Universo Home Page

Lo que hay en español:     Astroscosmo
                                         Intro a Mecanica Cuantica

Agujeros negros:             Agujeros negos (Intro, con definiciones)
                                         Viajes virtuales a agujeros negros

Glosario y conceptos utiles varios:

Fisica interactiva:             Physics 2000
                                          Physics  2000/Applets
                                          Tip Top/Vlab
                                          VRML electromagnetismo
                                          Animations of Physical Processes

Maxwell y quaterniones:   Doing physics with Quaternions

Supercuerdas:                   Superstring Theory dot com
                                           The second superstring revolution
                                           Superstrings! String theory home page
                                           Supergravity: A Supersimmetry
                                           Duke edu Superstrings
                                           Cornell edu Superstring theory
                                           Justin webpage
                                           Unnatural FAQ´s: Hagelin & Strings theory
                                           Some interesting stuff on Superstring Theory
                                           A World of Strings

Hyperdimensionalidad:      Kaluza.txt   La version mas cortita de por que nos metemos
                                                              a  postular dimensiones extras

                                            Enterprisemission hyper 1
                                            Enterprisemission hyper 1a
                                            Enterprisemission hyper 2
                                            Enterprisemission hyper 2a
                                            Enterprisemission hyper 3

Nuestro amigo zeropoint:   Home page (tremendo site repleto de cosas)
                                            Recapitulacion (resumen en Word, 611 K)

Espaciotiempo Fractal:


Scale Relativity
Atomic Structure
Philosophy of Nature and Quantum Reality

Otros tipo Nottale

Google Search: decoherence
A Superstring Theory for Fractal Spacetime,Chaos and Quantumlike Mechanics in Atmospheric Flows
Fractal Space Time

No mencionado por otros, pero mas que interesante !!!!!

Decoherence, collapse, and potentials

Deja.com: Re: Wavefunction collapse or just decoherence?
bio-info archives: The Hornos paper on Symmetry Breaking and th
Re: Real or Complex space?
[GraceWatcher] The Coming of the Elohim: Part 1
California Institute for Physics and Astrophysics: Research
Coformal theories, curved phase spaces, relativistic wavelets and the geometry of complex domains

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