Dr. J. Allen Hynek consultant
to Project Blue Book developed
a system to categorize UFO
sightings. Close Ecounters of the
The Third Kind the occupants
of the UFO are actually
seen. The following are examples
of those encounters:

Close Encounters of the Third Kind:
Bueatiful Beings from Orque
Chef E.T.
Roswell: At Last Everyone Can Agree!

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Flatwoods Monster

September 12, 1952

A group of boys were playing outside of their home in Flatwoods, West Virgina the night of September 12, 1952.

They watched in amazement as a meteor fell from the sky and settled on a nearby hilltop.

The boys ran to a neighbors house and asked for assistance in an investigation of the meteor. The neighbor, her two sons, and a national guardsman began the trek to the hilltop.

As they neared the site of the crash they could hear a loud hissing and throbing sound. When they arrived at their destination they observed a large round globe, as big as a house, instead of a meteor.fmonster.jpg One of the witness' then saw in the trees what he thought to be an animal. We he moved his flashlight over to the trees the entire group saw a titanic figure at least 10 to 15 feet tall. The creature had a "blood red face" and "glowing greenish-orange 'eyes.'" The monster then began to move toward the boy with the flashlight, who turned and ran screaming hysterically down the hillside.

After the craft left examination of the landing site revealed two parallel skid marks and a large circle of flattened grass.

A strange odor filled the air. Mrs. Kathleen May and company are convinced this was a close encounter of the third kind.

Who or what they saw to this day remains a Fascinating Mystery.

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