~*~New!~*~ Vote for the next Senshi of the Month with this spiffy form I just got! ^_^

Welcome to my Senshi of the Month section, where April's Senshi is:


Nominated by: Lots of people! (Mainly me, though)

Yes, I do realize that I've skipped a month, but oh, well! And since it's April (being my birthday month) I thought the Senshi of the Month should be the ultimate Senshi of all time...don't ask me why. Just a power trip, I guess. And, as a tribute to Sailorgalaxia, here are a list of reasons why she's my Senshi of the month!

Reason One: Her fuku kicks some serious butt. I mean, what's that thing made of? Gold?

Reason two: This chick's got power! You may have noticed she has lots of lil' servants and such...oooh, I'm getting chills.

Reason Three: She's ALSO one of the only ones who isn't in love with Tuxedo Kamen (*phew!*)

Reason Four: In my humble opinion...who am I kidding? MY page, not yours! I think that Galaxia is by far the most beautiful Senshi that ever existed. Ah, yes.

Reason Five: She really is a noble gal (when she's not going around killing everyone, that is...). Long ago, when Chaos was going to destroy everything and everyone, she took it into herself, hoping that it might defeat it. Instead, she became the most powerful Senshi ever. (Oh, darn. Don'tcha hate it when that happens?)

Reason Six: When she's in that final evil stage and fighting that final battle with Sailormoon, her outfit is turned into a black one and she has these kick ass wings...I don't know what that was all about, but I liked it!

Well, that's all for now. The last ones were Sailorvenus, SailorPluto, Sailor Saturn. Please, Please vote for your favorite Senshi of the month by filling out my form. (top of the page, dear.) ^_^

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