Hello, and welcome to yet another portion of my lovely page. Yeah, I know the theme of this page was suppose to be violet, so I put in some purple things here and there. (Check out that marvelous flame. Doesn't it look so lonely? Ha! It's suppose to. Now you know my secret plot...Um. I think I should stay away from these parenthesis.) Anyway, I have absolutely no idea what this page will be about, as most of my sections here seem to be like. But I assure you that by the time you read this, there will be something down below. Just relax and keep reading. <'o'>

Don't ask why I put this.
Maybe I'm just bored. You have to admit that it's a pretty picture though. ;)

As you can tell,
I have a sick obsession with anime.
But you can't blame me!
All the characters are so cute!

Maybe I should say some more about me.
Nothing amuses me more than making graphics for this homepage,
watching or drawing anime,
and obsessing over various things.
I'm known for my cutting sarcasm and
tendencies to be a bit...psychotic. Well, here's some more pretty pictures:

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