
And ye, there arose a cry for cool stuff to do.

The events for the Con are still being worked on, so you'll have to live with the basic outlines for now. If you would like to add to the madness fill out this form.

The Reading Room -- No, it's not the Romper Room... it's a room/table filled with the best FanFiction we can find. From Babylon 5 to Ranma 1/2, from Highlander to Forever Knight, we've got one of the widest selection of FanFics in hardcopy. These Fics are NOT FOR SALE, nor are the authors getting anything other than a warm fuzzy feeling from this event. Original works also appearing, but in smaller quantities.

Magic : The Gathering -- Hopefully we'll have a tournament a day, plus open play, trading, and depending on the vendors, boosters and starters to satisfy your addictions. The tournaments will range in levels, and will hopefully be run by certified tournament people.

Open Games -- From Monopoly to Clue, from Uno to Old Maid, all the games from P.O.D. are at your disposal. You can check them out, grab a table, and play as long as you want.

Role-Playing Games -- Once again, there should be a good variety of these, and maybe even a LARP. We have the books, dice, and basic characters already assembled for anyone interested in running anything. The systems we have one-shots, and basic equipment for are GURPS, AD&D, RIFTS, White Wolf : Werewolf the Apocalypse, ShadowRun, and a 007 Bond system.

The War Room-- When we say the Diplomacy board is the size of a VW Bug... we aren't kidding! Also appearing are two normal Axis & Allies, RISK, Fortress America, and a WarHammer area, if interest is high. Anyone who knows the tournament rules for any of the above can run a full-fledged game if they so desire.

Speakers + Panels + Workshops + etc... -- We'll post those as they appear.

Anime -- You heard us right, at least one TV will be showing Anime non-stop throughout the Con. (We have more than one VCR, so we shouldn't overheat). This area is open to ANYONE, so you don't have to buy a ticket to view. Anyone with tapes they would like played needs to email us, and we will fit them into the schedule.

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