Chapter TwoRogue Squadron: The Early Years

By Alan B. Pechman

[email protected]

Chapter Two

The chime warbled a mournful sounding tone, snapping Biggs out of his bored

trance. He immediately became alert and checked all system on his X-wing

starfighter. Although his astromech droid did most of the system checks, he

never took it for granted. He remembered a saying from his instructor at the

Imperial Naval Academy: "The pilot that takes things for granted is a dead


Biggs noted all systems were fine and operational.

He mused back again about the academy, specifically his instructor, Major

Soontir Fel. Fel was a brilliant pilot who Biggs could never beat and it had

rankled him greatly. He would then take his frustrations out on his roommate,

Derek Klivian, by constantly whipping the young pilot in the simulators. It made

him feel better while also making "Hobbie," as Klivian was called, a better


He and Hobbie had served together aboard the Rand Ecliptic after graduation. The

Ecliptic was a large Imperial Freighter that carried its own squadron of

Headhunter starfighters, an older cousin of the X-wing. It was called the Evader

Squadron and Biggs was its Commander. He also served as the Ecliptic's First

Mate and Hobbie was the ship's Executive Officer.

The Ecliptic's Captain was a Rebel sympathizer named Jarm Heliesk. Captain

Heliesk's whole crew was immensely loyal to him and all shared his rebellious

sentiments, including Biggs and Hobbie.

After taking on a large load of precious ore under the protection of the

Imperial Star Destroyer Relentless, the Ecliptic made a run for freedom, its

crew galvanized by her rebellious Captain. The Star Destroyer's escort TIE

fighters, led by none other than Soontir Fel, now a Colonel gave chase. When

Captain Heliesk ordered the aft auxiliary cargo hold's ore shipment jettisoned,

it caused a cloud of ore to screen her from pursuit. The Rand Ecliptic jumped to

lightspeed and escaped.

That seemed like ages ago and it really wasn't.

Biggs' astromech R2 unit, named Raider, automatically kicked the snubfighter out

of hyperspace. All systems were operational and he glanced to his left and

right. The other three X-wings of Red Squadron were where they were supposed to

be: Ahead of him was Red Leader and Red Two. Off his wing and slightly behind on

the right was Red Eleven. Kreg "Boon" Boosian had been designated as Red Four

until a rash of new recruits caused the squadron to have call numbers reassigned

to let the more experienced pilots help the new ones along. Biggs knew this

mission was very important and also knew that he and Boon worked well together,

a fact that Garven Dreis knew as well. The only reason Wedge was allowed to go,

as Dreis' wingman was that he was a hot hand with an X-wing.

"All craft report in," said Red Leader.

"Red Two, standing by."

"Red Three, standing by," said Biggs.

"Red Eleven, standing by, Dave."

Garven Dreis shook his head. These kids were something else. "Lock S-foils into

attack position boys, and set deflector shields even, charge 'em up to full

before we enter the asteroid belt. Biggs, you and Boon separate from us by four

or five klicks to starboard, your discretion, and maintain formation. Anything

out of the ordinary turns up gets reported before investigating. Clear?"

Three responding clicks of their radios confirmed Garven's flight's readiness.

"Execute," said Garven.

Biggs headed off to his right, Boon following his lead. A few small rocks were

all that was evident of the asteroid field this far out, but they had to be

reckoned with anyway. At the speed they were cruising at a small rock could

still penetrate the shielding and wreak havoc with an X-wing's armored hull.

Those rocks became larger and larger the closer in they got. Before they knew

it, Biggs and Boon were in the Graza belt.

They maintained a steady cruising speed that required few adjustments. Biggs

thought about contingencies relating to fighting in the belt. He certainly

didn't relish having to run full throttle in here, but knew he could if he had

to. Only a fool would do so without the proper forethought, he surmised.

"Raider, let me know if anything unusual comes up, and if it does, shoot the

telemetry to Boon and One flight as soon as possible." Biggs keyed his frequency

over to tactical. "Lead, this is Two flight, we've entered the belt and are


"Copy that, Two flight. Proceed as planned."

The asteroid belt itself was known to be a fairly rich one that was only

recently plotted by astrogation experts. It was too new for any big activity,

but Biggs knew it wouldn't be long before the oily tendrils of the Mining guild

and the Empire leeched whatever valuable ore there was from it.

The mining guild, in what dealings Biggs had with them aboard the Ecliptic, was

just as bad as any criminal organization. He wouldn't be at all surprised if it

were just a front company for the Hutts or Black Sun.

"Biggs, this is Boon."

Biggs looked over his right shoulder to see Red Eleven moving wide around a

large asteroid. "Go ahead, Boon, whatcha got?"

"My R2 is picking up some ionized fluxing in the Gamma range."

"Raider do you have that?" Biggs' R2 scrolled a negative across his translation

screen. "Boon, I don't have it."

Ion variations usually occurred when larger ships, or many smaller ones, passed

close by a magnetic field, such as the ones associated with these larger

asteroids. Given the reason they were here, Biggs switched his scanners to


"Boon, I'm switching scanners to tactical."

Just as he did, Raider activated his threat warning.

Multiple green laser bolts sliced the vacuum around Biggs' X-wing, several

scoring hits on his shields. Biggs slammed the throttle forward and went into an

inverted dive as more beams reached for him.

"Boon! I've got company!" Biggs rolled out of his dive, swerving recklessly

around two boulders the size of a city block. His pursuers continued to fire at

him frenetically. His shields were holding for now, but he knew he needed help.

"Boon, where the blazes are you?"

Biggs noted as he rolled and climbed that he had gained two Imperial TIE

fighters on his tail. As he rolled around the asteroid where Boon was supposed

to be he spotted two more TIE fighters, also called "eyeballs" by the Rebel

pilots, closing in on an intercept to him. There was no sign of Red Eleven and

Biggs didn't need any further prompting to guess what happened to his long time


"Red Leader, this is Red Three, I've got four, repeat, four eyeballs on me. I

could use a hand here."

"Biggs, you're gonna have to make do for a moment, son. We've got one very angry

Carrack class cruiser throwin' darts at us. Get out of there and execute Gamma

Escape as soon as you're clear."

Biggs realized he was in trouble with no help on the way. Since there were four

of them and one of him, he had to worry about survival. If he turned and fought

here in the asteroid field he might run out of room against the more agile TIE

fighters. He had shields and they didn't but that was more useful in open space

where he could see them coming.

"Raider, shunt all power from lasers to the aft shields. Leave the front shields

as is."

Biggs wove and dodged the hail of green death as best he could but they were

starting to take their toll on his shields with their steady barrage. He knew he

had to clear the asteroid field as fast as possible to execute the escape


He spotted a particularly large asteroid and dove right for it. The TIE fighters

easily maintained their pursuit and that was what he wanted. He was going to try

and use whatever small amounts of gravity the big rock had to sling him around

the other side in the hopes of opening up some distance between him and his


At the last possible moment he pulled up within meters of the large asteroid.

His fighter bumped hard as he realized the inertia from his dive must have

carried him a little too close to the asteroid surface. He glanced over his

shoulder and spotted one of the TIE's had tried to copy him but didn't pull up

in time and impacted with the asteroid in a gout of flame. One down, three to


The other three TIE fighters really began pouring on the fire now. He realized

that they were chasing him towards where Garven and Wedge must have been before

he made his dive. Now that he changed directions, they weren't going to rely on

the Carrack cruiser for help.

Biggs inverted his fighter scant meters above the huge asteroid's surface as he

crested a small peak. His breath caught in his throat at what he saw.

In a small rift were the remains of a Blockade Runner, its prow buried in the

asteroid surface, only it's aft two-thirds showing. It had to be the Anoat

Pride, he thought, and these fighters weren't corralling him, they were trying

to make sure he didn't reach this spot.

His battered aft shields dropped under the steady barrage and he immediately

rolled and allocated his remaining front shields to the rear. He knew they

couldn't last long enough for his R2 unit to repair the damage. He climbed away

from the asteroid and began the classic X-wing weave.

The weave was a maneuver the Rebel pilots used in open space when they were out

numbered and it gave their enemies a harder target to shoot at. In the Graza

asteroid field it was tantamount to suicide due to the already difficult chore

of maneuvering at normal speeds, let alone full throttle.

"Raider, shunt all available power, except life support to the engines, now!"

The R2 unit scrolled a message across the screen, which he had a hard time

diverting his visual scan to read while spiraling around a small asteroid. Green

beams continued to lance around him.

"Yes, even targeting. Leave me just enough to maintain fire control, though, but

cut the targeting energy, I won't need it."

The extra energy did increase his lead over his pursuers somewhat, but the agile

Imperial fighters were still faster and began to close again. But with speed

came reduced maneuverability as one TIE fighter found out. Its port solar panel

grazed the small asteroid Biggs narrowly missed and it careened off into a rock

the size of the doomed fighter. That left two. Biggs noted the asteroid field

was beginning to thin out as he raced towards open space.

He realized that he would stand a better chance in a fight with his lasers now

that he was in clearer space, but he had shunted all remaining power to his

engines and it would take a little bit of time to reinitialize his targeting

systems. It was time he wouldn't have.

Ahead of him was the somewhat large, out of place asteroid he and Boon had flown

past on their way in. He had an idea and dove for it. He didn't think the TIE's

would go for the same maneuver he had done previously, but they didn't need to.

His X-wing rocked as a green bolt hit his X-wing. He noted his speed decrease

somewhat and realized he must have lost an engine. The green bolts seemed to

intensify as he continued his death spiral towards the lone asteroid.

He thumbed the proton torpedo switch and waited until he looked to be within 200

meters of the asteroid, and fired. He stopped the spiral and pulled up hard. The

controls were a bit sluggish and he realized that last hit also took out some

maneuvering jets.

He pulled up just as the torpedo impacted with the asteroid. The resulting

explosion rocked his snubfighter and warning lights lit up all across his

control board. His fighter began to slow noticeably. It was then that he noticed

that the green bolts had stopped.

As his fighter drifted along at the momentum he had been carrying, he saw no

signs of the pursuing TIE fighters.

"Well, I'll be a smelly ol' Jawa, it worked!" The explosion from the torpedoes

had destroyed the TIE fighters but left him practically dead in space. His

diagnostic board showed only one engine working at half power and life support

working normally. All other systems were down. He looked over his shoulder and

noted that Raider, his R2 unit was busy extending various utility arms to get

some systems fixed and online.

He was clear of the Graza belt, but his craft was barely alive.

He began going through an emergency checklist when Raider's translation screen

came online. "How bad is it, Raider?"


"How long until I'm in ship shape?"

Major systems damage. Most systems will remain inert until repaired by

appropriate facilities.

"That bad, huh?"


"How so?" Biggs couldn't imagine what could be worse. A cold thought ran up his

spine and down into the pit of his stomach. He looked around wildly.

Off to his starboard, just emerging from the Graza belt, was the distinct oblong

profile of a Carrack class cruiser.

Biggs hammered the hyperspace lever.


"Raider can you get the hyperdrive online?"

Unknown. Attempting reinitialization.

Biggs knew that if Raider couldn't, he was dead for sure.

Two X-wing snubfighters burst into the silence of the Yavin system. Their worn

hulls were decorated with newly placed scarring from the fight they were in a

standard half-day ago. In short order two older Y-wing fighters flanked them;

their blocky forms cumbersome to the X-wing's sleek lines.

"Gold Leader to Red Leader, come in." The Y-wing pilot looked to port at the two

X-wings. They looked pretty beat up, he thought. He could see the X-wing pilot

turn his head and give a brief wave.

"Hiya, Dutch. Come by to see us home?"

Jon "Dutch" Vander, Gold Leader and long time friend of Red Leader Garven Dreis,

said, "Sure are, Garven. How's everything?"

"Oh…" Garven paused, exhaling. "I've seen better days, Jon. Thanks for the


Dutch knew Garven Dreis was lying. He knew Garven from the clone wars and had

even been his wingman at one time. If there was one thing a wingman knew

anything about, it was the mental state of their lead pilot. He could hear the

uneasiness in his longtime friend's voice.

Dutch did a quick system scan and outside of his own patrol fighters, the two

X-wings were alone. That could only mean Red Squadron had lost two more pilots.

Dutch shook his head. He didn't know which two they happened to be but he knew

it hurt just the same.

The four fighters headed to the fourth moon of Yavin where the Rebel Alliance's

main base was in silence.

Bob Hudsol was a gruff looking man with a gruff sounding voice that brooked no

dissention. He looked up from the flight logs on his data pad at the pilot

seated in one of the dilapidated pilot chairs. The briefing room was empty

except for the two men.

According to the logs, Garven Dreis' flight had found the missing Anoat Pride at

great cost. Although they were separated at a good distance, one of Garven's

missing pilots, Biggs Darklighter, had had the sense to have his astromech droid

send continuos telemetry to Garven's X-wing. That was in turn stored by his own

astromech for later review.

"Good work, Dreis. Thanks to your boys we can plan both an Op to retrieve the

goods off of that ruined 'Runner and maybe exact a little revenge on that

Carrack you and that Antilles kid tangled with."

"Gee, Bob, that's sure comforting to know. I'll be sure and include your warm

sentiments to the Darklighter and Boosian families. Whatever that damned ship

was carrying had better be worth the shoddy Intel we got to start the mission


Hudsol bit his lip, fighting back his fiery Corellian temper. He knew that these

pilots got real temperamental when they lost one of their own and with good

reason. It made him glad, though, that these pilots got these kinds of serious

wake up calls once and a while to realize that they were at war with an enemy

that wanted nothing more than to grind them to atoms. He sometimes felt that

these hotshot fighter types often lost sight of that fact.

"Look, Dreis, I'm sorry about those boys." Hudsol took a deep breath. "But they,

like you, knew what they were getting themselves into when they joined up and

the sooner those kids learn what's at stake here, the better."

Garven just stared at Hudsol, nodding ever so slightly in grudging


"What's on that ship, Bob."

Hudsol glanced down at his datapad as if searching for the answer that he

already knew and looked up at Garven. "A huge shipment of proton torpedoes. We

stole 'em from a transport that was on its way to the Cygnus corporation where

you can bet they were going on board those damned Imperial Assault Gunboats."

"Well there it is then." Garven stood and collected his flight helmet and


"I couldn't have said it any better," Hudsol stood as well. He leaned heavily on

the table. "Expect this recovery Op to go off by tomorrow or maybe even sooner.

I know your squadron isn't at full compliment but we got two rooks coming in

from the Yellow Aces tonight to fill in. At least you'll be able to put eight

X-wings into the operation with those two until your little group gets back from


"Well, shoot, I guess it'll do. We'll be ready, Bob." Garven turned and left the

briefing room. As he left Bob Hudsol straightened and switched his datapad off.

"You always are Garven, you always are."

Lieutenant Theron Nett swung his X-wing around in a lazy left turn past Yavin's

tenth planet, heading for deep space. On his scanner he noted Jek "Piggy"

Porkins had widened his position to him to about three kilometers.

Porkins was a relatively new member of Red Squadron having come in by way of the

Yellow Aces squadron from Tierfon base. He was a good pilot, as far as he could

tell, and a very good shot. Theron had heard that the Tierfon Yellow Aces put

out some quality pilots.

"Say, Piggy," Theron said. "I just received some news for you about the Yellow

Aces. Seems they just lost two pilots recently."

Even through the distortion on the radio Theron could hear the angst in the

rotund pilot's voice. "You don't say, Lieutenant. Any names?"

Theron noticed Piggy's fighter had closed the gap somewhat. "Yeah, some guy

named Janson and another named Chan." Leveling off from his turn, Theron

maintained straight and level flying.

"Janson?" There was a long pause before he spoke again. "Gee, that really burns

me, El-tee. Janson was a good friend. Chan must be a new guy, I don't recall


Theron flew on in silence for a minute before continuing. "Well, Piggy, you'll

be joining Janson soon enough. I guarantee it." Theron noticed Piggy's X-wing

get noticeably closer now. His S-foils were still closed so he knew he hadn't

really angered the younger pilot yet. He was trying to gauge the younger man's

reaction to bad news, coupled with jibes, to see how far he could push him. It

was something Theron was good at and he had theorized it made the younger pilots


"Hah hah, very funny there El-tee." He could here the growing anger in Piggy's

voice as the younger man continued. "I'll have you know that Wes Janson was a

damned good friend of mine, sir."

"Yeah? Is that so?" Theron bit sarcastically. He almost had him.

"Yeah, and as soon as we land, you and I can discuss this, I'm sure."

"Uh-huh, I see." Theron paused. "Well, in that case you'll probably be reuniting

with him at that time, then, Piggy."

"Is that right?" He could definitely tell he had finally struck the nerve he was

looking for.

"Yes. That's because he just transferred along with Wenton Chan into Red



"What part of that didn't you understand, Piggy. They flew in an hour ago."

"Hoooo heeeee, well I'll be a Horned Crab!" As if in empathy with his

exclamation, Piggy barrel rolled his fighter. "You know I'll get you for this,

sir. But thanks, that's great news!"

Theron smiled. It seemed the young pilot was fairly good-natured. He figured he

had to be since he was always kidded with about his weight. Living with the

nickname "Piggy" must've been a hard thing to deal with.

Jek "Piggy" Porkins eased off the throttle on his X-wing and began to slide back

to the position he held before Lieutenant Theron Nett began playing games with

him. Nett was tough for him to figure out because the taciturn pilot never

seemed to kid around about anything. Piggy was, by his own admittance, a fairly

mellow person until riled up. Getting him to that point did take a lot with but

one exception. If his family or friends' lives were at risk he became obsessive.

Piggy was from Bestine IV in the Bestine system. Growing up on the coasts of the

main continent, young Jek Porkins flew with his father on interplanetary hops

for a local interplanetary shuttle line. Berren Porkins, his father, would let

his only son fly on maintenance ferry flights that carried no customers. His son

had a knack for flying so upon Jek's fifteenth birthday his father bought him a

used T-16 Skyhopper.

The old tri-winged Skyhopper was in poor shape but it was all his father could

afford. The young Porkins rose to the challenge and apprenticed himself to a

ship's mechanic at the Bestine IV spaceport. Under the tutelage of old master

mechanic Wehn Furrmpo, Jek Porkins learned how to fix his old Skyhopper.

When not working and going to school, young Jek would fly the rocky coasts near

his home targeting the elusive sink crabs that were a bane to the local fishing

economy. The sink crabs would come upon schools of fish and grab what they could

in their oversized pincers and sink to the ocean bottom where they could devour

their prey. Jek became an expert shot by hunting the menace crabs.

Upon turning 19 years old the young Porkins signed up to be first mate on board

the Bestine Trading Company's free trader fleet. It wasn't long afterward that

disaster struck for the young man.

The Empire came to Bestine IV to establish a base. The government of that planet

opposed it. The Empire did not suffer rebukes well and, as it had done countless

times, moved an invasion fleet into the system and pounded it into submission.

In the planetary bombardment, Jek Porkins' family was killed.

When word of Bestine IV's massacre reached him, Jek immediately jumped ship and

sought revenge. He eventually hooked up with a rebel cell on Bestine IV and they

realized his talents were in flying and ship repair. He was then transferred to

a training squadron on the Outer Rim on the planet Tierfon. The training

squadron was called the Yellow Aces.

Through attrition against the Empire, Red Squadron, one of the young Alliance's

top squadrons, needed temporary replacement pilots until some seasoned veterans

could be transferred into it. Since Piggy had distinguished himself with the

Yellow Aces, he was sent to Yavin IV to act as a temporary pilot three months

previous. Although only a temporary pilot, Porkins soon proved his worth and

unofficially became part of Red Squadron.

"Red Ten, this is Base One, over." The comm traffic snapped Piggy from his

musings as he heard the main base calling Lieutenant Nett.

"Base One, this is Red Ten. Red Six and myself are standing by."

"Red Ten we have unidentified traffic at sector two seven by one thirteen. They

aren't squawking. Over."

Theron Nett recalibrated his scanners to active mode and turned to a heading

that would intercept the unknown craft or object. All spacecraft carried

transponders that identified them as friend or foe. The transponder sent out a

continuous pulse or "squawk" unique to its own identification. Only in hostile

situations did crews not want to squawk its code.

"Lock S-foils into attack position, Red Six. Base One this is Red Ten. Do we

have permission to engage?" He reached up and hit the lever that moved his

S-foils into attack position. The S-foils, or wings, split into the formation

that gave the X-wing its name.

Theron's scanners showed the unknown to be a blip about 16 kilometers distant.

It was colored red to indicate that it was a hostile; and until they could

positively identify it otherwise it would remain as such. Whatever it was, it

was small enough that he couldn't visually see it yet and he surmised that that

was a good thing. If the Empire was sending a probe it would be bad but at least

they would have time to evacuate their secret base on Yavin IV's moon.

"Affirmative, Red Ten. If the unknown cannot be identified as a friendly,

dispatch it with all haste. Base One is monitoring."

As the range to target indicator scrolled down, Theron had an idea. If this were

a hostile craft he wanted it to know they were there in order to spook it into

running. That way their active scanners could possibly get a read on it since

they couldn't do so already. To that end he switched his weapons system over to

Proton Torpedoes. He thumbed the selector to dual fire in case it was a hostile

target. "Piggy, switch to torps. I want to spook this thing."

"I'm right with you El-tee."

As they closed within five "klicks" as the pilots referred to kilometers, Theron

began to fixate with his eye at where he supposed the target to be. This was so

any and all movement would attract him and he could focus better on what it was

that was moving. It was a scan that veteran pilots used to get a jump on their

targets. The pilots that couldn't master it usually didn't end up among the

living for long.

At a little over four klicks, Piggy spoke up. "I've got it, El-tee. It's small,

either a probe or fighter."

Theron marveled at how good Piggy's eyesight was. "Great, Red Six, you've got

lead." Theron throttled back enough to let Piggy's X-wing advance just ahead of

him and off to port. At just over three klicks Theron spotted the unknown craft.

Whatever it was it moved very slowly. The little ambient light from Yavin's sun

glinted dully off its metallic hull. Theron's missile lock indicator began to

beep and at two klicks, he got a steady tone from his R2 unit indicating he had

a solid lock. At the speed they were closing the two X-wing fighters would be

upon the unknown craft quickly.

"By the deep blue sea, Lieutenant Nett, that's an X-wing!" Piggy's exclamation

rocked Theron with its content. He saw the younger pilot disengage in a steep

pull up and to starboard. Theron inverted and flew just over the now apparent

snubfighter. Piggy was right, it was an X-wing.

Theron cut his power back and turned to port in a tighter arc than his inertial

compensators could handle and felt his body tug against the seat restraints. He

rolled his fighter over again to remain with the relative "up" position of the

unknown X-wing.

It was moving rather slow and looked like it had been through a firestorm.

Panels were blown off the top port fusial engine, while the lower starboard

engine was all but gone. He could see the R2 unit swiveling its dome around and

began flashing light at him in sequence. As he got closer he could make out the

X-wing's markings.

Atop the wings were a red block on the leading edge towards the wingtip guns and

three red stripes that began at the center of the wing by its root and trailed

off the back of the wing. A Red stripe ran on either side of the fuselage and

Theron knew that not only was it a member of Red Squadron, but call sign Red

Three by the number of stripes. Which could only be one person.

Biggs Darklighter.

Theron's R2 unit translated Biggs' R2 unit's message. It said the craft was low

on power and cockpit was low on oxygen. As he watched, he could make out Biggs

struggling to lift his head and look over at him as he sidled his own X-wing up

next to Biggs' on a parallel heading.

Biggs' hand came up in a thumbs up sign.

Theron grinned and return the gesture. "Base One, this is Red Ten. The unknown

craft is Red Three and he's pretty badly damaged. Request Emergency Evac get

here immediately. I don't know how he did it, but he's here Base One."

"Base One copies all, Red Ten. Dispatching shuttle Renderra now. That's great

news, Red Ten."

"It sure is, Base One. It sure is."

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