NAME: Duke L'Ornage

AGE: 30

PHYSICAL FEATURES: Duke stands at about 5'11", maybe six foot. He's got a strong build but is lean and agile like a cat. He has dark grey feathers and a light streak in his bang. An eyepatch covers his right eye and he has a chip on the left side of his beak.

HISTORY: Not much is known about Duke's past. What is known is that he was the leader of a group of theives on Puckworld known as the Brotherhood of the Blade. It is also known that he has a daughter that he found when he was younger. His daughter is the only one who knows the truth and sometimes makes casually remarks that remind him of his past.

PERSONALITY: Duke fits the typical personality of a theif gone to the good side. (If you can call that typical.) There are three things that are very important in his life, his daughter, his ego, and honor. His two faults include his ego and his love for women. On more than one occation he has been known to be side tracked by a pretty woman.

RELATION TO VC: Duke is VC's father. They tend to get along a lot better then most fathers and daughters. They are best friends and can pretty much tell each other anything. Duke is definetly protective of VC just like any father would be but he also knows when to give the girl some room to grow up.

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