Torture of the Heart

By: VC

VC sat by the couch on the floor, watching TV. Nosedive was on he couch. Mallory and Wildwing were practicing on the ice. Duke and Tanya were out on a date. There had been nothing interesting happening in Anaheim for almost a month.

Okay, so it was nice to have to chase after Saurinians and other slimballs for a bit, but a month was too long. Everyone was starting to get edgy. Tanya had preformed alomst seven diagonistic checks on Drake 1 for fear that the computer may be broken. Wildwing and Mallory were spending more and more time practicing on the ice. Wildwing had made the team practices harder so everyone felt more challeneged. Nosedive was spending a lot of time with Thrash and Mookie. VC and Duke were together working on their 'skills' a lot.

For once,Tanya and Duke were going out to dinner without VC. Since, the two had begun dating almost four months ago, VC had went to dinner with them a lot of the time. Tonight, they were going alone, they needed it.

"Hey Dive, what are your brother and Mallory doing up there?" VC asked.

"Practicing, what else?"

"You sure? They've been spending so much time together. What do ya think about that? Your bro and Mal?"

"Just what I want, Devil woman to be dating my brother. Won't happen anyway girlie, girl. Wing won't go for her."

"Okay, you say so."

At that moment, Wilding and Mallory returned from the ice, so Dive and VC were forced to stop their conversation. They both looked tired and hot. VC smiled and returned to the television leaving the two alone.


Duke was sitting at the table in one of the nicest restraunts in town, with who he called the most beautiful duck in any and all universes. Tanya never believed any of his compliments, but she always blushed anyway. For the past four months, Duke and Tanya had been dating seriously. The taploids were having a field day with it and were already pairing of the rest of the ducks.

Wildwing and Mallory was something Duke saw happening soon. Those two kept getting comfie with each other. Grin was never mentioned in any report. The pair that made Duke laugh the most was VC and Nosedive. First off, Duke would kill Nosedive if he ever laid a hand on his daughter. Secondly, VC would proabably kill him. Finally, the two would get into far too much trouble with each other. Neither seemed in a hurry to grow up.

"Duke?" whispered Tanya softly.

"Yeah sweetheart." he said with a jump.

"You in there?"

Duke smiled. That was what he always said to her when she seemed to go off into technology land as VC called it. Whenever she seemed to work too hard, Duke seemed the only one to get her out of it.

"Yeah,I'm here and with the most beautiful duck I have ever seen."

"You brought another girlfriend?"

"Nope only you,and that's all I need." He reached across the table and grabbed her hand.

They finished their dinner in a comfortable silence and then headed home. Duke walked Tanya to her room. The Pond was quiet since everyone had long ago went to bed.

"Goodnight sweeheart. I love you," he whispered and kissed her. It was slow and loving but nothing more. The two had reached an agreement before about how far things could go. And though Duke sometimes wished for things to go farther, he dare not push it. Tanya had very low self-esteem and was always unsure of herself. He respected her wishes.

Finally, the two parted, only because they were both in dire need of oxygen. Duke gave her a quick kiss on the cheeck and whispered goodbye, then headed off to his room. It was dark when he walked in so he flipped on the light and who was on his bed but VC.

She was asleep, curled up on his bed. Duke smiled, 'Poor girl, she must have been waiting for me'. After making sure she was asleep, he got changed and decided instead of moving her, just to let her lay be. He climbed in bed with her and quickly fell asleep.

The next morning....

VC had an unfamilar feeling when she awoke that morning. She felt warm and yet out of place. There was something big and heavy laying near her. She caustiouly opened her eyes and discovered it was Duke who layed with her. She must had fallen asleep last night and he just let her stay.

VC decided it was time for her to get up and to her room. She quietly got up and headed to her room. Inside, she grabbed some clothes and headed for the shower. Afterwards, on returning to her room, she saw Duke sitting on her bed. VC walked over and kissed him good morning.

"Good morning Dad, have fun last night?"

"Yes I did. I was wondering where you were this morning. You left early."

"No, you just slept late. Speaking of which, lets head to breakfast. " VC said.

"You go, I'm gonna go get Tanya."

"I think she is still asleep." VC told him.

"I know."

VC left her room and headed toward the kitchen, leaving Duke to his business.

Duke headed towards Tanya's room. He queitly opened her door, and saw her lying on the bed. She was wrapped up in her blankets. Duke smiled, she looked gorgeuos, he wished he could see her like this every morning, (maybe sometime later). he thought smuggly.

He walked over to the side of her bed and sat down on the side. He bent down and kissed her cheek, she stirred ever so slightly.

"Come on sweetheart, wake up." he whispered.

Tanya opened her eyes and was surprised to see Duke sitting there, starring at her. Before she said a word, Duke leaned down and embraced her, kissing her deeply.

"How was that as a way to wake up?" he asked.

Tanya smiled, "I could get use to it."

"Yeah, we could spend every morning like this, if...?" he left it hanging,knowing she cought his drift. She blushed deeply.

"get out of here and let me get changed, I'll see you at breakfast."

"I'll wait outside." said Duke

He left and stood outside her door, waiting, when she came out, she smiled and they linked arms as they heded towards the kitchen for breakfast, When they got there, they were sure something must have happened because Mallory and Wildwing were bluhing alot. Duke sat next to VC Tanya on his other side.

"What happened?" he whispered to VC.

"I'll tell you later." she said.

VC didn't have a chance because just as they were all half way through breakfast, Drake 1 went off. Tanya sat down and typed in some commands.

"It's Dragonus, and he's, uh, attacking that chemical factory."

"Let's move it team." ordered Wildwing.

In the Migrator, Duke asked VC about earlier.

"Oh, Dive and I were talking about the latest tabloid thing that has Mallory and Wing, like engaged,. Dive, says that it wouldn't happen in a million years, next thing I know, Mallory and Wing are as red as an apple."

"Secret maybe," whispered Duke.

"I think so."

The Migrator stopped outside the factory. Surely enough, there were Dragonus' goons. The team pulled out of the Migrator and prepared to fight. Immeditely, Siege fired. The battle was on. The ducks were getting split apart yet seemed to be winning. However, as Tanya was fighting off one of the drones which had appeared, someone through a gas bomb behind her, reliseaing toxic fumes. She passed out in a second.

The other ducks were unaware of it for they were busy themselves. Duke was trying to keep Wraith busy. Unfortunatley, Siege came up behind him and knocked him down. HE dropped his saber and was about to grab it when Siege knocked him on his head.

Mallory was busy dodging fire from the drones. She saw an opportunity to take out Chameleon, who was not paying attention. When she moved up on him, he turned and threw a gas bomb at her, and she was out.

Suddenly, for some unknown reason, Siege, Chameleon, warith, and the the drones disappeared with Tanya, Duke, and Mallory. The remaining ducks were in shock.

In the Raptor~

A man in a dark suit was talking to Dragonus. "30,000 dollars, 10,000 for each duck."

Dragonus nodded. "Keep them away from me and I'll get the others too."


Hours later~

Duke awoke in a dark cell. It was cold and there was little light coming in. It reminded him of the cells in the raptor only bigger. He remebered the time he and Tanya had spent there. TANYA!

She was there with him. Unconsious in front of him. He ignored his body's protest as he hurried to her side. She looked bad he noticed as he pulled her into his lap. Her eyes fluttered open. Duke was releaved.

"Duke, where are we?"

"Cell, I think, having flashbacks?" he smiled

"Just a few."


"Uh, Duke, was that you?" Tanya asked.

"I thought it was you."

Duke slowly moved Tanya and stood up. He walked towards the moaning sound. On closer inspection, he found out it was Mallory.

"It's Mallory and she's hurt bad."

Tanya got up and headed towards Duke side. She looked colsely at Mallory.

"It's hard to tell with so little light, but she definetly has a hit to the head and she is, uh , loosing a lot of blood."

Duke riped the sleeve off his uniform and placed it under Mallory's head, where the bleeding seemed to be coming from.

"I hope that works."

"I don't know but it hurts plenty," said Mallroy, fully consious.

"Mal, ya had us worried."

"yeah, well, where are we?" she asked.

"Haven't a clue. Wonder what's around here though?" Duke said as he got up to inspect the place. Tanya and Mallory did the same. They all bumbed into each other after about 2 minutes.

"Well, there's not much here. No bed, but I found two blankets." Informed Duke.

"Then we're stuck here?" said Mallory.

"Looks like it."

"Well, what are we gonna do?" she demanded.

"There isn't anything we can do." pipped up Tanya.

"You two take these blankets and get some rest, I'll stand watch." Duke said.

"You need rest too." said Tanya.

"We'll switch later."

The two girls got up and each took a blanket. Duke slid down against the wall, trying to get comfortable but not so much as to fall asleep. Mallory took her blanket and moved to the other side of the cell. She layed down and went to sleep.

Tanya took her blanket and sat down next to Duke. She cuddled up to him and wrapped the blanket around them both. She then placed her head on his sholder and went to sleep.

Duke had to smile as he watched her drift of to sleep. While the girls were sleeping he evaluated their situation, it wasn't good. If only he knew it was about to get a lot worse.

At the Pond~

"We can't just leave them there!" yelled VC.

To say the least she was upset. They had to drag her away and back to the pond. Grin was trying to calm her down. Meanwhile Wildwing seemed off in his own world. Nosedive approached him rather caustiously.

"Bro,man, it wasn't your fault. It just happened." he tried to tell Wing.

"I know Dive."

"Then why are you moping around like this?"

"I can't tell you Dive I wish I could but I promised her"

"Her? Wing, man, what are you talking about?"

Wildwing paused for a moment before saying anything. "She's gonna kill me for this"

"Wing, who are ou talking about?"


"What about Mallory?"

"Dive, we've been dating for awhile, without saying anything. I wanted to tellyou, but she wanted to keep things quiet about it for a while longer."

"You, and Mallory, devil-woman herself?"

"Don't call her that."

"Okay," apologized Dive, " I'm sorry."

At that moment, Grin walked in. He looked at the two brothers, aware omething big had just happened. He decided to make his annoucement and get out of the room.

"VC has calmed down somewhat. She is asleep in her room for the moment. I shall keep an eye on her."

He walked out of the room, leaving the two brothers to their discusion.

Meanwhile, in the Cell---

Duke's head jumped up as he heard footsteps in the hall.

"Tanya, Mallory, get up we got company."

The girls were up instantly. As the footsteps got closer, everyone in the room tensed. Duke stepped in front of Tanya, determined to protect her. Mallory prepared for a fight.

The three ducks were surprised to see a man of about forty,standing in front of them. Behind him, they saw sbout twenty guards armed with weapons.

"Who are you and what do you want with us?" demanded Duke.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Doctor Bernard J. Hensel. I am the lead scientist here at Gene Co. industries. You are now property of this company. You have been brought here so we can perform our tests and study your unique atributes."

"You can't do that." was Duke's reply.

"Oh but I can and I have." Dr. Hensel snapped his fingers and in marched the twenty or so guards from the hall. Before anyone even knew what was hapening the three ducks had been manhandled and shoved to the ground.

"Oww, your hurting me!" cried Tanya.

"Leave her alone!" shouted Duke.

"Shut up," said a guard as he hit Duke over the head with the butt ot his gun. The guards picked up the ducks and dragged them out of the cell. As they left,one guard stayed behind.

"What do you want us to do with them after inspection?"

The Doctor thought a moment. "Put the red-head in a cell by herself. Keep the blonde, I have the perfect test to start with. When its over, we'll put her in with the male. I'm intersted in seeing their social interactions with each other. Oh, and take care of the male, I know what he's capable of."

As the ducks were pushed down the halls, they saw room after room of equipment that to say the least didn't looked comfortable. Finally, they stopped in front of one of the large metal doors. The three ducks were pushed inside. They were then eached taken to three seperate smaller rooms, bonded to a wall, and forced to go through inpection.

While all this was going on, VC was sitting in her room, waking up after having cried herself to sleep.

(Dad, where are you? Why won't you answer me?) Right at that moment VC got the worst headache she had ever had, like a nail had been smashed through her head. She screamed.

The others came rushing in, panicked. "V, what's wrong?" Dive asked.

"It's gone," she whispered.


The pain in Duke's head was excrushiating. Whatever they had done, it hurt. He blacked out shortly after they started. When he awoke later, he expected to find himself in another dark cell. Instead, he found himself in something resembling a hospital ward. The walls were sterile white, the floor was cold and hard, and it even smelled like a hospital. But he could tell this was no hospital, it was a lab.

On one of the walls, was a large mirror which Duke could tell was actually one of those two way mirrors. There was a small cot placed on the farthest corner of the room with a pile of blankets. The door was thick and made of steel. The lights were intensily bright.

Duke started to move and recredited it immedietly, because their was an immense pain in his arm. Almost immedietly, he could tell it was broken, and to make matters worse, it was the hand he used to pick a lock with. Damn it! Then he remembered the inspection and that devise they had used. The link! He needed to try it.

(VC, answer me!) He heard nothing and he knew the link had been severed. If they did this to him, then what did they do to the others, TANYA!. Duke decided he would no longer be quiet.

"Who are you, what do you want with us?" No answer.

"What are you doing? Where are the others? Where's Tanya and Mallory? Say something, I want to know!" Still no answer. Duke was about to say something again when he heard the most blood curdling scream, and his heart stopped.

In a lab~

She hadn't meant to do it. She had promised herself she wouldn't cry or scream. But, this hurt so much. They'd brought her here after inspection, which in itself had been painful, treating her like an animal. Then, she was dragged from the room, to this labratory, where she was locked to a table.

Some might have called this irony or poetic justice, a scientist, has now become the lab rat. A man in a white coat approached her. Tanya tried to talk, but the words didn't come out right. He placed a small metal box on the side of her head, a neutron recorder, she realized, a devise that measures the activity in the brain.

The man never said a word, but went over to a table where he picked up a needle and filled it with some type of chemical. he then turned to Tanya, and injected the chemical into her system, then walked over to the computers.

At first she felt nothing, then slowly, there was this burning sensation, and it kept getting worse and worse until she feltlike she was on fie. Everything was burning, she closed her eys, trying not to cry, then their was a head ache, slow at first, then it too got worse. Finally, he couldn't help it, she screamed. The scientist said nothing, just watched the monitors. Finally, mercilfully, she blacked out, away from the pain and suffering.

Mallory was in her cell when she heard the scream. She'd seen them drag Tanya away but had not seen what had happened to Duke. After being thrown in a small cell. She kept pacing around the cell, yelling curses and flipping out, demanding answers.

Finally, she heard a voice in the room, coming from a small speaker in the room.

"I've already told you what your doing here. You are to be tested."

"Where are my friends?"

"The male is in a cell like you, but the other female, is already in one of the labs."

Then came the scream and Mallory felt like breaking something, Poor Tanya.

That scream was horrible for Duke,

"Tanya, Tanya!" he screamed, long after her screaming had stopped. Finally, he got quieter and quieter until it was only a murmur, "Tanya."

Right then, the door to the cell opened up and a large, muscular guard came in, he said nothing, only dropped something he was carrying and left. Duke ran to the door but missed. He went over to see what the guard had left, it was her!

He could say nothing as he gently carried her over to the cot and lay her down. He saw bruises on her face and streaks down her eyes. She had been crying. He wondered what else was wrong, he'd wait until she awoke.

"Sweetheart, what happened to you? What did they do to you? What are they doing to us?" He sat next to the cot, stroking her hair gently. He didn't know what was going on and he hated that.

Duke was a man who like to be in control of a situation. To know his life was not in his hands, to have no idea what was going on, was a very disturbing thing. Making matters worse was that not only was his life in danger, so was Tanya's and Mallory's. Since, he was the second in command, he felt a need to protect the others.

(Hmm, this must be what Wildwing feels everytime we're in danger.) he thought.

"Duke," whispered Tanya, "your back."

"I didn't go anyhere sweetheart. They took you."

She closed her eyes, tired and still somewhat in pain.

"what happened?" he asked.

"They took me to this room and put me on a table. A man, he, he, injected something into me. I didn't, you know, feel anything at first, but later, it started burning, more and more until I thought I was on fire. Then my head started hurting, Duke, what did they do to me?" she started crying, trying to bury herself away from the pain by clinging to Duke.

He moved up on the cot with her and held her until she cried herself to sleep. At first, he tried to stay awake, knowing he shouldn't leave them unprotected, her soothing body heat slowly crept over him until he too fell asleep.

Back at the Pond, things were awful. Wildwing was not only blaming himself for what happened but now worried for Mallory as well. VC had yet to say anything since announcing that she had lost the link. Dive sat around and did nothing, just stared at an empty tv screen. Even Grin was not his usual calm self. He seemed upset.

They had spent hours trying to come up with an idea on how to rescue the others, but none of the plans would work untilthey found Dragonus, and that was impossible. They had to wait for Dragonus to make his next move. It was almost midnight before anyone got any sleep. VC passed out on the couch, Nosedive slept next to her on the floor. Grin had been the only one to make it to his room. Wildwing sat at the table in the ready room, he couldn't sleep.

He felt so responsible, he should have seen it coming. He wasn't sure what was worse, not knowing what happened to the ones who had been captured, or watching the ones who remained suffer. And, Mallory, he missed her.

They had started going out as friends at first, not too long after Tanya and Duke had started dating.That whole idea had started a bit of a contriversey in the group. If he allowed everyone to start dating, would they be able to keep their minds on the mission. There were times when Tanya was put in very dangerous situations, and Wing, worried Duke wouldn't allow it.

After the entire thing had been settled after a long conversation, Wildwing started wondering about the rest of the group, and soon he and Mallory were dating. They'd kept it a secret for a long time. They didn't want anyone to know, they saw what happened when Tanya and Duke went public with their relationship.

Suddenly, Wildwing felt someone behind him. He turned and saw VC, looking at him.

"Hey V, you okay?"

"Yeah" she replied.

She sat down at the table, looked at him, and of all things, smiled.

"I've gotta ask you something Wing, its just been something I've suddenly had time to think about."

"What V,"

"Why? Why'd you let me stay?"

"Well, you are Duke's daughter,and you had no place other to go."

"That's it?"

"Well, maybe I thought you'd come in handy sometimes," he said trying to lighten the mood.

Back in the cells, Duke was awoken by the cries of the woman in his arms. She was whimpering, moaning, in pain. He rolled over and grabbed her shoulders, tring to wak her.

"Tanya, sweetheart, wake up"

"Ahhh!" she screamed, jumping up in her sleep.

"Hey, it's okay, your fine."

Tanya leaned against Duke and closed her eyes, waiting for her breathing to return to normal. Duke held her and waited for her to say something. Finally, she opened her mouth.

"When do you think the others will get here and save us?" she asked.

"I don't know, soon I hope."

Tanya laid her head on Duke's arm and despite the fact he tried not to, he let out a little yell. Tanya, startled, jumped off of him, and for the firt time since arriving, saw how beat up, he looked. His arm looked out of place, there was blood in his hair, and he had a dull look of pain in his eye, like he had a headache or something.

"Duke, what happened to you?"

"Inspection, they broke my arm so I can't pick a lock and they did something to my head. I can't hear or talk to VC anymore."

"What about this?" Tanya put here and up to his head and came away with some blood.

"Oh, that guards gun. When I get out of here, he's the second one I punch."

"The second?" Tanya asked questioningly.

"Yeah, the first is that Hensel guy for doing this to you."

"Yeah, well, I don't know about why Hensl keeps after us, but as for a guard, you should learn when to keep your beak shut. And as for him hitting you, can't have caused too much damage," she laughed tentivly and he gave in, even though he had a look of hurt dignity on his face.

The suddenly, they were brought back to reality when they once again heard the door open, and once again they saw the figure of Dr. Hensel and his guards. Duke instinctivly stood in front of Tanya, trying to protect her.

"Glad to see you enjoying your visit with us." he said.

"Yeah, we admire your hospitality." Tanya said from her position slightly behind Duke.

"Why, Miss Vanderflock, out of all the ducks here, I expected you to be the one most likely to understand. You are a scientist. Do not scientist test and study other living creatures." said the Doctor.

"Only on lower life form, and only to benefit the general population."

"Well, Miss Vanderflock, to me, you are lower life forms, and the tests we perform here, on you, will be used to help the human race." explained Hensel.

"Like what you did to her? How is that going to help the human race?" Duke asked, anger seeming in his voice.

"Oh, that, that was simply to test your level of pain tolerance. So we can figure out the dosage to give you. But for tonight, your done, I'll leav you some food, and tomorrow we'll start the real tests.

One guard came in with two trays and laid them down on the ground, the left with the others. The sound of the door closing echoed through the room. Tanya sat down on the cot. Duke went over to the food, trying to tell if there was anything in it. It seemed safe, so he brought the trays back to the cot.

Tanya moved closer to Duke as the two leaned against the wall.

"What are we going to do?" Tanya muttered aloud.

"Don't worry, I won't let them take you again, the others will get us tonight, I know it."

"I hope so"

In another cell, Mallory sat on th floor, wondering hat had happened to Tanya. True, her and Tanya had little in common, but since being stuck her on Earth, they'd become best friends. She also worried about Wildwing. She knew he would be blaming himself for all this like he always did.

There was also the fact that she loved him. That was something she would never voice aloud tot he others. But, he was so sweet and kind. She admitted that when Canard gave himself for the team, sh thought Wildwing would make an awful Captain. She thought it should have went to her, but now, she knows Wildwing was the best duck for the job.

She needed to get out of here and back to hm. Mallory sighed and got up to go sit on the cot in her room. Then she smelled something. It was a familair smell and suddenly she recognized it, gas. No!!!

It was late at night when Drake 1's alarm went off. Everyone was up in an instant. It was Dragonus. This was the chance they'd been waiting for. The team headed to the Migrator, bent on bringing home their lost team members.

They pulled up to the park where Seige and the Chamleon were firing at innocent civilians.

"Stick to the plan!" yelled Wing.

The ducks went to protect the poepl as they made there get away. It took a feww moments for the people to clear out. As soon as they were done, the ducks went to look for Siege and Chamleon.

"I hear something" yelled VC as she headed into the woods.

"V, come back here!"

There was a muffled scream and then Wraith's voice. The trio thought that the reamining ducks would come after their lost team mate, but surpirisingly, the ducks just left.

"Something is not right," said Wraith.

"Who cares, lets just get rid of her."

In the Migrator, the remaing ducks gathered around.

"They took the bait. VC's homing device is well concieved and it's strong so we should have no problem finding the signal. Let's go."

"The Avarian, she's all yours Doctor."

"She'll make a fine test subject."

In the lab, VC went through the same inspection as the others and they didn't find the device. The men dragged her through the halls and finally put her in a cell. It was somewhat dark but her eyes adjusted.

"Who's there?" asked a voice.

"Dad!" she yelled as she recognized the voice.

"V, your okay! What are you doing here?"

"Saving you."

"Well, your doing a great job," he said sarcastily.

"Tanya's sleeping on the cot and we haven't seen Mallory since we were first brought here."

"Well, you'll see her soon."


The wall in the control room exploded as the Migrator plowed through the building. The three ducks jumped out and began firing. The security guards grabbed their guns and returned fired. But they were not used to being the ones attacked. They were used to inflicting the pain and fear and the scientists were no help, they ran.

In one of the labs, Mallory lay, unconcious on a table, Dr. Hensel over top of her with a scalpel. When he heard the explosion, he left the room with two guards posted outside. These ducks were ruining everything, he'd ,make them pay for this.

The ducks ran down the hall, following the homing becon planted on VC. The finally came upon a closed door. The fired at it and inside the cell the saw VC and a very beat up Tanya and Duke. No Mallory though.

"Where is Mallory?"asked Wing on the verge of panic.

"We haven't seen her." said Duke as he, Tanya and VC ran out. The group began to search the lab, looking everywhwere, they came across to guards standing outside a door.

"I bet she's in there." said Dive.

"That's one of the testing labs," said Tanya.

"We need a distraction or the others will know we're here in a second." said Wing.

"I got it," volunteered v, before anyone protested. She ran out to see the guards.

"Hey, losers, over here!" the guards took one look and began to fire at her, chasing her down the hall.

The others went to the room. Inside they saw machines on all sides and tools that looked like they belonged in a horror movie. Duke pulled Tanya a bit closer. His anger boiled even more. No one should ever do this to any living thing.

On one of thetables lay an unconcious Mallory. The others gathered round as Wildwing picked her.

Meanwhile, VC was being chased by about six guards when she came a cross a small room. Ducking inside, she watched the guards pass her. She turned around to catch her breath and found herself in a room with a single control panel. There was a display board and on it, she saw numbers, numbers counting backwards.

"Uh, oh" she whispered.

The other ducks were heading to the Migratorwhen Duke stopped.

"We gotta wait for VC."

"No you don't," yelled VC as she ran around the corner, "now run!"

The others took her word for it and high tailed it to the Migrator and suddenly, the building behind them exploded. The others looked at VC acusingly.

"I didn't do it, I just saw it. Now Dad, you and Tanya come back here so I can check you guys out. And Wing, bring Mallory."

Three Days Later....

Tanya and Duke lay together on his bed, reading a book together. They'd been taken out of the line up for about two weeks. Duke had a broken arm and a concussion. They're been a bit of internal bleeding and he had broken rib. Tanya faired a bit better. The test they preformed her seemed to have no lasting affect. She was a bit bruised and battered but mentally, she was worse. It would take a long time for her to cope with what had happened to her.

Both VC and Duke's headache went away after some time, but the link, as far as anyone could tell, was permently severed. No one was sure what they had done, but it had worked.

Tanya wasn't allowed in her lab until the two weeks were up so she couldn't try and find out. Duke wasn't allowed to even go near his saber, VC made sure. So the two were curled up with a good book. Of course they only got a few pages before they would break out into laughter. No one but them was sure why, but they seemed to be having fun.

In another room, Wildwing and Mallory were talking about their relationship and what they wanted of it. Mallory even told Wildwing about her breif relationship with Canard. Mallory was okay for the most part, just a scrathc or two.

Up on the ice, Grin, Nosedive, and VC were playing around with the puck, passing to each other and suck. It'd be a few weeks before th ducks would be back in the NHL and they intended to enjoy their break. In a few weeks, the tam would be back to normal, well, as normal as six alien ducks and one Avarian can ever be.

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