The Battle of Yavin
You came just in time to help!  Currently Rebel forces are trying to shoot a proton torpedo into the main exhaust port of the Death Star, but the target is only two meters wide.
Download these comlink transmissions to find out how the battle is going
goingin.wav  I'm going in!
sfoils.wav  Lock s-foils in attack position
 stndngby.wav  Red 6 standing by...Red 3 standing by...etc
 attackspd.wav  Accelerate to attack speed!
 cantsee.wav  I can't see it!
 ontarget.wav  Stay on target...
We're too close!
Stay on target...
targetcomputer.wav  Luke! You switched off your targeting computer. What's wrong?
clear.wav  You're all clear kid! Now let's blow this thing and go home!
grt_shot.wav  Great shot kid! That was one in a million!

Listen to these to hear the sounds of space combat
xwing.wav  An x-wing fly-by
tie.wav  A TIE fighter
artoo.wav  R2-D2

Tap into Imperial Transmissions
 inrange.wav  The moon with the Rebel base will be in range in 30 minutes
 rebbase.wav  Rebel base one minute and closing...
 fire.wav  You may fire when ready...
forcestrn.wav  The Force is strong with this one
The Death Star has been destroyed! Click here to travel to the new base on Hoth.
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