a matter for discussion, no matter what we all may feel here, our desires are the same. The end of this terrorist organization. Let us not forget this."

"We won't Auto," Speaks Tom Underwood, " We just never expected The Skrull to show us a little emotion, eh?"

Auto nods.

"Point taken , my friend." Agrees Auto American, his silver blue "skin" gleaming in the brightly lit craft. Nearby, Rush keeps his own council, as he seems to sweat a little heavier then his compatriots in the Skrull vessel. Libertad, Mexico's donation to "Strikeforce: Freedom" notices his partners seeming discomfort, and sits down next to him.

"Are you well Rush? You seem a bit...uncomfortable."

"It's flying Libertad. It makes me very antsy."

"Antsy? You feel like an insect?"

Rush smiles and seems to relax, for a moment at least, before he answers his friend.

"No Lib, I feel like I have a few thousand of those buggers crawling on me right about now, that's all."

"Ah mi amigo, at last I understand. I will share something with you as well then. Before our friend Albright contacted me, I had never been in any type of aircraft. And yet his plane, while not as advanced as this alien craft, was still awe inspiring for the likes of myself. I know this "Antsy" very well."

Libertad stands, and nods toward Rush, before leaving the quiet young hero to himself.

"It's funny," Thinks Rush, "I wonder what he would think, what they all would if they knew the real reason I was uncomfortable right now."

Back at the helm of the star spanning vessel , The Ambassador and Al sit at the controls, guiding the cloaked ship slowly through air space of Libulia.

"Uh oh," Starts Al, "I don't like what I'm seeing here from the forward camera. 'Busa hasn't seen them yet You better take a look at this Ambassador."

The Ambassador swivels in his seat and watches the scope before Al Anscom, his alien eyes go wide with recognition.

"Tell him to leave there , immediately . His life is in danger!"

Al acts quickly, as he punches up a control and begins speaking to the Hayabusa.

" 'Busa, get out of there now! There's four Mig fighters heading your way, "

"What?!? "Shouts Hayabusa, as if his ears have suddenly failed him.

In flight , the young hero looks over his shoulder, as several decidedly special jets begin to overtake his high flying form! Suddenly he spirals downwards, at a steep angle away from the fighters, who spray the air around him with high powered bullets!

"Get out of there Hayabusa, now!" Shouts the suddenly fearful Ambassador

"What do you think I am trying to do Ambassador? " Screams Hayabusa into his com-link

Now all the team is assembled in the forward cabin, staring at the images playing across the view screen.

"Auto", begins the second occupant of Auto-Americans form, "You have to help him, he'll be killed."

The demeanor of the Auto-American changes immediately , as Auto's android mind regains control once again.

"Yes Beck Kruesman, you are correct, I will aid our team mate. "

Without another word , Auto-American heads to an airlock, sealing it behind him, then he leaps through it. His body seems to blur as Anti-Gravitons erupt from it, propelling him away from the ship , and towards the position of Hayabusa, so far away.

"I fear Beck, that we may be to late, even at our ultimate speed, it will be several minutes before we can arrive to aid Hayabusa."

The face changes once more, becoming more emotional.

"Just get us there Auto. This guy needs our help. He's a pain in the butt, but he's one of us."

"I had no idea you had considered us to be One of anything, let alone this team, Beck."

"Hey man, I'm just makin' do with a bad situation."

Back aboard the Skrull ship, the other members of Strikeforce: Freedom tensely watch the view screen.

"We have to save him." States Rush , loudly.

"We will stay hidden . To attack now is to court folly. Let us wait. If Auto-American cannot help him, or if they both should become imperilled, then we will throw safety to the wind and dive headlong into battle." Answers Ambassador.

"Yes!" Is all Rush says as he slams his fist into his hand excitedly.

Miles from the hidden airship, Hayabusa dodges majestically, as large caliber bullets spray all around his form, quickly, he banks upwards and to his left, corkscrewing through the air like a screaming hawk! Then at the height of his ascent angle, he suddenly drops to his right , at full speed! Screaming through the air at well over a thousand miles an hour! As he does , two of the Migs continue firing at him from opposite sides, never realizing they are aiming at each other, as his streaking form clears the air between them. They burst into flames simultaneously, and spectacularly!

But then one of the remaining two Migs finds its mark! As round upon round of high velocity ordinance rips into Hayabusa, tearing him from the sky , like a bird shot by a childs BB gun. Limp, he drops towards the ground, far, far below, to disappear from sight...

"Nooooooo! "Screams Beck Kruesman, once again in control of Auto Americans gleaming form, which has just arrived on the scene! Suddenly Auto aims his right arm, and a blast of energy pulses from it, to engulf the jet, as yet another parachute opens, to join the two earlier ones from the planes Hayabusa had downed.

"Desist Beck, stop your rage, allow me to be back in control. "

Kruesman complies, silently.

But it is to late! As suddenly a missile slams into Auto-American from behind, breaking his concentration, smashing him from the sky like a rock!

Helplessly, Auto-American slams into the ground, his powerful form drives dozens of feet through the sandy desert bottom, disappearing, as the sands cover up his prone form almost instantly.

"Nooooooooo!" Roars The Ambassador, as he punches a button on the console before him! The ship suddenly leaps from its cloaked position , to drop its cloak and charge to the attack! The angular cruiser chases after the remaining Jet, suddenly it's forward cannons blaze, as crimson hued death erupts from the guns, shattering the jet into a million bits! This time, no pilot escapes...

All this takes place within a scant few seconds, as inside the Ambassadors ship, bedlam erupts!

"What are you doing?" Screams Al Anscom, as he leaps towards the Ambassador, trying to dislodge his arm from the controls. A simple shrug from the powerful Eternal Skrull dislodges Al, as the others rush between the two team mates.

"Easy, both of you! Madre de dios! We are supposed to be one fighting unit! I tire of the constant in fighting. We must work together." Bellows Libertad.

Suddenly the ship is rocked, powerfully, from all sides!

"What the hell??" Yells Underwood, as he leaps toward the controls, the Ambassador dropping into the seat next to him

"This is not good my friends." Is all Underwood says, as the rest stare mutely at the view screens. They find themselves surrounded by ships identical to their own. Five ships. All with equal firepower to the Ambassadors.

Then the view screen flares to life of its own volition, as the face of the Middle eastern dictator known as Achmed bel Har'dehd smiles back at them. Behind him stands a half dozen others.

A moment of silence , then finally the Ambassador speaks.

"So Skrull, at last I find you and your evil brethren."

"Found us Eternal brother? Yes, you did. But the results are not what you desired, are they?"

"Speak to me as you truly are coward, not as you hide yourself among the unknowing."

"As you wish G'Rart."

With that, the Skrulls shimmer, changing shape before the eyes of those aboard the Ambassadors ship.

"Is that better G'Rart? Do you feel this is a more appropriate form to view us in prior to your execution?"

"They'll be no execution here freak face! Strikeforce Freedom's gonna mow you down!" Roars Rush at the view screen. In response, the assembled Skrulls laugh hysterically.

"Strikeforce: Freedom? That is what you pathetic fools call yourselves? You are amazingly funny G'Rart. I miss that about our people at times. These humans have no real sense of humor. Now back to business." The Skrull leans closer to the view screen before continuing. "You will surrender immediately , and with no thought otherwise, or your ship, as well as your remaining human fools will be destroyed."

Rush opens his mouth to speak, but Libertad stops him with a quick jab to the ribs.

Hours later, in a dungeon of an ancient castle deep in the heart of Libulia. Strikeforce :Freedom is collectively shackled to the dungeon walls, by chains, varying in size to the power being restrained. The Ambassadors are the largest by far, their glowing length keeping his incredible eternal powers in check. Rush's the smallest. Between them are Libertad, and Underwood (Held in place by stasis field, to separate him from the Earth)

"Not exactly the auspicious start we'd hoped for, eh mates?" Asks a Somber Tom Underwood.

"The ending to our tale has not been written as of yet Tom." Answers the basso tones of the Ambassador.

"Perhaps not amigo, but it looks to me that the pen is about to be put to paper, eh?"

"No, Libertad, it certainly does not. I'm sure you notice something is amiss here?"

Libertad nods in agreement to the Ambassadors Query, as Suddenly Rush looks around from side to side, His eyes go wide in recognition. Nearby , Tom Underwood merely smiles and nods silently at his team mates. All know now, the same thing, all realize the possibly disastrous mistake the Skrulls have made As one , they pray it will be enough.

In the town of "Bel'hak" , a young man covers his face in a robe purloined from a trooper he beat into unconsciousness. He wears some bruises of his own from that skirmish, but Al Anscom if anything, is resourceful. He turns his head to the ancient castle in the distance, and feels gnawing pangs of doubt well up within . But he's their only chance, and he knows it.

"If I hadn't hidden in the cargo hold when the Skrulls boarded the ship, they would've found me too. I have to find a way to free the others."

Helix Mountain, the quarters of Mr Albright. The man himself stares at a monitor before him, and his demeanor is decidedly unhappy!

"Damn." Is all he says, as he rises from his chair, pushing it aside, he exits his offices and continues towards the command center. There many people scurry to and fro, checking and re-checking satellite feeds as well as information garnered from the Ambassadors craft.

Albright approaches one of the grey jumpsuit clad technicians. He grabs a roll of computer paper from a printer, looking over figures and information, shaking his head silently.

"What do you think sir?" Asks the Techno.

"I think Strikeforce: freedoms first mission , may well be its swan song my friend."

Albright absentmindedly drops the paper into a trash basket at an occupied desk, and leaves the command area, deep in thought.

Half a world away...

On a stolen camel, as night and desert cold, begins to fall around him, Al Anscom makes his way deep into said desert. He knows he will only have one chance at this, but his doubts gnaw at the back of his neck like a razor.

"How the heck am I going to find Auto-American in all this? I'm not even completely sure where he dropped . Sure, I have the co-ordinates here on the map, I wrote them all down as he dropped from sight, but even so, I'm not sure if all my years playing in the Rockies will help me find this needle in a haystack."

Al stops the camel , and removes his compass from his clothes once more, to check angles and direction against his map. Then he prods the beast onwards once more.

Several cold hours later... Anscom arrives at his hastily scribbled destination. He dismounts and immediately begins digging, tearing at the loose sand with his hands, clawing his way down. He reaches deep below the shifting sands, and suddenly , he himself is grabbed! I silver-blue hand juts out of the still sands to grip Al's arm powerfully!

"Whoa!" Shouts Anscom, ash he throws himself backwards, but the hand holds tight, as Auto-American suddenly rockets skywards, taking Al Anscom with him, up into the starlit sky!

"Auto, slow down man! Whoa again! I can't take this kinda speed, I'm only one little, totally human, guy."

"I know Anscom, now just hang on okay? I gotta get us the hell outta here, and fast!"

"Waitaminute, is that you Beck? Where's Auto?"

In the dim light, as Auto turns his head towards Al, the face wears the configuration of Beck Kruesman.

"I-I can't hear him anymore Al. It's like he died or something. I gotta get us both ta safety."

They streak across the desert, finally coming to rest in an abandoned archaeological dig.

Al stands staring at the seated Auto-American, who lights a small fire inside one of the ruins to keep Al warm.

"Now will you tell me what happened Beck?"

"Yeah, I-I will. I was shot outta the sky, and Auto was in control then. He really is most of the time anyway, but I had gone ballistic a little earlier, and for the first time grabbed total control myself. As we were shot down, half our systems crashed. I remember Auto's mental scream of pain, man he was in agony! And then everything went black. It seemed to take forever to reboot . The auto repair systems went into overdrive I guess. I think they're still at it from the weird feelings I've got here."

Al looks on, as he warms his hands near the fire. "So it's possible that Auto is just being repaired at the moment then. Okay, that'll have to be what we believe , until something other than that truth presents itself. "

"I hope so man, he's the warrior , not me. I just wanna go home."

"We will Beck, but not until after we rescue our friends."

"What if they're all dead, like Hayabusa?"

"Then we have to avenge them."

Across the desert, in a bedouins encampment. A boy drags his father to his tent, see what he has found. Speaking excitedly , the boy points at a figure in the sand.

*"See father? Did I not tell you the truth? It is a God! Like in the stories of old! He has wings father, and I saw him fall from the sky ! He must have come to Earth to lead us in battle against the cruel bel Har'dehd. Just like the legends say!"

*Translated from the native Libulian

The father stares incredulously, his eyes wide in disbelief as he sees the astonishing figure before him. The figure of a badly battered and bruised Hayabusa, his costume half torn away from the savage and brutal punishment he took, suddenly opens his eyes!

Days later... The castle dungeon is a dank and cold place. The captives have hung here , against the wall, since they were captured. They have not eaten, they are given warm water, seemingly clean, "At least that is a plus." thinks Libertad. But it is the only one. His arms ache, and he knows the others feel no better. But The Ambassador has bade them to bide their time. But that time has arrived. Security has become lax in and around their cell, as the human terrorists who unknowingly serve their Skrull masters, begin to relax around the quiet, trouble-less group of beaten heroes. Jokes are made in the native Libulian language, as the guards who originally were fearful of the heroes, now saunter drunkenly into the cell.

*"See Belib? Did I not tell you these dogs were beaten easily? Our leader the great Achmed bel Har'dehd has ground even the mighty Avengers into the ground beneath his righteous foot."

*Again , translated from the Libulian.

The Ambassador raises his head from where it hung against his chest, and he speaks.

"We are not the Avengers foolish one, we are Strikeforce: Freedom! A name you will remember the rest of your days!

Suddenly the men feel a hand grasp each of their heads, and before they can voluntarily move a muscle, their heads are slammed together, rendering them both insensate! Rush wipes his hands together.

"Well that was easy enough. Now it's time to free you guys."

Across the room, the shackles that once held Rush lie shattered and torn! Rush activates his Super-Adrenaline once again, this time he tears through the shackles that restrain the Ambassadors great power! Within an instant the towering Skrull warrior is free!

Moments later Strikeforce :Freedom stealthily make their way down the corridors of the old castle, seeking the throne room.

"Be careful team, we are weakened from lack of nutrition. Our best agenda is to be free of this place, until we can be rescued by Albrights forces."

"I know Ambassador, but do you truly believe we can get yet another chance to destroy this evil operation?"

"I do not know Underwood. But I believe our best chances at survival lie in that avenue."

Suddenly the entire castle rocks with a powerful explosion!

"W-what the?" Stammers Rush! "W-we're under attack!"

"No Rush, we're not, bel Har'dehd and his lackeys are!" Shouts Underwood, as the castle rocks yet again.

Suddenly the corridor fills with soldiers , all hurrying towards the sound of explosions, but running straight into the startled team!

Then, the room is filled with gunfire, as , without a conscious thought, Strikeforce: Freedom leaps into action!

The Ambassador flies through the air , firing energy blasts from his eyes, dropping soldiers before his awful wrath! Rush gleefully activates his Super-Adrenaline yet again, and becomes a streaking blur through the room, as he powerfully tosses the attacking forces to and fro!

Meanwhile , across the hall, Underwood disappears beneath the ground, flowing through it, as the castles very stone floor flows like liquid, coming to life to become huge fists that hammer at the hapless villains , tossing them through the air like toys. All the while, Libertad leaps and attacks, fighting hand to hand , as he kicks and pounds his way through the soldiers, his fighting techniques far superior to the terrorists . As he reacts on instinct alone, his blows are fast, very fast. But he is only human, and already he is tiring!

Then, another explosion sends everyone sprawling! The Ambassador is the first to react!

"Everyone, outside! We must see if this is friend or foe attacking this citadel!"

The Ambassador smashes his way through the thick stone walls , as the rest of the team follows him. Once outside, Underwood rejoins them, flowing upwards through the ground to appear as if from the rock itself!

"Its Nomads gents, a whole army of 'em, attacking as if they were the devil himself."

"Then we must aid them my friends! NOW!"

The Ambassador leaps once more into battle ! As Underwood creates fists from the earth around him to engulf and attack his enemies. But then, another voice is heard, from across the battlefield!

"Yahhooo!" Shouts the man known as Al Anscom, as he and Auto-American begin to attack the ground forces , Al dishes it out as best he can, using purloined weaponry from the forces of bel Har'dehd. While Auto-American pounds his enemies with his unbelievable strength, and nigh invulnerable body.

"Are you holding up okay Beck?" Shouts Al over the sounds of battle.

"Yeah , I am Al. But I'm pretty damn scared right now too!"

Then, a high pitched scream fills the air, the scream of a hunting Hawk! As if from the Sun itself a haggard, but heroic figure flies downwards, streaking into battle , to smash riders from horses, as small arms fire as well as rifle shells bounce harmlessly off his body. But Hayabusa is obviously not himself, as he grunts painfully with every contact, wether it be his fists smashing a foe to the ground, or he himself taking a blow, either gunfire or even simple fists!

"'Busa! " Yells Al at the winged Freedomer, "you're alright!"

"Yes Anscom, though I am worse for the wear."

"Then we must end this battle quickly, already the more heavily armed forces of our enemies are driving the bedouins back ."

"I see that Ambassador, but those people helped me, I will not see them extinguished!" Roars the Hayabusa painfully, as he takes flight once more, smashing rifle wielding terrorists from their horses to the sandy desert floor beneath them.

"To the castles throne room, quickly !" Commands the Ambassador, as with one last look over his shoulder, the Avian Freedomer joins ranks with his companions, to smash through the gate of the castle, right into the elite guard of Achmed bel Har'dehd! An elite guard comprised of all Skrulls!

Instantly the battle is joined, as the Skrulls change shape, becoming horrifying monstrosities, the likes of which have never been seen upon the Earth!

"Forward my friends!" Growls Ambassador, as he sprays the room with his eye beams, changing the Skrulls to some transitionary form, where they remain trapped, not quite Skrullian, nor completely monstrous.

"Holy God!" Exclaims Tom Underwood, "I had no idea you could do that to them."

"As an Eternal , I can control molecular structures in both inanimate, as well as animate objects. But it takes much out of me. I fear I could not do so again without some rest first."

"Rest you will not receive, G'Rart!"

Savagely , Har'dehd leaps from a staircase above the Ambassador, changing shape in mid air, to a razor fanged, brackish, six armed creature, its twin spiked tails whips at the Ambassador wickedly, as the two combatants smash through the floor to the sub basement level below.

"After them !" Shouts Underwood, as Libertad suddenly espies something familiar in the so called throne room! Dashing in, he returns almost instantly , with his twin extendable battle poles.

"Found something?" Questions Rush.

"Si, I saw them lying near the throne. When the Ambassador gave them to me, I assumed they used Skrull technology . This merely confirms it by their presence amid the Skrull devils belongings."

"Enough talk you two, we must help the Ambassador!" Shouts Hayabusa as he flies over head, to dart below , after the sounds of combat.

As if in response, the floor erupts upwards, as the Ambassador is hurled unceremoniously through a gaping hole his body helplessly creates !

Rush again activates his Super-Adrenaline, this time his body convulses first, before the drug takes effect, but in less then the time necessary to tell the tale, he's off and running , with no regard for his own safety, directly into a powerful whip-like blow from Har'dehd's spiked tails, that smash him backwards, where he skids across the floor helplessly!

"Stay back!" Roars the Ambassador angrily, "He is mine!"

Once more the Ambassador hurls himself at his monstrous enemy, this time his powerful eye beams slap Har'dehd from the air, as The Ambassador then rams into his horrific body with the power of a runaway freight train! Together, they careen out of the castle, through stone walls, and into the desert Sun. All around them the fighting ceases at the sight of the monstrous Skrull shape shifter!

"This is what you serve !" Bellows Libertad, "This alien creature is Achmed bel Har'dehd! He is your enemy, not us! He is not even a human, yet you serve him against others of your own kind! "

As one, the warring armies cease their battles, and turn towards the tentacled monster, leaping atop it savagely, tearing into it, before Strikeforce: Freedom can even move to stop them.

Then, just as suddenly, the horde is hurled off , powerfully, as Har'dehd regains his footing, and touches a stud upon his wrist, activating a shimmering field around his and his compatriots persons.

"This round to you G'Rart, the next will be mine."

The Ambassador leaps at the figure of the horrific Alien, but the shimmering ceases , and the Skrulls all fade from view.

"A teleporter."

"Yes Libertad. Now they are gone to who knows where, but at least their deviltry was stopped here, once and for all I will be waiting when you return Har'dehd." Answers The Ambassador.


An hour later... The entire team collectively rests aboard the Ambassadors ship, as they slowly make their way home, to Helix mountain. Hayabusa's tale of his survival fresh in their minds. His fall from the heavens where his almost invulnerable skin was battered by large caliber weapons fire, where barely conscious, he slowed his descent enough to not be killed completely, enabling him to land, before passing out mercifully from his ordeal. All now rest. All that is, save Rush, who convulses mightily in his cabin aboard the ship. If any were to see him now they would question his continued use of the "Super-Adrenaline." But none do, so those questions will have to be asked another day...


Pre-emptive strikes C/O [email protected]

Okay, The first arc is over, who wants to write this baby now? The stage is set for all kinds of action, whatever you want to create out there. Let me know what you all thought of our big blow out this issue against the teams first , and foremost foe Har'dehd.


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