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Adventure Jones

By: Heather N Gibson

Edgar Cayce had many readings about Atlantis. He would travel back in his mind. He described Atlantis not as Plato did but as a continent in between the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea.

The continent can be compared in size with Europe and Russia combined. The entire surface of the earth was very different than it is today. North and South poles have migrated out since then. Most of today's continents were underwater except:

The northern part of Africa which was the southern point of Atlantis. The eastern seaboard was the coastal region. Atlanteans inhabited the Carpathian mountains and the Mongolian Desert.

Most of South and North America was covered in water, except for Utah, Arizona and Nevada.

Atlantis went through the normal human evolution. However, they attained a very high level of understanding of the natural laws.

This understanding was both a blessing and a curse. Corruption soon ensued.

The Atlanteans brought about the breaking up of their continent by experimenting with explosives they used to kill large animals. These explosions caused gas pockets to blow up eventing in volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Cayce then sees a second destruction brought on by the Flood. The one the Bible tells of that cleansed the earth's surface. The Flood left only the principal islands, Poseidia, Aryaz and Og. Only the West Indies remain today as part of the Atlantis Continent.

The Atlanteans lived as cave people at first. Finding shelter in whatever they could. Then the Atlanteans organized and built more suitable structures out of wood and stone. These early Atlanteans were peace lovers and devoted their energies to the study of natural laws.

The Atlanteans used animal skin balloons filled with natural gas to aid in their construction of their impressive buildings.

According to Cayce the Atlanteans were using electricity long before our founding father Ben Franklin.

The Atlanteans began to succumb to the flesh. They began to pursue pleasure and became greedy. In an effort to reunite the people altars were made and one god was worshiped with sacrifices. The Atlanteans returned to rituals and ceremonies in an effort to cleanse themselves. Some sacrificed human life on these altars and an effort to make peace was thwarted.

The civilization continued to grow but so did the unrest and people began to migrate to the far corners of the known world.

Over this period civilizations rose and fell. The Atlanteans continued to grow and prosper. They had TV, Radio and manipulated light rays to their benefit. The Atlanteans constructed elaborate, efficient forms of heating, lighting, and cooling. They had every modern convenience and more so.

Is the destruction of Atlantis a lesson for today or just a tall tale? Continue to examine the clues of this Fascinating Mystery with Adventure Jones.

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