(last updated Jan. 23, 1998)


1) So why is this club called "The Carmen Sandiego Admiration Society" if even fans of the other characters are welcome?

The reason the club is called this is because of a line in the episode, "When It Rains" where the character Sara Bellum says, "I hate to break up this meeting of the Carmen Sandiego Admiration Society, but I'll be the one collecting the kudos as soon as the sun comes up." So, Kevin thought the club's name should rightfully come from the show.

2) I don't have an e-mail address. How can I contact you to join?

Simply sign the guestbook and tell us you want to join. In some cases, e-mailess fans have personally told us they want to join. That is probably difficult for the majority of you who want to join. So, we finally got around to getting a guestbook so any e-mailess fan can sign up. :)

3) I asked to become a member but I don't see my name on the list. Why not?

If you asked to join and you're name isn't there, don't panic! Kevin and Laurie often are quite busy with schoolwork and sometimes get behind in updating the list. Your name will be added as soon as possible.

4) May I submit fan-fic/art or other things to the club?

Sure, contributions are welcome.

5) So, where did the idea of this fan club come from?

Well, the two co-founders are quite big fans of the show and wanted to spread the word out that there are other fans of this great show out there. So, the two of us are simply trying to recuit as many fans as possible.

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