All About Kris

Well, I assume, that if you clicked on this link, you want to know about me. So, I'll tell you.


Ok, I'm 5'10, and weigh only 130lbs. Yes, I know, I'm a lightweight. I have light brown hair, and my eyes....well, you pick a color it's in there. I'm skinny, and long. Long arms, long legs. I have a really nice smile, or so I've been told. And, well that's all I can really tell you about my looks.


Well, where can you find me? It's basically very simple, Erie, Pennsylvania. If I'm not at home then I must be on vacation.


Hobbies, well, my biggest hobby is watching movies. I have no IDEA how many movies I have watched, nor do I want to find out. My favorite movies are the Star Wars Trilogy, but I watch basically anything you put on the wide screen, or stick in the VCR. Ok, so what else do I do? Hmm, well, I listen to music. Once again, basically anything you put in the machine, I'll listen too. I love to read. My favorite author is Robert Jordan, though Terry Brooks, Robert Asprin, and J.R.R. Tolkein also weave beautiful stories. Well, of course, I watch TV. I also chat online, as well as goof around doing other fanstical things online. I also play sports, and believe me, it isn't easy to find time to. I basically only watch anymore. I love gettin out into nature, whether it's just for walk, or I'm doing something. Generally, I go out to look and see the animals, and such. My favorite sport is hockey, and being from Pennsylvania, my favorite team is the Pittsburgh Penguins. I also like the Pirates, and the Steelers. I'm a Burgh man, even though I didn't grow up in the 'Burgh. Basketball, I could live without.


Well, I'm the son of two loving parents, Phil and Denise. They live in Erie, and look over me from a far. I also have a sister, Jen. My sister is 3 years older than I. Also living in Erie is my Grandmother. She's my Dad's mom, and I still love her, even if she does drive me, and my family, insane sometimes.


Well, My family has two dogs. Our big dog, can be seen in the picture of my parents, and the other you ask. Well, here is a picture of her. The big black dog is named Shagi, and the little dog, is Guinevere. Well, those are the dogs.


What I mean by this is my family background, what nationality I am, and such. I'm mainly German. I also have British, Welsch, Irish, and I think some French, but I'm not sure. The biggest twist, so to speak, is that I also have some Native American blood in my line, and it isn't that far removed. I'm sorry to say that we have yet to figure out what tribe, but it is there none the less.

So, now you know alot about me. Things will be added, and subtracted from this page as I go along. But, the basics will stay the same. Thank you for your time.

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