Wedge: There seems to be a problem that requires my  attention. Apparently, Wes got into a fight with an Ewok. Must be too many Ewok jokes. I have some idea who the culprit behind the Ewok's presence is, but I stll have to investigate. Meanwhile, I will leave you with my sister and Fel to continue the tour. Dont let my sister's sometimes explosive beauty distract you. It's caused some ... situations...of blownup proportions.

Wynssa: Ha ha, very funny Wedge. My husband and I are very honored to conduct you on this tour. Where would you like to start?

Rogue Squadron
Ahh ... that most famous of squadrons (and the one my brother happens to be part of.) Many are their adventures, and this is definitely a place to see if you want plenty of danger and intrigue (and may I add handsome pilors and *Beep!* yes, Gate, great droids too.)

Wraith Squadron
The famous (or is that infamous?) screw-up squadron. Here you find all manner of warped or funny stories (courtesy of Wes Janson, who may someday tell you about all of his pranks on my brother.)

Other Squadrons
This is where all the other squadrons reside, whether they be X-wings, A-wings, B-Wings, Y-wings or captured TIE fighters.

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