Star Tours

The Droid Rooms

The following is an effort by David Tomita and Don Bertino to document the attractions at Disneyland - the Original (tm).

Check out other attaction scripts at and at The Bertino Disney Archives.

Any comments/additions/corrections would be welcomed.

(As we pass the Star Speeder and go into the next room, we see two
droids, a G219 droid working on an older droid, and a G214 droid
working the ticket/customs desk.  All pagings are heard at the same

G219: "These shutdown breaks are getting much too short.  Now, what
       have we have here?  Hmm, Hey, haven't I seen you before,
       seems like I am always fixing this burnout.  Oh, let's see
       now, no, no, that can't be right. Hmm...."

G219: "Hey, you there, ah excuse me?  Hello?  I am talking to you!
       Yes, you!  Are you very mechanical?  Well, I was just
       wondering if you could tell me where this goes?  See I wasn't
       really online when they where programing us for logic repair,
       usually I can figure it out but these old ACK 5 are kinda
       built backwards, you know what I mean?  Hmm?  No,
       you...don't...know...what...I...mean....  Well, don't worry,
       this isn't your navigator, No, I fixed him hours ago but
       thanks for trying to helping me out and, you have a nice day.
       I'll figure this out,....... eventually."

Female supervisor: "Attention please, attention please, there has
                    been a disruption in the labor output of droids,
                    sector 2, all work is to resume immediately, or
                    power disconnect with be initiated."

G219: "Oh oh, I better get back to work.  Oh, try to keep the
       moving folks, I am not programmed for dispatch.  You know,
       it's not polite to stare."

G219: "Now, was I suppose to weld that logic module positive to
       positive or negative to negative?  No, no I'm positive it was
       negative to positive, absolutely positive."

G219: "Hey, what are you all staring at?  Ohh, me!  You got cameras,
       why don't you guys take a picture, it will last longer.
       Geesh, alot of families here today.  Glad your flying with
       us.  You know, I like families.  Sure, I see alot of mine
       these days.  Oh look, there's Gus.  Hi, Dad!  Dad was the top
       Star Tours pilot.  Kinda took a crash course in
       StarSpeeders.... If you know what I mean.  Now he is a really
       basket case.  Yeap, that's him all over.  It's a shame too,
       really gone to pieces.  Hey, are you all together today?  Are
       you sure?  Ok, you have your orders then."  (???Not sure
       about this???)

Female supervisor: "Attention please, attention please, we are
                    experiencing unusual behavior in the G2 droids
                    in sector 2.  Maintenance units begin
                    surveillance of all sector 2, G2 droids."

G219: "I'm listening to KDROID, my favorite station.  This is the
       latest hit song, Danny and the Droids, it's called, 'I want
       to weld your hand'.  I love those robot-toe intro's.  Hey
       man, care to bogy?  You might peddle up your motions, your
       units are looking real hydraulic."

G219: (Singing) "'I've been working on the same droid, all my live
      long day.' hehehe, stick'em up.  I love the west.  It reminds
      me of my last home on Tatooine.  Hey, speaking of homes, how
      about taking me with you when you leave, will you wait for me?
      I get off work in a few years.  Pllleeeaassee?"

Female supervisor: "Monitor circuits continue detect a decrease in
                    production activities in droids sector 2.
                    Shutdown procedures will begin in 60 seconds,
                    unless output increases immediately."

G219: "You see, know your getting me in trouble.  That's what
       happen's when you talk to humanoid.  Always trouble.  I'm
       sorry, but I have to get back to work."

G219: "Hello, how are you?  I'm, ah, G219, fixit-bee labor droid,
       see my job is to fix the pilots and navigators for Star
       Tours.  It's a really neat job, I mean, I like it and you get
       to meet alot of really nice droids and,.... excuse me, excuse
       me?  you look awfully familiar, wasn't I in your service?  a
       long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away?  Oh, I guess not.
       You only have one head.  Hey, that's a very nice droid your
       traveling with, but if you ever like to trade that one in for
       a newer unit?  Let me know.  Come by and see me anytime.  I'm
       always here."

Female supervisor:  "Malfunction in sector 2, malfunction in sector
                     2.  All droids will be shutdown for reloading
                     of labor program.  Standby for power

G219: "Here we go again.  Their going to pull the plug on me.  See
       you later folks.  It's nap tiimmmmeeeeee......"

(We walk around this first droid and meet the next customs droid)

G214: "These shutdown's are becoming a pain in the neck!  heh,
       literately!  ooh."

Computer supervisor: Warbles

G214: "Yeah, Yeah, I hear you.  What?  Passports?  How do I know if
       they have their passports?  Ok, ok OK! I'll check.  Geesh,
       give me a circuit break well ya?"

G214: "Hey, do all you passengers have the necessary paperwork to go
       on this tour?  You know, passports, visas, tickets, flight
       insurance.... Well?"

G214: "I don't know, chief heh, they're all just standing there
       staring at me.  Maybe their not programed to my frequency."

Computer supervisor: Warbles

G214: "Hey!  What's the matter?  Haven't you people ever seen
       intelligent life before? heh heh heh."

Female supervisor: "Attention please, attention please, there has
                    been a disruption in the labor output of droids,
                    sector 2, all work is to resume immediately, or
                    power disconnect with be initiated."

Computer supervisor: Warbles

G214: "Hey!  Get off my servos!  I'm not the one who purchased all
       those defective RX pilots."

Computer supervisor: Warbles

G214: "Have any of you humanoid's flown on a StarSpeeder before?
       Well, I hope you enjoy your tour.  Now, Now, please keep your
       party together as you approach the loading concourse.  Heh,
       that is, if you ever like to see them again.  If not, you can
       say goodbye now, heh heh heh."

Female supervisor: "Attention please, attention please, we are
                    experiencing unusual behavior in the G2 droids
                    in sector 2.  Maintenance units begin
                    surveillance of all sector 2, G2 droids."

G214: "What's this, do my senses deceive me?  Or are their really
       passengers out there?  Gee, I hope the new StarSpeeders run
       better then the one that brought me here.  What a bucket of
       bolts!  You'll never get me on one of those things in a
       billion lightyears."

Computer supervisor: Warbles

G214: "Yeah, Chief."

Computer supervisor: Warbles

G214: "What's that?  Don't worry, those humanoids out there can't
       hear a word I am saying, as long as I have the comlink
       switched off."

Computer supervisor: Warbles

G214: "Huh, it's not!?!  Oh oh.  Sssay, are you the lucky people
       that are gonna ride the new StarSpeeder 3000?  Hhhey, wait
       til you see it!  It's a real beauty, and what a ride!  Smooth
       as transmission fluid!  You'll never forget it!..... Although
       you probably wish you could....."

Female supervisor: "Monitor circuits continue detect a decrease in
                    production activities in droids sector 2.
                    Shutdown procedures will begin in 60 seconds,
                    unless output increases immediately."

G214: "Excuse me please, but you'll have to check the excess
       baggage.  Huh?  Oh I am terribly sorry, I didn't realize that
       was your husband. heh heh heh."

Computer supervisor: Warbles

G214: "Sorry, Chief.  My senses where out of focus there for a

G214: "Hi ya folks.  I'm G214.  I run this operation.  Now if
       there's anything I can help you with..... Hey you over there.
       I'm talking to you!  Could you creatures please give me your
       undivided attention for a moment?  Thank you.  As some of you
       have probably been wondering, you are flying with Star Tours
       today.  Well, let me see.  1, 2, 3, 4... ah, do you want me
       to include you?  Ok, 5, 6, ah stop back and check with me
       later, this could take a while.  7, 8, 9, 10..."

Female supervisor:  "Malfunction in sector 2, malfunction in sector
                     2.  All droids will be shutdown for reloading
                     of labor program.  Standby for power

Computer supervisor: Warbles

G214: "Well, it's break time.  Wait, Wa-WAIT, I didn't mean

(We walk pass the customs droid and are assigned a line in a
"StarSpeeder".  While we wait for the doors to open, TV monitors
show "our" starspeeder being worked on and serviced. )

Male Announcer: "Star Tours announces the arrival of the Endor
                 Express.  Once we had a chance to service the
                 StarSpeeder, we'll begin our boarding procedures.
                 Thank You."

Female Announcer: "May I have your attention please?  At this time,
                   I'd like to take a moment to revue our boarding
                   process with you.  When the automatic doors have
                   opened, please proceed directly across the ramp,
                   into the cabin.  Continue to move all the way
                   across your aisle, filling in every available
                   seat.  For your safety, all passengers are
                   required to wear safety restraints thru out the
                   flight.  To fasten the restraint, pull the strap
                   out from the right side of the seat and snap it
                   into the console to your left.  Galactic
                   regulations  require that all carry on items be
                   safely stowed beneath your seat.  While on board,
                   flash photography is not permitted and please, no
                   smoking at any time.  If you have any questions,
                   feel free to ask an attendant.  You'll be
                   boarding in just a few moments. Thank you, and
                   have a pleasant tour."

Male Announcer: "Star Tours announces the boarding of the Endor
                 Express, non-stop StarSpeeder service to the moon
                 of Endor.  All passengers, please prepare for
                 immediate boarding."

On to ride script

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