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") newWindow.document.write(months[fasTime.getMonth()] + " " + (fasTime.getFullYear() + 1024)) newWindow.document.write("

") newWindow.document.write("") newWindow.document.write("") for (var a = 0; a <= 6; a++) { newWindow.document.write("") } while (fasTime.getMonth() == calMonth) { newWindow.document.write("") for (a = 0; a <= 6; a++) { newWindow.document.write("") } newWindow.document.write("") } newWindow.document.write("
") newWindow.document.write(weekdays[a]) newWindow.document.write("
") if (fasTime.getDay() == a && fasTime.getMonth() == calMonth) { newWindow.document.write("" + fasTime.getDate() + "") fasTime.setDate(fasTime.getDate() + 1) } else { newWindow.document.write("") } newWindow.document.write("
") newWindow.document.close() } function checkDate(timeDayte) { //For future code: allow user to put in //Fastaguen dates } //-->

Hollering Knight Flaming SwordHollering Knight

Welcome to Flaming Sword, an ADnD campaign environment by Flaming Sword Publications. This fantasy campaign is set in the mythical country of Fastague, specifically starting in one small section of the western coastline, upon which sits the mighty city of Lindaton.

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since October 27, 1999

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Current Fastaguen Date & Time:

The Druid

The Original Campaign

Fifty years have passed since the last uprising of the elves against the humans, a hateful conflict that has continued for centuries and is now in a state of uneasy truce. No one remembers how it started, but each claims that the other side is at fault. Most underground dwellers, dwarves, halflings, and gnomes, have managed to remain neutral in the conflict, and rarely have contact with either race, though there are a few that venture out to seek their fortunes in the lit skies of the surface world.

Most humans have now forgotten the great world of horror that they had once beared witness of. All that remains are words scribed into scrolls of history, and one ancient prophesy of future trials and tribulations brought on by the tensions of the elves and humans. Now, tensions are arising again, and there are reports of elf scouts in the area. The King of (the human kingdom of) Fastague orders that watches be carefully placed along the border of Fastague and the elven kingdom of Gritton, and that armies be raised should another attack occur. Furthermore, the bodies of new creatures, like elves but shorter, with pointier ears, discolored skin, and a more animal facial expression, have been found in the outskirts of Lindaton and its closest neighboring town, Selvan, as well as in both Vrolok and Yuvegar Forests.

A new order has been raised by the wizard Mioken of Lindaton: Heroes are called for to bring order to Fastague and restore peace and balance to the land.

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Check out the Original Campaign Storyline!

The New Campaign

It has been 2000 years since the god Mythala walked the earth as the elf Mathurin. Wars and strife, including a new Mage war, has gripped the land in an uneasy struggle to survive. The gods have walked the earth, and Mithril had been seen for the first time in millenia. In a final, titanic battle, Mythala was slain by Dartal, and the world of balance was again thrown off for a world of turmoil. Now, Mythala waits in silence for his turn to be reborn, and Dartal strains under the chains of his punishments. About 350 years ago, the goblins and orcs, with their machines and guns, put the entire known world into slavery under their control, a reign which lasted close to 150 years before they were thrown off, and their machines destroyed and banned. The wars have ceased for close to a hundred years, and the elves and humans have intermixed, leaving behind their geographical and social boundaries. Even orcs and goblins have become tolerated members of the communities they permeate, for, without their technological advances, they were nothing but, well, goblins and orcs. It is a darker time for half-breeds, but overall peace has settled.

However, in the darkness of the sewers of Lindaton, and in the peaks of the mountains overlooking Nihgh, trouble stirs. The avriel, winged elves from the mountains west of Fastague, have shown themselves publicly in Nihgh's high courts, meeting with the city officials for reasons unknown. Meanwhile, prominent members of the Lindaton merchant community have turned up dead, and the farmers in the area cannot produce enough grain for the harvest to feed the city. The rumors spread that drow elves are again in the area, and wish to destroy all of Fastague, even so far as the Kingdom of Gritton! And a long-dead prophecy has been given to the highest clerics of the faiths...

Check out the Story thus far!
Or, see the Timeline of Fastague!
The Theology of Fastague could prove intriguing...
Visit Drydian's Tower!

The Treasure Chest


With the Great Schism of 1007 AW, most of the geography of Fastague has changed. This is the old information shown below to get a glimpse of Fastague at the beginning of our story. New map coming soon!

With the death of Mythala in the year 2174 AW, most of the geography of Fastague has reverted. This old information is again valid! Maps coming soon!

Lindaton, the main city of Fastague, sits on the west coast of the land overlooking the mouth of the Nelan River. The city is both the capital of Fastague and the major center for trade with the rest of the world, despite such a remote location. Largely, this is the case because of trade with the neighboring country of Pelgard across the Woulf Sea.

Near the city of Lindaton, about half a day's ride to the southeast, along the Nelan River, sits the city of Selvan. It is poised on the edge of the Vrolok Forest, the border between the Kingdom and Gritton. Originally a farming community, the town now includes some small businesses and trade has increased in the town. This town also is home to some of the greatest minds in clergy and magic in the current era.

South of Selvan and the Nelan River, also at the edge of the forest, is Fort Inundi, a military installation charged with keeping peace with Gritton. It is heavily fortified and ready for most any onslaught. All the citizens therein are part of the militia. The fort is hailed as the most sure defense against any attack made by the Elves.

North of Selvan sits the small, near-defenseless town of Fahrnach, just south of the Yuvegar Forest. Not much can be said about this small town, except that within lie secrets kept since the beginning of time. Fahrnach has been the spectator of much of history, seeing many of the wars with the elves as well as the civil war in which the Confederate States of the North split from the Kingdom of Fastague. An old town with an old history, only a fourth of the size of Fahrnach is at present inhabited. Perhaps a present group of heroes can divulge its secrets?

Between the Confederate States of the North and the Kingdom of Fastague lies the Yuvegar Forest, in the center of which is the Great Star Lake, the supposed product of a fallen star upon the planet. Many legends of the Great Star Lake exist, and many hold them to be true. Furthermore, the Vrolok Forest, lying between Gritton and Fastague, adds its own legends and history, and is worth the exploration of any seasoned adventurer.

Big trouble

Legends and Myths
Of Fastague

Welcome to the Legends and Myths section. This is where we will explore some of the darker or more obscure pasts of Fastague as the players therein know them.

Legend of Great Star Lake

There are those that tell of the mists of Great Star Lake in the Yuvegar Forest... why that area is so different from what is normal and true. There are many that would tell you that Great Star Lake is haunted by the lost souls of children, and that once you venture out upon the mist-covered waters, you shall not return. I have seen for myself that the former is true, and could also vouch for the latter had I not seen a rather motley crew return from a particularly nasty quest with news of the most dire sort. Ah, but I digress. Allow me to weave my web of plot and story.

In the third year of the second Elf War (in human reckoning), before the Fastaguen Civil War, an omen of evil appeared in the sky, hurling itself downward towards the earth. Many now claim it to have been a falling star, for the amount of force behind it was enough to shake the entire planet upon impact. Twas a miracle those upon the face of the earth were not greatly affected, for the star had fallen into a small lake of about the same size. The impact formed a large crater upon the land, into which the waters that had slowed the impact collected, and a magical mist instantly gathered.

It was rumored that the mists were the work of Nereidia, the elven Goddess of Water, an omen that was reinforced by the loss of the Fastaguen Army at the city of Romnis, upon which the town of Avondale now rests. Thus the residents of the humanlands refused to venture foot inside the mists. Within the space of three years, more magical influence was evident by the sudden appearance of the forest around the lake. Thus, the beginning of the legend was complete, for none save the bravest souls ventured within the area, and even fewer returned.

The legend continues with stories of how the mists gathered together the lost souls of children, calling them to service as guardians of the mists. They exist as will o' the wisps, guiding the chosen to an unknown place on an uncharted journey. Legends exist of a prophet, a seer of the future, a teller of things to come, that resides on the central island of the Great Star Lake. Know that no central island has been proven to exist, but the claims are great and enticing, nonetheless. Many an adventurer has lost their way into the Lake searching for the prophet, never to return.

Then there are those who have ventured in and live now to tell the tale...

Legend of Drago the Destroyer

"Never wake the dragon", or so the old saying goes. Never truer to this addage has been the Legend of Drago, a mighty, enchanted dragon that terrorized the populace around the early 4th Century AW (Timeline coming soon). Drago, the gold and emerald-speckled dragon of this story, was awakened from a deep sleep with a ritual designed by an evil wizard of human origin. This dragon, now under control of its evil master, then plundered the countryside, threatening life wherever it existed.

At that time, Kommnach was the capital of the human Kingdom of Fastague. The king was sorely vexed by the dragon plaguing his small countryside, and begged one warrior after another for help. Each, knowing the mission to be no less than suicide and doomed to failure, displeased their king and declined. Then, the queen of Fastague suggested to her husband a young kitchen scrub, an elf, by the name of Kithsteroth. She had secretly been training with the boy, she teaching him what she knew of her country's fighting technique, he teaching her how to read and write in elven. This was, in the queen's mind, a chance for her young prodigy to be noticed and acknowledged the kingdom over. So the king sent for the boy, and Kithsteroth arrived shortly after.

It is said that as Kithsteroth approached the throne and bowed low, another man also entered the king's presence. This man was black as pitch, and seemed not older than five years. Many snickers and giggles, guffaws and chuckles erupted from the king's guard. Yet the boy marched onward, and bowed low before the king. The king and queen were greatly amazed at both of these young men, willing to risk all for their country and king, and impressed as well. The king commanded that all aid was to be given to the elvish Kithsteroth and his young human companion.

At this, the human addressed the king, claiming to be the great mage Zinsaber. He told of a ritual he had designed to put an end, though temporarily, to the dragon, but it required the use of a special sword. Kithsteroth was then charged to find four ingredients of such riddle that all in the king's court were baffled. Yet Kithsteroth, with the determination of his heart, agreed, and found the four parts to assemble the sword: an Orb of Moons, Pure Gold blessed by a halfling cleric, Liquid Fire, and a Star Sapphire.

Then were Kithsteroth and Zinsaber prepared to fight the dragon. Mounted upon the finest griffons, they rode to meet Drago out in the open fields of Fastague. Kithsteroth attacked Drago's eyes with his sword as Zinsaber chanted the Ritual of Drago to destroy it. As the sword passed through each eye, heat and fire exploded forth, scorching Kithsteroth and threatening to kill him. Then, the ritual finished, lightning shot from the great mage's hand and hit the dragon, who fell with a crash. Kithsteroth, it is said, was crushed underneath, never again to rise.

It is also said that Zinsaber, weakened almost to the point of death, carried out his mission further by having Drago's body dragged to a secret place, detering any who possessed the Ritual of Awakening from finding the dragon and raising such havoc once again. However, as Zinsaber knew, nothing was forever, and the mage predicted the return of the dragon and his destruction. As for the rituals of Awakening and Drago... their locations have been unknown to this very day.

Check out the Story thus far!


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