Godzilla Of Borg...You will be stomped, THEN ASSIMILATED

What's this? The Borg aren't satisfied with assimilating thousands of millions, even BILLIONS of lifeforms, of EVERY KIND imaginable, from EVERYWHERE in the infinity of space? WormBorg? AntBorg? Now they've assimilated GODZILLA! That loveable and fierce Toho monster has fallen into the hands of The Borg. HURRAY! Well, it had to happen sooner or later!

The Borg have to have modified cubes just to HOLD him! Any Star Trek viewer can tell you that Borg need a regeneration chamber to survive, using energy produced to produce "food" internally. Kind of like synthetic photosynthesis within the drone itself. Obviously, this poses a great problem for The Borg? Wasn't it bad enough that they had to ASSIMILATE him in the first place? Considering the fact that it took over 2,000 drones to accomplish THIS, you'd think that that would be enough. But no! The Borg have to supply POWER to the big green guy to regenerate! This takes enough power to sustain an ENTIRE BORG CUBE to accomplish! Another problem is USING him as a drone! Obviously, he can level entire planets, making The Borg's job of assimilation MUCH EASIER. But how to beam him down? Again, more energy. For the same amount of energy it takes to beam down this new GodzillaBorg, The Collective could beam down over 3,000 drones? Then again, what's 3,000 drones, compaired to GODZILLABORG?

No matter the problems, The Borg have gotten themselves QUITE A WEAPON!

Again, as with "Deep Space 9 Gets Assimilated", stories from users will be posted here!

Stories Assimilated So Far...

Ken Raymond's "Lizard Breath : Part I"
Ken Raymond's "Lizard Breath : Part II"
Ken Raymond's "Lizard Breath : Part III"
Ken Raymond's "Lizard Breath : Part IV"

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