


Scientist have decided to re-open the book on UFO research. A recent panel of nine scientist: Prof. Peter Sturrock, Chairperson, Prof. Von R.Eshleman,co-chair, Dr. Thomas Holzer, co-chair, and six others met with seven ufologist.The ufologist presented some of the most convincing physical evidence to the panel. Among the evidence was the Lago de Cote photo and analysis presented by Jacques Vallee and Richard Haines. The September 1971 photo taken by a mapping plane owned by the Costa Rica government remains to be some of the most convincing photographic evidence.

Lago de Cote 1971
Lago de Cote 1971

The panel felt through the advance of technology and the effective UFO study conducted by the French Space Agency CNES, more would be gained than in the 30 year old Condon Report. However, the Sturrock panel's conclusion seems almost a carbon copy of the conclusion reached by the 28 year old Kuettner Report. This study conducted by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics concluded that "a continuing moderate level effort with emphasis on improved data collection by objective means and on high-quality scientific analysis."

The Sturrock panel believed an effective investigation and serious hypothesis would come from careful examination of the physical evidence. Such as: photographic evidence; luminosity estimates; radar evidence; interference with automobile functioning; interference with aircraft equipment, apparent ground traces; injuries to vegetation; physiological effects on witnesses; and analysis of debris.

Are these scientist really ready for a close encounter?

NOTE: this study was financed by the Laurence S. Rockfeller fund. The full report was published by the Journal of Scientific Exploration.

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