Movie Quotes
Great Movies, and Lines!

This area is dedicated to the great movies, and the great lines, I have seen or heard. Please, if you have more, drop me a line.

In my oppinion, a great movie has to have great lines, so I'll list the movie name, and then some lines from it, trust me, this will be being added to, and expanded.

Star Wars

  • Princess Leia: You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought.


  • Han Solo:We had a slight weapons malfunction, but we're all fine now, here, how are you?
  • Imperial Officer: I'm sending a squad in to check.
  • Han Solo: Negative, negative, we have a radiation leak, pretty large, very dangerous, give us a few minutes to lock it down.
  • Imperial Officer: What's your operating number?!
  • Han Solo: *blast* Boring conversation anyway, We've got company coming!

    Empire Strikes Back

  • Princess Leia: I'd as soon kiss a Wookiee!
  • Han Solo: This may smell bad kid, but it'll keep you warm.
  • Yoda: Away put your weapon, I mean you no harm.
  • Lando Calrissian: You've got a lot of nerve coming here.

    Return of the Jedi

  • Han Solo: Boba Fett, Boba Fett, WHERE?
  • C3-P0: If I told you half the things I'd heard about this Jabba the Hutt, you'd probably short circuit.
  • Han Solo: Only one left, not bad for a little furball.


  • Lud: Wanna breed?
  • Mad Martagan: Tempting....., but no.
  • Lud: NOT A WOMAN!
  • Brownie: BEER!

    Top Gun

  • Goose: We regret to inform you that your sons are dead because they were stupid.
  • Goose: Come on Mav, do some of that pilot shit.
  • Charlie: Yes, I know the bird, Goose.
  • Goose: I hate it when it does that.

    Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

  • Ziggy Pig Workers: Eat the pig, eat the pig, ziggy ziggy ziggy zig!
  • Ted: Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.
  • Ted: Excuse me, do you know when the Mongols ruled China?

    Point Break

  • Bowdy: We're gonna be meatwaffles!
  • Tyler: Too much testosterone around here.


  • Roach: You drop down into the pit, and your balls, man, your balls are this big.
  • Roach: It's better than sex.
  • Tyler: Maybe your not doing it right, Roach.

    Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

  • Friar Tuck: And thank the good lord for.......BEER!

    Robin Hood: Men in tights

  • Blinkin: Master Robin, you've had your arms cut off in the crusades! Though you did grow a nice set of boobs.
  • Robin: Blinkin, They've taken the castle!!
  • Blinkin: I thought it was a bit drafty.
  • Robin: Blinkin, what are you doing up there?
  • Blinkin: Guessing, I GUESS there's no one coming.

    Lost Boys

  • Edgar: Holy shit, it's the attack of Eddie Munster!

    Days of Thunder

  • Team owner: I was in the stands kissing their ears, hoping for a good showing, and you guys looked like a monkey fucking a football out there!


  • Harry: Ok, now I want you to go out there and hit the pace car.
  • Cole: Hit the pacecar? Why?
  • Harry: Cause you've hit everything else out there, and I want you to be perfect.


  • Buck: Oh look, a side we don't have to fix.
  • Harry: *BANG* I don't want you spoiled Buck.

    The Breakfast Club

  • Bender: Does Barry Manilow know you raid his closet?
  • Brian: The chicks cannot handle da smoke, dat's what it is.
  • Bender: It's social, demented and sad, but social.

    Well, I hope you all enjoyed the MANY, MANY great lines listed, trust me, I don't have the room to put ALL the great lines up, but drop me an email, and I'll do my best.

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