Hello there, My name is Lisa Bland. I'm responsible for this web page you are viewing. I'm in the process of learning HTML at present and this page is a product of that mission. Speaking of missions…I fell in love with Star Trek when I was 7 years old. I have almost every episode on tape. Except for the occasional VCR mishap I got them all. I adore Will and Deanna and Jean-Luc and Beverly. Which is why I joined BonC. To enjoy over and over again reading stories about how Beverly and Jean-Luc finally confess their love. Now as for me I guess I'm a hopeless romantic. I was born in Bartlesville, Oklahoma on February the 29th, 1980. I lived there for 18 years of my life. I graduated with honors from Bartlesville High School on May the 22nd 1998. I enjoy French, (I took French for four years and plan to continue in college)chior, I was a member of Oklahoma's State Honor Chior for four years and am extremely thankful for that experience and for all the people I shared good times with along they way. School was truly a mission and I enjoyed the exploration. All life is exploration and on that note I'll leave you to meet the rest of the BonClets.