Part 1

Disclaimer: I hate doing these things but here ya go. Any of the mentioned Ducks are not mine. They belong to Disney. I'm not making any money off this. I'm just doing it for fun and because Disney canceled the show (or a least won't make any new eps. Damn them!) The story and concept is mine. VC is also my property as well as anything associated with her such as her mother or home planet. If you want to use her, make sure you ask me first. I'll most likely say yes, but I'd like to be asked. It makes me fell loved.

And now the story.

A Family Reunion Part 1.

16 years ago

The young woman ran through the streets of Puckworld. She knew she had to find shelter. There was no way for her to blend in with the rest of the people on here. She was not one of them. She had no feathers or beak. She was not from this planet or even this dimension. Up ahead, she saw a dark alley. That would be perfect.

She turned into the alley praying her pursuers would not follow her. As she tried to catch her breath, she heard footsteps getting closer to her. She began to panic. Looking down at the bundle in her arms, she made a decision that broke her heart. She spotted a dumpster farther down the alley.

She ran to it and looked down at the bundle. After pinning a note to the blanket, she left quickly. She didn't get very far before someone grabbed her arm.

"Where do you think your going?" asked one of the male ducks.

"Let go of me!!" the woman yelled.

"I don't think so. Where's the kid?" asked the other male duck.

"She's gone. I'll never let any of you have her. Never!" said the woman on the verge of tears.

"The boss is not going to be happy. Guess we'll just have to take care of you and then see if we can find the kid or not."

The woman's screams broke the night time silence and caught the attention of a young 18 year old Duke L'Ornage. He had been sitting on the roof of one of the old buildings that no one used anymore. It was normally a quiet place where he came to think. After hearing the scream, he decided to go check it out.

As he jumped down into the alley, he heard a small cry. It had come from a nearby dumpster. Walking up causiously, he drew his saber. He saw a small moving, bundle of blankets. He reached down and removed the blanket. It turned out to be a baby.

It was a little girl, but that was all Duke could tell. She looked like nothing he had every seen before. She was not from this world, that was for sure. She had no feathers or a beak or webbed feet. He saw a note attached to the blanket. He picked it up and read it.


This is my child. Her name is Verenes Constance. I have had to leave her for reasons that I can't disclose. She is not of your race. I was brought here a few months ago, as an experiment by some scientist on you world. Your governemnt has never told you of this experiment. The child and I are from a planet known as Averia. Please, do not let them get my child back. She will be put through the same awful test that I was subject to. Possibly worse. Please take care of her. Thank you.

Signed--- her mother.

That was it. Duke was not sure what to do. He knew what project the woman in the letter was referring to. The experiment was known about by the Brotherhood, however a child was never mentioned. He knew what the woman had said was true. If the child was sent back, she would be put through many tests. However, Duke couldn't think of a place to take the child that wouldn't involve the government. Unless....

He knew this might bring him a lot of trouble but it was the child's only chance and he had to take it. He would bring her back to the Brotherhood, maybe, she would be able to stay. If not, they'd find some place for her. With that thought, Duke picked up the child and walked back into the shadows.

Earth- Present (The ducks have been on Earth about 5 years)

It was a late night in Anaheim. The ducks were resting after a long day of avoiding Phil and practicing for a big game the next day.

Drake 1's alarm sounded through the Pond. The Duck's hurried into the ready room. Tanya sat down and began to type at the keyboard with lightening speed.

"What's wrong this time?" asked Wildwing.

"Drake 1's picked up some kinda weird teleportation signature. It's coming from the indutrial district," explained Tanya.

"Well," said Duke,"what are we waiting for, an invitation. Let's go."

The Ducks headed towards the Migrator. In no time at all they were on the road, heading towards the industrial district. Soon they were surrounddedd by a bunch of abandonded warehouses. They exited the Migrator caustiously, not sure what might be whating for them in the shadows.

"According to Drake 1, this is where the energy field appeared." said Tanya.

"Very good my dear lady, ashame that won't help you much now," said an all too familair British voice.

"Falcone!" shouted all the Ducks.

"Nice to know you remember me. But, I'm still going to have to eliminate you. I need that teleporter you just used."

"What are ya talkin' 'bout Falcone, we ain't got no blasted teleporter." shouted Duke.

"I believe your lying Duke, so I'll just kill you and then search you." replied Falcone.

"How ya gonna kill us? We out number ya you sorry excuse for a feather pillow!" shouted Nosedive.

"Well, that's simple. I plan to do it like this." Falcone said as he snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, an army of Hunter drones appeared on all sides of the Ducks. It didn't take long before the Ducks were in the heat of battle. Duke began slashing away at the drones with his saber. Tanya used her omnitool to defeat her oppenets. The others were blasting away with their puck launchers. The drones were easy to defeat.

In short time, the drones were no more. Unfortunatly, during the battle, Falcone had disappeared. The Ducks regrouped, trying to figure out what had happened.

"He thinks we created the energy field." said Mallory.

" Which most likely means he didn't. And those Hunter drones means he is working with Dragonus again. So we can also count him out. " said Wildwing.

"Well, who else could have created it?" asked Duke.

"Let's split up and search for clues," ordered Wildwing.

The Ducks split up and began to search around. Mallory began to wander around towards the nearby alley. She soon found a set of tracks that lead straight back into the alley. She followed them. At the end of the trail, Mallory found something very unexpected, the comotose form of a young teenage girl.

Mallory knelt by the girl's side and felt for a pulse. She was relieved when she found one. Mallory looked at the girl carefully. She seemed to be about 15 or 16. She had dark brown hair which was pulled into a pony tail.

What was interesting about the girl was what she wore. She had on battle gear similar to Duke's. She also had, what Mallory assumed was a saber, attached to her shoulder. The girl's saber was just like Duke's except it was silver instead of gold.

Mallory decided it was time to share her discovery with the others. She raised her teammates on her com.

"You guys might want to come here and see what I found." she said.

In no time at all, most of the Ducks were there. Tanya was checking the girl's vitals. Finally, Duke ran up to the others. Being at the other end of the area, it took him a minute to get there.

"So what Mal find?" he asked.

"That," said Wildwing as he pointed to the girl.

As Duke followed Wildwing's fingers, his jaw dropped open and he starred in shock.

Then he whispered, so softly the others almost didn't hear him.


"You know her?" asked Wildwing.

"Yeah," said Duke,"she's my daughter."

Later in the Migrator:

The ride back to the Pond was a quiet one. The girl remained unconsious and Duke sat by her side. Tanya believed the girl had passed out from exhaustion and that she would be alright but that did little to ease Duke's fears.

He looked at the other Ducks. They all seemed to be off in their own worlds, no doubt trying to understand what they had just heard. Duke knew when they got home he was going to be faced with a million questions. Right now, he was trying to answer a few of his own and having no such luck.

Why was VC here?

How did she get here?

How was he going to explain this to the others?

How much should he tell the others?

He guess he'd just have to find out the answers to those questions later because before he knew it, they were home. Grin took the girl to the infirmary and Tanya followed close behind. Before Duke could turn to go with them, Wildwing stopped him.

"Guess I should explain?" he said.

The remaing Duck's all headed towards the living room where they were meet by Grin. Tanya had choosen to stay with VC in case anything happened. The Duck's all sat down and waited patiently for Duke to begin. He looked around for a minute and then decided to just bite the bullet and explain everything.(Or almost everything)

"Okay, VC is not my real daughter. When she was real little I found her in a dumpster on Puckworld. She was abandoned by her mother. Her mom really had no choose in the matter, she had been killed. Anyway, I took the girl to the Brotherhood. We knew she would have no place else to go so we kept her. She was taught just like any other member. She was amazing and moved up the ranks very quickly. Even though she was raised by almost all of us, she was always considered my daughter."

The other Duck's looked puzzeled for a moment and Duke knew their were plenty of questions about to be asked.

Wildwing was the first to speaak up.

"Where was she from? I mean like what planet? And why couldn't you just send her to an orphanage?"

"Well, that's where it gets interesting. You see her mother was brought from a planet known as Averia. She was the first successful subject to be moved from one dimension to another via some new technology created on Puckworld. Her mom was brought to Puckworld, and while trying to get free, she died. The Brotherhood knew about the experiments. When I found the girl, I knew if we got the government involved, then she would end up in the same testing facility as her mother. The only place she was safe from the media and the government was in the Brotherhood." Duke explained.

The other Duck's looked a little more shocked and then looked at Duke. He hated beening starred at. Wildwing noticed how fidgety he was. He decided any further questions could wait until the girl was up and it was known that she would be okay.

"Duke, I know she's your...daughter. (Boy did that ever feel weird!) But, we don't know much about her or at least how she got here. So until she is awake and can answer our questions, someone should be there to guard her. You can go see her now." Wildwing said.

Duke left the room silently as the other Duck's began talking to each other as if to make sure they had all heard right.

"That sounds way weird." said Nosedive.

"Yeah. I never pictured Duke the father figure." said Mallory.

"I don't think any of use really did.",said Wildwing,"until she's up, we'll take shifts in the infirmary to watch her. We don't know what she's been through or what she'll do when she finds herself here. We'll let Duke have the first watch."

The infirmary

Duke walked up quietly to his daughter's bed in the infirmary. She looked as if she was in a deep sleep. The last time he had seen her sleeping was the night before he had joined the resistance and agreed to fight Dragonus.

"She's gonna be fine Duke." said a very calm, sympathetic voice.

"What's wrong with her, Tanya?" he asked.

"Well, she's exhausted. It uh, seems to me like she hasn't had sleep in days. Give her a uh, little time and should be up and around just like new." explained Tanya.

Tanya looked over at Duke and noticed that he was no longer paying attention to her but rather to the comotose form laying on the bed. She knew he wouldn't be convinced until VC woke up. Tanya sat down next to Duke and tapped him on the shoulder.

"So, you, uh, gonna tell me about her or not?" asked Tanya.

Duke took a deep breath and told his tale again. When he was finished, Tanya didn't look as shocked as the others. When Duke mentioned this, Tanya looked at him.

"I knew Puckworld did those type of experiments," said Tanya, "but I'd never known about that one. People think Puckworld was a perfect society, but uh, we were far from it. At times even we can be monsters. The uh, more important thing is that we aren't always."

She said that last remark as she looked at Duke thoughtfully. He smiled back. Somehow, he wasn't as worried anymore.

"So, is Wildwing gonna let her stay?" asked Tanya.

"We didn't bring that up. I figured we might as well wait until she's up." said Duke.

"Well, I have some work to do but you can call me if anything happens." said Tanya.

With that, Tanya headed over towards the computer, most likely to try and sort things out. She found she worked better if she tried to type it all down. Duke once again looked at VC. This time, he smiled. His daughter was back with him and this time he was going to make sure they stayed together.

It had been 24 hours since VC had been found. The ducks took turns watching her. Right now it was Mallory's turn. She was very bored and couldn't wait for her shift to end.

She was kind of out in her own little world, not paying attention to VC's form. The girl had not awaken yet. Tanya expected her to wake up soon. Mallory was so far lost, that she didn't notice the VC's eyes opening.

VC opened her eys caustiously. She surveyed her surroundings. She was in a room with white walls and lots of equipment. She assumed it was a hospital.

'Oh no,' she thought. 'They've got her again. The transport must not have worked.' She couldn't allow them to start the tests again. She just couldn't.

It was then that she realized there was a female duck sitting next to her. The duck seemed not to be paying attention to VC. VC had never seen this guard before. She must be new. Easier for VC.

VC looked aorund once more and saw the door was wide open. They must be gettin sloppy. The female duck still seemed to be out there. VC decided she should make her move now.

Before Mallory even realized that VC was up, the girl jumped off the bed. Mallory was a little shocked by the girl's quick actions. Then before she knew what happened, VC lashed out and punched Mallory right in the eye.

Mallory fell back with a yell. She covered her eye with her hand. She was angry now. No one punched her and got away wih it. She looked up to try and find the girl but she was gone. Instead the other ducks were there.

They looked around at the mess now in the infirmary. Mallory stood up and waited for Wildwing to ask for an explaination. She was going to kill that kid and Duke too if he got in her way.

"What happened? Where's the girl?" asked Wilwing.

"I don't really know. She just juped up and punched me in the eye. When I looked again, she was gone."

Mallory removed her hand from her eye. The other Ducks gasped when they saw a very large bruise developing. No one punched Mallory, or at least not any one who wanted to live.

The ducks turned to look at Duke but relized he was gone.

Meanwhile, VC had managed to find her way into the living room. This place was nothing like any of the other facilities she had been in. It had a living room, kitchen, and normal bedrooms, nothing like the prisons she had formally been in.

She looked around for an exit but couldn't find one. She couldn't even find any windows. This place must be underground she thought.

"The elevators over there." said a very familar voice. But it couldn't be, he was gone.

VC turned around. Sure enough, there stood a tall grey duck. He moved into the light. VC had a shocked look on her face until the duck said something.

"Hi VC" said Duke.

"DAD!" shouted VC as she ran to him.

He embraced her warmly and tightly. She returned the embrace.

"It's nice to see ya again kiddo. Now how about you tell me what happened." said Duke.

"Uh, actually, I think I would like an explaination first. I'm really confused. Why are you working for the center?" asked VC.

"The Center? What are you talking about. VC, your on Earth with me and the rest of the strike team, didn't you know?"

Slowly a smile appeared on VC's face.

"That means it worked, it really worked!" shouted VC.

"What worked?" said a voice from the hallway.

The other ducks stood in the doorway, minus Mallory. Wildwing knew better then to let her see the girl right now. There was a good chance she might kill her.

"Um, hi!" said VC.

"I think this is going to take a lot of explaining" said Duke.

"Wonderful" said VC saractically.

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