NAME: Mallory McMallord

AGE: 23

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Mallory is probably the shortest member of the team, although Dive comes real close. She stands at about 5'6". Her bright red hair is often compaired to her temper. Her eyes are a bright green. Her feathers are kind beige or an off-white.

HISTORY: Mallory was an army brat. Her father and mother were both in the military. Mallory joined as soon as she was legal. She is the only suriving member of her family. Her mother, father, and two brothers were all killed during the invasion. She was choosen by Canard for her uncanny fighting ability and assesment of attack situations.

PERSONALITY: Let it be known that Mallory is famous for her temper. The hair and the personality go hand in hand. Though she is generally a good person and friendly towards those she knows (except for Phil) if she's in a bad mood, just stay out of her way!

RELATION TO VC: VC and Mallory definetly got off on the wrong foot. VC decided to punch Mallory when the two first met. Because VC was Duke's daughter, she didn't think VC was trustworthy. After time however, VC and Mallory came to a mutial understanding. They would trust each other with their lives but they wouldn't really say they were frineds, just allies.

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