NAME: Tanya Vanderflock

AGE: 25

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Tanya stands at about 5'8", maybe more if you include the blonde hair shaped up kinda like a fountain. She has a very stout build and carries a nerd appearence.

HISTORY: Uh... another unknown. She doesn't talk about it. She was some type of scientist on Puckworld. Though no one knows why she doesn't talk about it but judgeing by her confidence level, it might have something to do with the fact that she doesn't think her past is interesting.

PERSONALITY: Tanya is a very understanding person. She is also a generally kind and gentle person. She is the first person on the team to offer help to someone in need. She enjoys spending her time working on her machines and such. She is a pure genius but sometimes talks over everyone's heads so that no one understands a word she says.

RELATION TO VC: Tanya is the female on the team that VC most looks up to. She almost sees Tanya as the mother she never had. When VC, for some reason can't talk to her dad, (which does not happen very often), Tanya is the person she goes to. She has definetly been an influence in many of the choices made by VC.

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