NAME: Verenes Constance L'Ornage


AGE: 16

PHYSICAL FEATURES: VC looks like a human with the exception of the black star shaped marks next to each of her eyes. She has an athletic frame but, like her father, is agile and lean like a cat. Her hair is a dark, almost black color. Her eyes are a grey color that tend to reflect light.

HISTORY: Not too much is known about her except that her mother was part of an experiment preformed on Puckworld which brought her mother from her homeworld of Avaira. It's known that her mother left her when she was only a few weeks old. Duke, who found her in the alley after her mother had left, raised her and VC considers him her father. She was the first child to be raised in the Brotherhood and being so, lead a strange life for a child. She became one of the best theives on Puckworld by the time she was ten. No real facts about her life have ever been revealed.

PERSONALITY: The only word to describe VC is playful. She enjoys playing jokes on all members of the team. Nosedive is considered her partner in crime, they're best friends. She is most definetly a Daddy's girl. Anything he believes, she believes. They have been known to get into more than enough trouble together.

Here's a cute little picture someone sent me. I have no clue if they drew it, or downloaded it from somewhere.

~ This one came form Rachel. The baby is suppose to be Austin, but as it turns out neither her nor I can draw beaks and stuff, so use your imagination people.

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