
By Becker Wein

Disclaimer: Lucasfilm owns all of the characters involved in this fan fiction. I make no claims to them and wrote this only for my own enjoyment. I am making no money off this story.

PLEASE GIVE FEEDBACK!!! I love feedback, I crave feedback, I continue to live only in hopes of getting feedback.

"Right now I think we need you more than ever, Wedge," Tycho Celchu argued. "Rogue Squadron just got back on active duty after Thyferra."

Commander Wedge Antilles stared back at his friend and second-in-command. "Rogues are tough. Even Iceheart conceded that." He paused, considering. "These guys, they aren't like that. They can't get back on track without help. Some of them just made a few mistakes and need a chance to redeem themselves."

Tycho wasn't satisfied. Just a few months ago, he had fit into the category of pilots Wedge was talking about. Well, not really, but most people thought he did. The captain got into his problems after being caught on a covert intelligence mission to Coruscant. The people Wedge wanted to make a new squadron out of had gotten themselves into this mess. Tycho didn't want the Rogues to lose their best pilot to a bunch of screw-ups. "Anyway, Wedge, you know you'll never get approval from Admiral Ackbar to go ahead with this project."

Wedge grinned, and Tycho groaned, knowing he was defeated. "Too late! I talked with the admiral today. We're going to get the next twelve X-Wings that come in. You command the Rogues, with Hobbie, and Janson and I get the... umm... screw-ups."

"Sithspit, Wedge! How did you talk Ackbar into this?"

Wedge lost the joyful tone in his voice as he answered. "We made a bet. If the squadron goes operational in three months, I can stay with them, go back to the Rogues, whatever. But if they don't," Wedge paused, gathering the strength to continue. This was pathetic. Wedge Antilles, hero of the Rebellion, the only man with two Death Star silhouettes on his canopy, was terrified of a promotion. "But if they don't, I'll be promoted to a general working behind a DESK!"

Tycho endeavored valiantly to stifle a laugh, but it sneaked out anyway. "I-I'm sorry, Wedge," he gasped once he could talk, "but the look on your face was priceless! I wish I had a holorecorder! And then, the thought occurred to me; you'll be working with people no one else wants. One of them is bound to have a warped sense of humour and he's gonna be around Janson, and, well..." The rest of Tycho's words were lost in another fit of uncontainable laughter.

Wedge narrowed his eyes, and tried to stare Tycho down, but the Alderannian had made a dreadfully accurate point about what having Janson in the new squadron was liable to be like. Of course, the leftover giddiness from getting Corran Horn back from the dead, clearing Tycho's name by discovering the real Rogue Squadron spy, and defeating Yasanne Isard combined with Tycho's laughing made seriousness impossible. And since there was only two days before Wedge left Rogue Squadron, perhaps for good, he abandoned the Rogues' seven-year-old philosophy of always achieving the impossible, and let himself laugh.

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