So, you want to know more about me? You must have a lot of time on your hands! No, I'm kidding. But seriously, I guess I should say what my character (�elestial �torm) would look like in anime form. If I could have it any way, it would be in the picture shown above, which is basically a picture of Sailorneptune with blue hair and a blue fuku. Of course, if it weren't for a copyright infringement, I'd change Sailorneptunes name. However, blue does seem more fitting since my name does have to do with rain. Below is another picture I warped to feed my sick obsession:

My, that certainly was educational! Well, I do love to draw, and I'm hoping to put up an art gallery with my art plus the art of others. (That is, if I ever get this whole thing finished!) And about all these warped images? I just got a program where you can edit pics, and I got a little warp-happy. But it was fun! And thus came the brilliant idea of this page, so be thankful!

That's all I could think of this late at night, so in the meantime, continue to explore! 1
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