In Valen's Name

Isil'zha Veni! In Valen's name.

Welcome to the shrine of Valen. All those not showing proper reverence will be thrown out by a big burly Ranger named Guido who hasn't bathed in a week.

"We live for the One, we die for the One."

And he IS to die for. A Grey Council member such as myself should show more decorum but he can rev my jump engine any day of the week!
Seriously, those who know me know I love him dearly, to the point of sick obsession. (Don't worry Mr. O'Hare, they never proved all those breaking and entering charges.)

Background information

He was born Jeffrey David Sinclair, May 3rd, 2218, 9:15 a.m. Earth Standard Time on Mars Colony. His father was a pilot in a long line of fighter pilots of the Sinclair family that can be traced back to World War 2. His mother, Gemma Gildea Sinclair, was a professor of North American Literature. He has one brother Malcolm, currently residing in Australia, Earth.

When he was 15, Sinclair's father was killed in the Dilgar War. He was very despondent and enraged and his mother, not knowing what else to do with him, sent him to a Jesuit high school for the next three years. He found peace there with the help of his teachers, Father Raffaelli and his wife.
He enlisted in EarthForce Defense in 2237.
In 2240 he was promoted to fighter pilot and in 2241 he was promoted to squad leader.

In 2248 he fought in the "Battle of the Line", the last ditch effort of defense against the Minbari who were moments away from committing genocide on Earth in the last hours of the Earth/Minbari War. His squad was wiped out and Sinclair, in desperation, locked in a suicide course with his starfury against a Minbari cruiser. He was beamed aboard, interrogated, and tortured for the next 24 hours. He was then released after a mind wipe and the Minbari immediately, and mysteriously surrendered and the War ended.


In 2255 he was sent to Mars to investigate covert Human/Alien activities.During this time he met Garibaldi, whom he had hired as a shuttle pilot.

In 2256 he was named Commander of Babylon 5.

His command of Babylon 5 ended when he was recalled on January 3rd, 2259 to become the first Earth ambassador to Minbar.

While there he was informed of the reason why the Minbari surrendered at the Battle of the Line, and was chosen to become "Entil'zha" (also known as the Anla'shok Na or Ranger One) the leader of the "army of light" known as the Rangers, comprised of both Humans and Minbari, who were to battle the enemy, The Shadows.

In 2261 he gathered Delenn, Cpt.Sheridan, Ivanova, Lennier, and Marcus and together they went back in time and stole Babylon 4 to take back in time to battle the Shadow War from 1,000 years ago. He took the Station back himself along with Zathras, an aide given to him by Draal, and thus fulfilling his destiny by undergoing a transformation and becoming Valen, the "Minbari not born of Minbari."
Valen lived roughly another hundred years from the time he appeared, helping the Minbari to reorganize their society and forming the Grey Council. After the first Great War, Valen married and had children.They left Minbar to escape persecution. After Valen's "death" his children returned to Minbar, married, had children, and thus introduced Human DNA into the Minbari race. Legend says Valen simply "vanished." No body was ever found. It is said by the Minbari that one day he will return at their greatest hour of need.

Information gleaned from Babylon 5 episodes, comics, and books. Recommended Reading: B5 book # 9,"To Dream in the City of Sorrows" by Kathryn Drennan, an excellent account of Ambassador Sinclair & Marcus Cole backstories.

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