Giving Thanks

Disclaimer: The general stuff, VC belongs to me, the Ducks belong to Disney. I am making no money at all.

Note: I know its a few days late, but I wanted to fix it before it went up. Its not long, just something small til the next update.

Dear Journal,

November 24

Humans celebrate some weird holidays. I've already went through the one where they throw explosives ito the sky, and the one where all the kids dress up and go door to door. Even my Dad and most of the other ducks got into that one. They all dressed up and went to a costume party. They were kinda funny.

But today's holiday has to be the wierdest of them all. They all sit down and eat, just to commemerate a bunch of people in bad clothing landing on some rock. Humans will look for any excuse to have a get together.

Anyway, Phil left for the week to go spend this holiday, which he called Thanksgiving, with his sister and her husband. So, I figured we wouldn't bother with this holiday, but no, that would be too simple. I wake up this morning and find Wildwing in the kitchen cooking. And I mean alot. Of course, I had no idea what was going on so I stroke up a conversation with him. It went like this.

Wing: Good Morning VC

Me: Morining Wing, what ya cooking so early for? I didn't sleep that late."

Wing: Phil says this turkey needs to cook for twelve hours (I don't know who long these things really cook for, I'm guessing) So I've been up awhile getting everything ready.

Me: Uh, that's all well and good, but why are you cooking so much, and something so special like turkey?

Wing: It's Thanksgiving.

Me: Don't tell me you fell for that Pilgrim balony too? It's ridiculous.

Wing: I think its a good idea, a nice celebration.

ME: Whatever, I'm going out.

Wing: Be back at five, dinner's then.

Me: Fine

I left the kitchen in a hurry. I couldn't believe Wing fell for that stuff. I always figured he was pretty sensiable. I all knew was I neede to get out, so I went to find someone to go with me. I knew Mallory was out of the question, she and I still weren't on 'friendly terms'. Even after I saved her butt a number of times. Grin was meditating and probably wouldn't be done for a while. Dad and Tanya were out somewhere, running errands for Wing. That left me only one possiable companion. Damn it, I hate him!

"Nosedive!" I called in my sweetest voice possiable.

"Whatever it is no!" was his response.

"Even a trip to the mall, okay , I'll take Grin or someone."

"Did you say mall?" Dive said lightly, "Girlfriend I am always up to a trip to the mall."

"Then lets go already."

So, we went to the mall. I admit, Dive makes one hell of a shopping partner but I just can not stand that boy at all. And if I see one more tabloid with him and me on the cover saying we have a relationship. Im going to kill someone, Probably him.

We were just about to leave the mall when I saw a girl sitting in the alley behind Captain Comics. She looked about my age, but dirty, and her clothes were ripped to peices.

"hey Dive, why don't you go in Captain Comics, I'm gonna get a soda, K?"

He didn't even reply as he ran off into the store. That boy loves his comics.

I approached the girl in the alley. She started to turn and run.

"Wait, stop. I don't wanna hurt you." I said.

She turned and looked at me. It hit me immediatly. This girl had the body of a teenager but the eyes of an old lady. They were filled with hurt pride, lost love, pain, and suffering, most of all betrayal. I knew this girl had seen more loss and suffering then most people ever would.

"I'm VC. What's your name?"

She looked a little nervous, the answered, "Gina"

"Gina, nice name. What are you doing out here on Thanksgiving? Where's your family?"

"I don't got no where to go for Thanksgiving. No family. They died."

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Its alright." she replied.

"You live in Anahiem?" I asked.

"I live where ever I move a lot. Go where I want to. Just me."

I had nothing left to say so I turned to leave, then I turned back to her. I pulled some money out of my pocket and handed it to her.

"Here's forty bucks. Enough to buy a dddecent meal and get a bus ticket to your next stop. Maybe you'll find what your looking for there."

I ran before she could say anything. And I crashed straight into my father of all people.

"Hey,V, slow down. What are you doing here? You'll be late for dinner." he said.

"I know, I'm heading back as soon as I get Dive out of the comic store."

"I think Tanya just got him out. Let's meet them and head back to the Pond." He put his arm around my shoulder and we headed towards Tanya and Dive. I looked back once to try and see Gina, but she was gone. Hopefully she'll fiond what she was looking for. And for me, this stupid holiday started to make sense. Giving thanks for what you have and those you love, what a great idea. Gina had no one to thank, but I sure had a lot.

That night at dinner, Wing suggested we each takes turn saying what we were thankful for. They went like this.

Wing: Thankful for the team, Mallory, for everyone beliving in him and never giving up, and for all of remaing safe and together even after so many close calls.

Mallory: Thankful for the team, Wildwing, learning to forgive and roll in her temper a bit, and for the friendships shes had a chance to make here.

Dive: Thanks for his brother, his buddies, and his comics.

Grin: Thanks for meditation crystals, his fellow team mates, and his inner peace

Tanya: Thankful for Duke, and VC, and the rest of her teammates, for patience and understanding she's been taught and given back, and for not having to rebuild anything in the Pond for the past month.

Duke: Thankful for VC coming to Earth and giving him a second chance, for Tanya for loving him, for beginning a chance to prove himself a good person, and for Mallory learning to control her temper.

Me: For my Dad and Tanya, and the rest of my new family, for being brought to Earth so I could get a new start and for all of us being together and happy today and for the rest of our lives.

Then we ate. I don't think I'll ever know what happened to Gina, but I hope she's happy. I know I am


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