Vessel Type: T-65 Starfighter
Designer/Manufacturer: Incom
Combat Designation: Space Superiority Fighter
Length: 12.5 meters
Crew: One Pilot
One Astomech Droid
Power System: Novaldex 04-Z cryogenic power cell and ionization reactor
Propulsion System: 4 Incom 4j.4 fusial thrust engines
Flight Control System: Torplex Rq8.Y flight control avionics package
Maneuverability rating: 75 DPF
Navigation: One Astomech Droid
Hyperdrive: Incom GBk-585 motivator drive unit
Targeting Computer: Fabritech ANq 3.6 tracking computer with IN-344-B holographic imaging system.
Weapons: 4 Taim & Bak IX4 laser cannons
2 Krupx MG7 proton torpedo launchers
Defence: Forward/rear projecting Chempat shields (rated at 50 SBD)
Hull: Titanium Alloy (rated at 20 SBD)

While the X-wing is not as fast as the TIE fighter, it does possess shields, giving it an advantage over the TIE fighter. In addition to this, it is the ship of choice for one of the galaxy's most feared fighter squadrons, Rogue Squadron.
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