Hello again, and welcome to my poetry corner. If you would like to contribute to this section of my world, then please mail me with your poem and your name. Domo Arigato! ^_^

"Song of the Sorrowed" or "Ballad of the Ancient Hearts" by James Brą'anam

We are the Sorrowed, Ancient Hearts,
Fall'n into living Strife
Forever dwelling in the past
Where once we had our Life.
Through withered storms we have traversed,
Our minds incased in Mist,
Our somber stares reflect the life
That Darkness fondly kissed.
Ghosts of Present, Pain Embraced,
Found wand'ring, hurt, betrayed,
Our emptiness has left us thus-
A shadowed soul- froz'n shade.
We are forever, all that's passed,
But never may we tell
Are we etern'lly cursed by Heav'n
Or are we blessed by Hell?

Salted Breath
by Small Blue Shadow

Ignorent smells of candied smiles push you to your limits
Only so you become ashamed of all your thoughts
The ones you let their sweet lips hear
They only smile to see the show
The one you preform for their fake smiles and salted breath.

Ailfen Wood Hollow

In this forest
Dark and eerie
Dwell some Ailfens,
Gremlins, and Faeries.
Those who wander unaware
Through this realm of Faerie snares,
May find that minutes turn to years
When hearing Fae with mortal ears.

Wistful Faerie melodies keep
Human listeners in a fatal sleep;
Locked forever in the world of Fae
For seven years, no, nay a day.

So, caution my friend, as you walk and sing
Do not step into a Faerie ring;
Beware Fae food or a Faerie kiss,
O, lest your life as mortal,

A Hollow Life
by Celestial Storm

A blinding light sends you astray,
You try to move back, to find your way,
Your hair is a tangle, your clothes afray,
You think to yourself, "This is not my day."
All your life, you wanted to be,
Someone painless, something free,
And now that you're older, you can see,
All the things you failed to be.
Waking up, with a start,
Deserted in your own heart,
Feeling this way was not very smart,
All your dreams have been torn apart.
Along this path, from where you came,
Your heart has grown cold, you feel ashamed,
Your life is a picture that someone has framed,
But now there is no one left to blame.

By Celestial Storm

A smile.
How I long to see one lighting up your eyes,
How I long to see one as it brightens my whole life,
And how I long to feel one slowly come over my face,
And how I long to feel that I am here, not out of place.

A tear.
Dripping down in silence as it slowly takes control,
Feeling all the rage inside as it painfully rolls,
The cries in my heart are louder than the ones outside,
This tear reminds me of the pain that never seems to die.

Regretting Now
By Celestial Storm

Is there no way to make you smile?
No reason for living, and nothing worthwhile?
Or perhaps it was because I let you know,
That I had my own heart, and I let it show.

Was I a fool to even care?
Are there no memories left to share?
I thought that our trust was something strong,
Even though it wasn't there all along.

But now why do you look away?
As though your thoughts have gone astray,
I see your shadow looming near,
But where is the love? Is there no fear?

Your eyes, once vibrant, shimmering, and pure,
Use to strike me with no cure,
But now they seem dull, rusty like clay,
As if your soul has been taken away.
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