Veresdin Science fiction

Saga de Star Trek Alternative by Alfredo Juillet Frascara.
Book One.....Zignos
Book Two....Veresdino
Book Three....Verne
Book Four.....Second
Book Five......Sadiron 
BOOK TWO.---------------------------------------------------
	11 de mayo de 1997

Commander of the Space Station n` 35 :Dario Marmolejo

Adjutant officer {of the Commandant Marmolejo} : Lena


Lenium {Cargo}= First Officer = Jaime.

Crew of the XMinus:Also of the "Temperance"=

Captain= James Tiberius Kirk

First Officer and Science Officer = Xtmprszntwlfd S'chin T'gai Spock

Lieutenant =John Newark

Exobiologist : Jennifer Smith

Chief Engineer = Scotty

Engineer = Smirnoff

Radar : Lemuel

2nd. officer = Chekov

Guards= Simpertigue, Lagrange.

Crew= Sulu, Maora

ORES {Aliens}= Alamniro, Romir, Ronie.

THE CHANGELINS = Emperor Mingesh

Ship "Chamaleon". Captain Richel, First Officer = Liana,

Second Officer =Farag, Muala,

Medical Officer = Martina.

Ship "Legend" .



Planet Veresdino in the Alfa System of the Apus Constellation.


Vessels of the Mars Company =

Lenium {Cargo}= First Officer = Jaime.



Beta Brabazone


Chapter one.



Jaime looks on the console and pissed on it.

- Ja, ja ! He laughs, and he gave a full turn in the air, smashing his skull unto the wall.

- Shit! - He said, rubbing his head. - "Atomic Mouse!" - He yelled, and he catapulted through a corridor. It was the corridor with the failing lights.

A series of hand bars passed at his left. At his right , the smooth metallic wall.

- Atomic mouse ! Hieeaa! Red eyes, titi! Titi!"

He arrived at the Dining Hall, and he pick up from the floor a sealed dish, and opening it, he eats some.

-Killer tomatoes! Aa! Ahaaaa!"- He yelled, giving a great leap, and going as an arrow to any place, banging his head unto the wall, and blood begun to pour.

- Ah! Blood ! "- He yelled, and he shot by a corridor, missing by scant centimeters one of the borders.

Inside of a sealed room, the three Ores watched how the Homo sapiens shot as an arrow in front of the crystal window.

- He went totally mad."- Acknowledged Alamniro

- 6 682.'- Mumbled Romir, that were some kind of assertion to the Alamniro's words.

- We must keep on trying.- Ronie told the other two Ores.

- Let's concentrate in his mind. Perhaps we can induce him with Ugrotron."- Romir said.

-" No way! This man it's out of reach !'- Alamniro expostulated in a fiery manner.

- This man has potentials.- Ronie said.

- Potential? A weak mind, they have ! It rips apart ! But then, perhaps we over estimated his capacities. Perhaps with others of the same race we could go slower. Gentler ."- Romir said.

The Ores were floating in a yellow liquid, moving their bodies around with quick movements of their twisted legs.

They were there since three weeks ago, when they were captured by the rest of the human crew of that cargo ship {the "Lenium"}.The rest of the humans were killed when the Ores fights them mentally. But the only survivor was immune to their waves inducing biological break up ...

The "Lenium" ,when passing close to the planet "Veresdino" , was intercepted by two patrol vessels.

- Identify your vessel. please"- John Newark, officer of the "XMinus " ,asked by radio.

After ten minutes asking for a response, Maora, a tall woman with black hair, said :-" They did not want to answer ! Also they are in a collision course !"

- Perhaps they are all sick, or something."- Jennifer Smith, the Exo Biologist said.

- Prepare the magnetic grappling! Mister Spock, tell our twin ship "Beta Brabazone" to cover us !"- Captain Kirk ordered.

- Yes, Sir."- Answered the first officer.

The "XMinus" closed in no time to the "Lenium", who was fixed with the grappling. Then the scouts enters ship, using explosives.

- Lieutenant Newark ! Inform me !- The Captain asked.

- "There is a sector that is sealed, Captain! By a glass we can see three aliens floating there!'- Newark radioed.

- Aliens? ."= Spock utters.

- A man was found at pope! He is sick."- Newark adds.

- Sick? Then he must be quarantined ! - Asked the Exo biologist, exciting herself.

- I think that will be not necessary, Officer Smith! The man is crazy!"- Newark remarks.

- Deep shock. It will be necessary to sedate him for a long period."- Doctor McCoy told to officer Smith.

- At least two weeks.'- Affirmed her.

- Here Scotty ! The ship has their meteorite deflectors in bad shape. Also it has little fuel in their tanks."- The Chief Engineer told by the radio.

- O.K., came back."- Kirk asked him.

- Lagrange and Simpertigue radioed from the Soto Base that they had landed successfully."- Officer Uhura said, from his post.

- Perfect. ...beam them back now."- Captain Kirk asked by the intercom.

A little while more, and both Lagrange and Simpertigue were aboard ship.

The "XMinus" vessel closed to the 35th. Orbital Station, and using a port bay, it opened a passageway into the Station.

- Now hear this, crew of the XMinus" This is your Captain speaking. From the first man to number 50, with shore leave for 8 hours. The other group of fifty men and women will be going when the first group came back. "- Captain Kirk ordered by the radio.

- Are you going to be in the first group , Captain?"- Lemuel the Radar Man asked .

- I am the Number One, forget you not. I will be going in the first group."- Kirk smiled to the only gay of the entire crew.

- Then Mr. Spock will be in charge here?

- Yes. Call him now."- Kirk asked to the half man.

- I will be in charge here, Captain. Don't worry. But, have you some special order for me?"- Asked Spock.

- I must be informed about what those doctors down there are learning from those three aliens we leave at the surface of Veresdino. Also I wish to be informed when that crazy man will recover."- Kirk asked.

- I see."- Answered the first officer.

They went by the pneumatic tube to Station 35. Kirk went directly to the Officer's quarters, and asked an interview with the Station's Commander.

A little time elapsed, he was received by the Big Man in person, inside a beautifully over decorated office.

Dario Marmolejo was a short and fat person, 53 years old.

- Please take a seat, Captain Kirk! Lena ! Gave some drink to our guest !"- Said Marmolejo Dario, seating in his harm chair with a sigh.

Lena was the assistant general, a young girl that used a tight red dress. She asked Kirk about which drink he prefer, so he asked an Algolian wine.

- Fine choosing !'- Marmolejo expressed.

Lena walks serving the drinks, making Kirk a dizzy man. She smiled at him continually...

- Cheers !- Marmolejo said, drinking of his glass in one gulp.

Kirk preferred to drink bit by bit, in order to savor it.

- This things are the ones that help a man to keep on going! "- The Commandant Marmolejo said.'- Two years and I will be promoted to Director of the Investigations Center at Algol 8 !"

- A good post !"- Kirk said.- " I had known that the Algol System had attained the same life standard Earth cherished now. "

' - Look here, Captain Kirk, you know that since the invention of the Cosmic Transports the far away places of old are to-day as neighborhoods ! So they had attained a good standard of life. A patented invention on Earth it's known in weeks through all the Federation! Provided there is a Cosmic Transporter there, that is !"- The Commander of the Station gave his opinion.

- So it is. "- Kirk smiled to Lena, who was pouring more wine in his glass.

- Lena! Accompany us ! Take yourself a drink!"- The Commander Marmolejo asked to the Adjutant.

- Ay! But you know what happens to me ! - She laughed... and she pours same Algolian wine in a glass, for herself.

- Prosit ! For us !"- Marmolejo said, drinking his glass in one gulp.

' - I came to ask you some extra fuel. for my ship."- Kirk said .

- Ah! Ask whatever you wish, Captain ! You are a good mate! My adjutant here will provide you of whatever you need ! But tell me, it's true that you find three aliens in deep space ?"- Asked Marmolejo , and Lena poured more wine on the glasses.

- In the ship "Lenium" we found a man totally crazy, and in a chamber full of liquid three aliens were floating . We take them and disembarked at "Base Soto", on the surface of this planet we are orbiting now."- Kirk said, drinking a little more of the Algolian wine, that it was taking effect in his system.

- Interesting! Then I will ask the Base Soto about it ! Because there is a faint possibility that an alien ship could came here to the rescue!"- Marmolejo expressed his fears.

- Are you married ?"- Lena asked Kirk, when pouring more wine in his glass.

- yes, but my wife is dead now. ' - Kirk answered, looking at the beautiful blue eyes of the blonde Adjutant.

- Ay! That stare of yours! They make me feel like the Little Riding Hood != She said, backing a couple of steps.

- Lena ! Don't fall down...before pouring some more wine in my glass!' - Laughed Marmolejo, showing his empty cup, and when she went to did it, he takes her by the arm.

- Ay, release me !' - She begs.

- Women! They tell us no, and in their inner self they are asking for it !"- Marmolejo mumbled, drinking his cup in one stroke.

- You should not be so daring !"- Lena asked of him, pouring herself another portion.

Kirk was seeing the walls and furniture of the Commander's office dancing before his eyes. He began to regret the acceptance of so many libations.

- Another bit, yes?"- Lena asked, and she poured more wine in their glasses.

Klunk !

The head of Marmolejo makes the desk's objects jump in their places, when going down.

- Ja ja ! He passed already!"- Lena laughed, looking at the Commander.

- Did he always goes down like that?- Kirk laughed, taking Lena's waist.

- Ay, don't be fresh!! Shall we dance, better?- Lena asked, and without an answer, she lighted a music dispenser, and embrace Kirk in a dance.

They tried to dance for a while, and when their legs entangled themselves, they fell down ,to the soft carpet of the room...


Four days elapsed, an urgent message arrives to the "XMinus".

- I will call the Captain .= Spock announced to the ones surrounding him, and in the minute he uses the audio communicator...


- I must go.

- Oh, no ! Y love you. I cannot be without you !

- I had brought something for you, so you didn't despair."- Kirk smiled.

And in a box a collar of silver and brilliants shone under the lights of that room.

- Oh, how beautiful! - The eyes of the beauty were shining as the jewel, or more !

- Those {jewels} aren't deserving your beautiful self, but it's the best I can borrow in the Station's Main Store."- Kirk said.

The radio/telephone chirruped, and Kirk in an automatic movement, opened the lid and said:- Kirk here.

- Captain: we had received a distress message from the surface...Soto Base."

- Read it to me.

- "The three alien species had taken control of the whole "A" Sector of the Soto Base. We request your help. Signed, the Director General."

- At which hour this message arrives?"

- Since five minutes, Sir."

- Fine. I'll go there. Beam me up! "- Kirk ordered.

Three minutes elapsed, Kirk materialized himself in front of Scotty, who was the operator at that time.

- Welcome aboard, Captain. Did you rest well ?"- Scotty asked, smiling broadly.

-Yes, Scotty. A delightful vacation...- Kirk smiled- "Where is Mr. Tgai Spock ? "

= Tgai Spock ? That is his first name ?

- Yes.

- Mr. Spock is in the Control Cabin...Seems he is in love with the Commander's chair."

Kirk runs by the corridors, as it was a costume of his grandfather, back at the XMinus...Spock sees him appearing half disheveled, and he stand up from the Chair.

- Good day, Spock. All swell in here ?

- yes, Sir. We performed a routine inspection and we have full charge of fuel."- Spock said, pulling his shirt.

- Very well. What more did you know about the problems in the Soto Base?"

- There are two new messages from there, Captain.

- You tell me about.

- The aliens seems to posses ESperes powers, Sir. They control some human brains.

- I understand...then the poor loony we found was manipulated by them...

- Yes, Captain. So they had taken control of the Engine's Department, in the Soto Base. Also they had delivered an ultimatum : if in three more hours the rest of the humans there didn't surrender, they will disconnect the systems to the whole complex.

- They should die of cold !

- So it is, Captain. As the Soto Base it's located at the South Pole , the loss of energy means there would be no heaters running. It is a death penalty..."

- We must plan something ! Some attack plan...'- Kirk said, pacing the room.- We mustn't be mere spectators here !"

- In fact, that is our mission, Sir. ' - Stared the first Officer.


- We have several things at our side : the knowledge of the complex , our communications with the loyal members of the Base are running...we can beam personnel there in no time."- Kirk said.

- And just an hour to do something !

- Do not despair, Sulu. We already have two combat units ready to launch, waiting for my signal, at the Transport's Room."- Kirk smiled.

- Sorry, Captain. I guess I am a bit nervous.'-

- We all are, but try to refrain your impulses. "- Kirk slapped the man.

- In short, a squadron, guided by me, will appear in the decontaminated sector, and will begin to attack immediately the rebel forces, pushing in the direction of the site we think the aliens inhabits."- Spock said.

- Those aliens are called Orons.' - The doctor said.

- Orons. And by the meantime, the second battalion , or second group, will be beamed by Scotty right into the Engine Sector. Inside Base."- Kirk slurped.

- It will ask for a perfect calibration.- Doctor McCoy told the chief Engineer.

- Yes, Doctor McCoy. I will send a decoy first, so I cannot fail. It will be a twenty seconds delay."- Scotty grunted.

- You know Scotty it's a good engineer. Very well, Sirs, once we face the modified humans inside the enemy complex, please bear in your minds that they are being manipulated, so do not kill them. Just stunned them. Our real enemy are three mangled half fishes in a pond."- Kirk remembered them.

- And what if we faced the Orons ?- Asked Lagrange, a guard.

- I guess they are in a tank with water. Bear in mid they cannot breath air as we. .. Let's go, Scotty !"

The Chief Engineer began his fumbling with the Transporter. After a while, and seeing his device came back in one piece, he said"- All ready here, Captain. "

- Mr. Spock you and your men must preceded us. "

Spock and his group walked to the beams and they were sneezed to the planet orbiting below.

Spock saw the commander of the loyal forces some two minutes after, as it was all scheduled like that, and told him:- " We'll began the attack right now !"

- The enemy it's beyond a sealed door made of steel. It is the only corridor going their place."- Voroky the Manager told him.

- All right, Mr. Voroky, my men will plant a bomb there. Tell your people to back off."

They planted the bomb there, who blow the door in three minutes elapse. A dense havoc of lethal rays pass through the threshold. The rebels were there with killer instincts...

- A real pity. If we answer the fire, lots of them will die, and we now for certain that they are just puppets of those Orons."- Spock told to Mr. Voroky, a fat little man of bald head and little scurrying eyes.

- But we must to attack, Mr. the Vulcan. Your comrades are going to disembark in any minute."- Voroky said , pulling fiercely a little red mustache over his upper fat lip, moisture with the water of fear.

The Pfizer began to sizzle, and the heat was on, there...

Meanwhile, Kirk and his army appeared in corridor # z23 as if were a magic spell working on.

- In front of us it's the Engine Room, mates. Fire at will."- Kirk gave his command.

The corridor was a large one, and it's sides were covered by refrigeration tubes.

Running , they soon meet with a couple of guards brain- washed. Those two guys fired and two men of the Kirk's platoon went dead. So the rest stunned those enemies, killing them as the stunning rays were a lot too many...

- McCoy! You try to help our injured men. Lagrange ! You cover the doctor !"- Kirk yelled.

The advance was slowed by the resistance of other enemies, who began firing Pfizer unto them, at full charge...The reconditioned people were unafraid of rays...

- Captain ! We have three more wounded ! - Simpertigue assured.

Kirk ordered a more strong force in the Pfizer, so the corridor were cleaned of enemies, ending with the fierce resistance.

They arrived to the Engines Chamber' s door.

- Blow it !"- Kirk asked harshly.

The door was blown up with a dynamite charge, together with pieces of refrigeration ducts, who began to spit water at high temperature.

- The humans had blown the door to the Engine's room !"- Romir the Orons said.

- Impossible ! We have a whole battalion fighting the humans in a far corridor !"- Alamniro said.

- This came from other source."

- Perhaps they were beamed into a near by corridor."- Ronie said.

- Then they are from some vessel in orbit. In the Soto Base the Transporters were destroyed by our slaves, at our command."- Romir remembered.

- Did you scan those new intelligence ? - Asked Ronie.

- I am sensing a group of human egos. They are inside the Engine's room..."- Said Alamniro.

- Soon they will be here...they will be match for our will ! Race of brain pigeons !"- Ronie assured.

- We must have visual contact to sing the victory song."- Romir muttered.


- Still no signs of the aliens?"- Kirk asked.

- No, Captain. But we have found three sealed doors . Perhaps in them we can find the Orons."- Simpertigue said.

- Blow them all !"- Asked Kirk, looking for shelter.

Soon the three doors were blasted, and the men run into the chambers.

Two were long corridors, ending in the engines themselves. The third was occupied by a giant pool full of liquid, brilliantly lit, where the three Ores were swimming violently. The aliens were prepared to the mental attack, so they acted very quick. The first three guards felt the cold " mental fingers" rummaging inside their brains, and began to receive the fast brainwashing from the Ores. The next step were the assimilation of a series of orders . The whole process takes only three seconds ! The three guards turned their weapons towards the rest of the platoon, who were steeping inside. As their Pfizer were in the "Stun" mode, their fire wasn't mortal. - Captain! The Ores were found! But the first inside the chamber are fighting us !"- Simpertigue told Kirk, who was on the rear. - Throw a laser bomb immediately !We cannot take risks !"- The Captain Kirk ordered. The bomb crashed all the glasses , so the liquid and the Orons went down in a flood. The Ores finally rested in the metal floor of that chamber. - It's our end."- Alamniro said. - Others will follow."- Ronie assured, breathing spasmodically. - I have enough strength to turn a man crazy !"- Alamniro exclaimed from the floor, eyeing the empty place... Their bodies were bleeding their green blood... - Attention ! Nobody goes inside the alien's chamber ! They are real dangerous ! They can brain wash any mortal being who dares pass that threshold !- Kirk snorted. So nobody goes in there until Mr. Spock arrives, as he and his platoon were the survivors of the previous fight against the brainwashed members of the Soto Base... - All clear, Sir."- Spock announced. - We have the Ores out of their environment. "- Kirk said. - Do you blast their aquarium? - So it was. You must understand it wasn't a matter of preserve their good health, seeing the dangerous species they are."- Kirk replied. - Self evident, Captain."- Spock said, closing to the danger. With his telepathic mind he scanned inside. He felt the strong pulse of two alien minds, and another weakling fast. - Do you feel something inside the chamber, Spock? - Yes, Captain, They are alive, and they are extremely dangerous, they could control me without effort, but it seems they must have visual contact. "- The First Officer answered. - The Atomic Reactor it's closing to the critic point, Captain."- Simpertigue warned, who was in radio contact with the Soto Base Commander. - The damage in the refrigeration ducts was enormous.'- Spock whispered to the Captain. -Scotty !"- Kirk called through the visophone.- "Beam up all our forces immediately ! " - Proceeding!"- Scotty replied, from the ship. - There is a group working in the replacement of the damaged tubes."- Doctor McCoy informs . In that moment they were beamed up to the "XMinus". Kirk, followed by Doctor McCoy and Mr. Spock, walked to the Main Deck. There, Chekov stands up from the Commander's chair, saying:- " All the crew is on board, Captain." - I suggest you move the "XMinus" from over the Soto Base, Captain. It seems that the repair team couldn't fix all the damages. The chain reaction it's on it's way."- Uhura said, from her Communication's Post. - Scotty, full speed ahead."- Kirk asked to the Chief Engineer. - The "XMinus" abandoned the orbit around the Veresdin planet, and hurriedly took refuge among the stars. A yellow flower blossomed in the surface of Veresdin... - There goes the Soto Base !"- Doctor McCoy put in emphatically. - Poor people !"- Kirk said, looking amazed... - We have twelve people from the Soto Base aboard !'- Scotty announced from his post, using the radio communicator. - I'm going there !"- Kirk answered. In fact, in the Transporter's Hall, twelve workers and staff from the Soto Base were , wild with joy ...the joy to be alive. - Thanks you very much, Captain! You had saved us !"- Told Leonardo Dunn, ex Director Manager of the blowed complex. - Gave your thanks to Scotty, our Chief Engineer ! We had so little time to react! A pity we don't beam up more people ! " - 316 in all , Captain! Several died in the battles, and some others totally crazy , all due to those bastards from deep space ! But I am certain there are some others in the surface ! Because we had some aerial artifacts, and I gave full authorization to use them, when the danger began..." What was implicit in his words was the fact he refused to flee , choosing to stay at work, no matter the dangers ! Kirk commanded Chekov to return to the planet Veresdin, and to the Lieutenant Uhura to scan all the surface , searching for humans. Uhura saw six vessels flying due north. - Six ships in view, Captain. " - Radioed them we are going to help . Request them to land ."- Kirk said, and he ordered the crew on board were located in some cabins, to rest .Some injured ones went to the Infirmary. - The vessels from Soto Base are landed, Captain! They ask for more information."- Uhura snorted. - We will send them food. Mr. Spock! You will go there in an auxiliary ship , carrying food and clothes. Try to begin some course of action. Our ship could take them to another planet, if necessary."- Kirk urged. - Yes, Captain.' - Spock said. - Infirmary inform : just three rescued were needing medical assistance. The rest has just scratches.- Doctor McCoy said through the intercom. - Better that way. See that they receive good beds."- Kirk asked. Spock. in the interim, were descending in an auxiliary ship near the airplanes of the Soto Base. Two of those airships were big Flying Saucers models, capable of to carry more than 100 persons each. - Thanks to Jehovah God that you are here ! We need food.- A big man said, shaking hands. - I am Spock, First Officer of the XMinus. My mission consist in hear your troubles and try to solve them. By the moment I brought some food and clothes ." - Very well ! I am Diego Almagro, Chief of the Fifth Sector. I brought with me all the women and children of the Soto Base ! "- announced the man, showing with a gesture of his hands the group of people that were gathering in front of the Auxiliary Ship. - Simpertigue ! Supervise the distribution of the food and clothes! = Asked Spock to the Guard. Other members of the crew begin to help. There were several crates with merchandise, and eight big bags with clothes. - We have the intention to arrive to the city "Starlight" , that is located in the West of this continent. "- Luis Pastene informed Spock. He was the former Public Relations man of the Soto Base. - Population seven thousands inhabitants. One Astro Port in construction, whose major commercial activity is the fishing in the Clinton Sea."- The tricorder of Spock said, when asked. - perfect. Have you enough fuel?"- Spock asked. - Yes, but our ships are being piloted by non experienced crews, so I beg you could accompany us to the aforementioned city, guiding us."- Diego Almagro asked. - And it would serves your presence there, to be better received. Our number could awake suspicions in some of those citizens."- Pointed out Manuel Martinez, pilot. - I am taking your suggestions , gentlemen, so I could ask my captain about them. - Spock replied. The captain Kirk ,when hearing it, answered via the audio communicator:- " We have a schedule to accomplish, Mr. Spock. I had maintained correspondence with the Central Base, and they are giving us another two weeks here, no more. Our sister ship, the " Beta Brabazone", was sended to Algol B." - Enough are two weeks to organize this people in their new localization. "- Spock assured. He begin to guide the airplanes to the Starlight City, where they arrived in two days. Spock talked with Rufino Rubio, the Major of that city, saying:- " I am Spock, first officer of the XMinus vessel, now orbiting Veresdin. I am sure you know already what disgrace befell on the Soto Base." - So it is ! But, seat ,please !"- Asked the Mayor Rubio. They were in a climatized office, whose windows has in front the docks. So they were able to see the sun, the blue sea and the traffic of the numerous fishing vessels. -Thanks. As I were telling , in the Soto Base an accident makes the fusion chambers to melt...and their are melting still, sinking in the floor with the atomic heat."- Spock remarked. - A pity."- Exclaimed the Major, seating in his soft arm chair, with a sigh. - The people from the Soto Base that I had guided here are mainly women and children. From our vessel in orbit we beamed another 16 persons, among them the Director Manager." - I see. But in numbers tell me how many they are."- Asked the Major Rubio. - 80 women, 32 children and 49 men."- Replied Spock. - Here in this city we numbered about 7.000 people. We have 42 fishing vessels , that provides us of meat . Also there are one mine of iron and another of Lithium."- The Major informed Spock. The First Officer saw that the data was correct, using his TRiCorder, so he adds:- '...And cattle. 7.000 heads." - Ah! That! Yes, I were forgetting . It is because I am here so close to the sea, that I easily forget what is going on in the fields."- The Major smiled. - The Soto Base personnel was employed by the Levi Consortium. Those Companies probably will decide to re invert money in this planet. So the permanence of those refugees could very well be provisory."- Spock opined. - And also that Consortium could decide not to invest a coin more in Veresdin! I am well aware of the situation, Mr. Spock. And I am not being insensible. I had studied the city maps and there is a spot, at the north of Starlight, ready to begin building houses for those people. By the meantime, I can provide shelter for about 200 people here in this building."- Rufino Rubio offered. - I have some days leave to help in this works. "- Spock assured. They had another reunion with the Manager Director of the disappeared Soto Base, who was beamed to the land, together with the other 15 who were at the XMinus. Leonardo Dumm, ex Director, communicated himself with the Consortium Levi, via the sub radio of the XMinus. They offered help , using two big cargo vessels ...and as to new inversions in the planet Veresdn, they said that it will be matter of further studies, all depending of the next share holder's reunion ... Spock returned to the XMinus after 15 days in the Starlight city, together with his crew. - Labor accomplished, Captain. I leave the refugees of the Soto Base very will inserted in the City's society."- Spock put in emphatically. - Roof, jobs ? Because those Flying Saucers models are somewhat not adecuated for long periods..."- Kirk remembered. - Some of them asked to keep on living in those artifacts. They are the pilots and some women, as they are going to use them for tourism. The rest are in the Major's building, that once was an Hospital. They have beds and a big communitary kitchen."- Spock informed. - I am happy to hear this ! So must you."- Kirk said. - Can I know why I must be happy , Captain? - Kirk asked, arching one eyebrow. - Our next reunion will carry us all to Vulcan.- Kirk advised, going out of the room. Spock keeps on looking that door, with incredulous stare... -------------------------------------------------- - Apus, Octans, Tucana...far from our Earth." - Far...and close, at the same time, thanks to the new engines. What before takes generations , to-day it takes us two or three weeks time." - I remember my first voyage. It was to the star number 1148...a planet in which humans and birds of two meters high were living in perpetual war." - Bross? - Yes ! It's famous. But scanty populated. Never they interested much in that planet." - Because of those birds. It was to live with the weapon always at the side. And as they are so much Terra formed planets, why go there to live in danger?" The light in the console blinked, and turns to green. - We passed through that ion cloud. The danger is over." - They are going to relieve us in fifteen minutes. - I invite you to a 3D chess play. - I accept ! The loser will accept any future voluntary mission... - As always. Fifteen minutes elapsed, the change of the guard arrived, so Newark and Simpertigue departed to the gambling room. ----------------------------------------------------------- Vulcano ! That dark and lugubrious planet, whose volcanoes throw dark clouds of smoke to the red skies...Nest of volcanoes, race that in their origins was bellicose and conqueror ...probe of which was the Romulans. To day they are a race of specialized beings, in the different branches of knowledge, allied of the Federation of Planets, with Earth as founder. The Vulcan worked out a philosophy of restrictions that has no more than two thousands years, with amazing changes in their society. Where hate and lies once inhabited, now flourished peace and concord. The wishes to conquer were extinguished, replaced by the ardent desire to conquer their inner selves. Not all the Vulcan were loving that active philosophy. There were people that whose self inner conquest was just a limitation to the powers they received when born. Several hundreds were united in a new Political Party, and now they were working to achieve the splitting of Vulcan from the order to recover the freedom and independence of old. Because of the, the Federation commissioned the XMinus to Vulcan, in order to convince the members of the reforming party of the improvements obtained when belonging to the Federation. Spock was the child of a high dignitary, member of an ancient and honorable family, so they thought he were going to be heard with dully respect by the members of the Reform Party. - To return home must be . for you, a wonderful emotion."- Doctor McCoy told Spock, being both at the Main Bridge. - It is always gratifying to see the family."- The First officer answered.- But in this case, I think there will be no time to go on visiting them. My mission will take me all the available time , and much of my attention." - Vulcan in the main monitor."- Uhura asserted. Chekov digitized in his desk, and the main visor showed the red planet, with a dark sky in the backwards. - It can be seen red flashes in the dark side."- Chekov exclaimed. - They are volcanoes ! - Spock muttered, his fixed stare on the planet where he was born. - We get it ? "- Kirk asked, walking in. - Yes, Captain. Vulcano...In three minutes we will enter to the atmosphere. /They saw several silhouettes appearing at port side .Uhura contacted them, and inform: -" They are going to escort us, Captain. A honor escort, they said." - Right. Let us be guided."- Kirk asked. Soon enough they descended in a modern astroport , very well lit, s it was night in that hemisphere. Kirk , Spock and ten members of the crew descended from the XMinus, between them the Exo Biologist Jennifer Smith. - Welcome to Vulcania ! I am honored saluting so an illustrious explorer !"- Commander Mabok exclaimed , who was dressed in a very wide jacket. - Mine is the pleasure. It is always agreeable to be in a friendly land."- Kirk replied. - And you must be the First Officer Spock ! Of an old family here, your return fills our chest with proud! "- The Commander Mabok thus saluted the half Vulcan. - Thanks.- Replied Spock, face immutable, and stiff as a rock. They were carried to an Hotel, where they have several hours to change clothes and clean themselves. Some five hours elapsed, a Vulcan named Cherkov presented himself to Kirk, saying:'- I am Cherkov ! Chamberlain Second Class. I will attend you and your crew's well fare all the time you choose to stay in Vulcan!" His height was 1.60 meters and he was fat. - Glad to know you !"- Kirk smiled at him, seeing he wore a red and black robe, with a broad belt made of tin, that cuts his figure in two. - By the meantime, rest in this Hotel, and Mr. Spock should attend some lectures in the Politic Ministry.I am the appointed person to carry him there. Of course you and whoever wants can attend those lectures too, Captain Kirk. But it is not obligatory , except to Mr. Spock."- Announced the Chamberlain second class. - I think it will be interesting for anyone to learn about your political intricacies. "= Kirk said, calling for Spock, with his video phone. The Vulcan arrived in two minutes, and he declared "- It is necessary to attain more knowledge about the present situation. Mr. Cherkov, can we go right now to attend those lessons?" - No, as the first one is scheduled for to-morrow at ten o'clock. There you will learn about the various messages the Reform Party has issued to the government. Also it is available the sayings of the elders that are in charge of the nation."- Cherkov said. So Spock waits with impatience the ten o'clock of the following day... The rooms were warm and well lit. Several politics begun teaching Spock all the nuances of the present politics. Kirk was present too, not that he was going to attend the meetings with the opposition, but he was there in order to learn about the future mission of his First Officer... One week elapsed, Spock was appointed for a meeting with the leaders of the Reform Party, and he went to their site with several official politics. They were backing up his presence there, just in case some aspect weren't covered with the recently gained knowledge of Spock... Kirk was pacing his Hotel rooms, and after some twenty minutes he decided to go alone to the streets, in order to refresh his burning brain... He saw the people of Vulcania {Capital City of Vulcan} with a mixed quota of envy and surprise. The cargo vehicles weren't seen , nor airplanes. He went to the subway, and there he find the explanation: subway trains linking the different points of the city. All there was very silent, and just the rumor of feet were audible .The enigmatic Vulcan just didn't speak in public ! He takes a train, and travels five station ahead, climbing up when he felt a tinge of claustrophobia... The streets were damp there. A woman approaches him, saying " Hi, handsome ! My name is Dara." - Eh...Good night."- He answered, realizing it was a young woman with the slant eyes of the vulcans. Her hair was combed to the rear of her head. The dark clothes were adorned with some metal graples. A pair of boots gave her the final appearance of a night crawler... - I guess you are from Tierra, a tourist, and probably recently in our city. "- Dara said. - Yes. How could you ?" - You are not a vulcan, because your hears are rounded. And I bet the excitation you felt at your Hotel makes you went out ! To admire the strange, to see for yourself..."- Dara asserted, smiling crookedly. - I am looking at a Sherlock Holmes in disguise. Female version...And what about you ? Why are you in the street at this hour?"- Kirk replied. - I have a row with my husband ! I divorced him since just one hour ago. "- She said, with glaring eyes. - Too many time married? - Two months. At the beginning ...but let's go to a Cafe the street it's too humid. "- She invited. They search for a Bar , and they went into it hand in hand, as she takes his hand firmly, when first crossing the street. Seated at a table, and sipping the coffee, she expanded her story by analyzing her days of married vulcan...She obviously felt herself free, now. When she ends the story, Kirk said"- And then you find me ." - Yes, I find you. And you like me."- She said, staring into his eyes. - Hem ! You also are very sympathetic. - The Captain Kirk said, touching his own neck with his right hand, as if wishing for more air. He wasn't accustomed to this kind of "logical" talks...right to the point... - If you desire, we could go now to your Hotel. Or mine."- Dara invited him, touching his hand. Kirk thought it over a while, and he refused. - No, thanks you. In my society, it's not properly to go so fast." - A society where the Time concept it's sub- appraised, his members are easily end disappointed."- Dara rationalized. - Yes, could be . But we could talk a little more."- Kirk offered the girl. - No, thanks you. I wish a very nice stay at Vulcania." - Dara said, and depart. Kirk smiled, moving his head slightly to the sides, and finished his cup of coffe. The, he stands up and went out of the Cafe. The day was breaking, with a yellow tint, that makes him remember one ancient perfume of the same color, that his mother used long time ago... The Vulcan people were increasing it's numbers, as it was time to began to work. Not a human were around there. And it wasn't strange! Vulcan has little tourist attractions, being a planet full of volcanoes, the same who were throwing to the heavens dark cloud of dust. And also there were big earthquakes, a dozen a month...and the strange philosophy of the people scared the humans , who were familiar with the subterfuges , the merciful lie, the false this Spartan-like people scared them stiff ! Kirk went to his Hotel , using the Subway. He takes a long shower and went to bed at 08:07 hours... =================================================== Spock was seated at a table, at that precise hour, talking with the principal opposites to the Government plans. - Delegate Spock: I am Riskiv, Associated Director from the Reform Party. I am here to read to you a detailed memoranda of our present position , with respect to the Federation alliance. Our desire it is to obtain a complete separation of Vulcan society with respect to that gathered lot of planets called the Federation." - It seems logical to begun with your position. You may proceed."- admitted Spock, while Riskiv drinks some of water. - Let's see...There are three main points . The First Point is that we had noticed a slowing down of the development of Vulcano; now there is the old interest of to learn , investigate, invent new mechanisms or new theories in the several branches of the knowledge. Now it is preferred the novelty, the mere option of the merchandise that is offered us via Catalogue , or with samples, from the other Federation planets. It's understandable ! For which purpose to be caring to invent, if with a little research it can be found manufactured , the desired invention? Some philosophical theory ? We search and found that it was discovered and carried to the experimentation in another planet ! Now we are mere readers of philosophical theories, we are admired of the alien achievements in the mathematical fields ! We are consumers of any other electrical gadget that choose to be imported here ! So if we split from the federation, we would establish Laws that will forbid the traffic between that Conglomerate and us ! We would be alone again, to feel ourselves alone...Then our philosophers will return to their particular studies, our technicians and engineers will begin inventing ! "Point Two : Emigration. Actually by each thousands inhabitants ,a hundred has already emigrated. The percentage has been increasing year by year, since our alliance with the Federation. Millions had already gone, maybe the most pugnacious of our population. At the pace we are going, in ten years some cities will be half empty, their industries paralyzed ,slowing down the total productivity in a 50% ! "The solution that our Party foresees for this particular problem it's very simple: general prohibition for any unauthorized trip to the exterior of Vulcano...and I tell you, Mr. Spock, the authorized trips will be very few!" - I see.'- Spock commented in a cold manner. - The Third Point is related to the few we are obtaining by being in the Federation. The tourism it's almost in existent, as our world isn't agreeable for the human Earth kind. They preferred blue oceans, pale blue skies and white sand beaches, in which their desinhibited and liberal women can take sun bathes and being admired...Our ore sells had increased a magre 7% from the pre-Federation times. With respect to Technology, our ships had been equipped with the best engines the Federation can sell, it's a fact, but the they are being used in the Federation's benefit." With this final words, Riskio finished his expostulation. Then Spock replied:- " I had heard the Honorable Riskio in his discourse. I had analyzed his sayings and he have, in part, reason to complain. But to return to our oneness it's like to return to the kerosene to lit lamps and to the explosion engines to move aerial vehicles. They had been abandoned , for ever, the days of the heroic struggle against an hostile Universe . Inside of the group of planets named the Federation, all have passed through this same identity crises , this melancholic groups , remembering the passed time of heroism and effort. We had paid already for the individual effort. We have evolved as individual persons - our main philosophy of life proves it. It is clear that to be a little master piece is, apparently, more valuable than to be a brick in a major building "But in that union we will grow together. It is the apparent inmovility that worries to-day the Reform Party. But it is because they are viewing this in a planetary fashion. I ask the honorable members of the Reform Party to see that thousands of Vulcanians are to-day big businessman, also Managers of important organizations as Banks and Hospitals. And a lot more it will be boring to enumerate here. "The vulcanian race had been the new sap inside a ligneous tree. To day the Federation soars ahead , thanks to the efforts of many of our fellow citizens. "With respect to the Industry and the invention, the Vulcan race has patented three times more improvements and inventions than the rest of the Federation members put together. This is more notorious if we compare with our planetary records ...Never before such as this ! "It is true this inventions are being developed outside our planet. But the inventors had received hundred of million credits for them! And part of that money had been invested here! And they keep on receiving the royalties ! "And this carry us to the Emigration Problem. It is true that the actual percentage of emigration outweighs that of the new born. I must remember you that the usual number of children rise by each couple in Vulcan is of one son. " I had revised this same case in the other planets of the Federation, in the time when they too were beginning it's membership, and the percentage of emigrations in those periods were similar to the ones we are seeing in Vulcan. The rate will descend in a slow way, and it will end by not represent a problem. As I said, it's like the new sap running by a ligneous tree. Once the tree achieve the saturation point, the sap will need not be too much. " And so I am arriving to the Third Point of the Honorable Riskio pointed out. This is, how little Vulcan has gained with this coalition. Here will be boring to repeat what I had already said. Here we are advancing as a group, and the results are appearing in a slowly manner. And this is because the range it's wider. It has to be with all the circuits of science, industry, commerce, communications and transport. " Now it's not as before, mere jumps in one or other human knowledge. " I finally pray all the Reform Party members have the will to considerate again their secessionist ideas, that some day it will be seen as a burden in the road to better days for Vulcan. Also suicidal, as now it's the time of the big alliances. What could happen to Vulcan if some other Alliance 's forces came from the deep of space ? We would be an easy prey. Proud and lonely our planet would perish ...we would fight against the wind mills and that will be all. We would be defeated and we would loose our identity, that to day we are so proud of. " That will be all for now." With those words Spock ends his message. Their speeches were reproduced in all the TV Hologram sets throughout all the planet. Thousands of people heard the uttered words. Spock talked a little to some of the presents, and then they attend a meal of honor, in which the old union among the ancient tribes of Vulcan was commemorated. - We are the taxi drivers of Spock. We are here waiting he finish those interminable sessions , to return to the active service. It is humiliate. Seems all the Vulcan are staring at us in mockery."- Newark said. - We are the workers the Federation has here. We will be always in the service of this or the other politic . "- Simpertigue reply. - I can't believe this !"- Newark said. - Yes! The heroic times are finished. The grandfather of the captain piloted the "Priceless". His nephew are vegetating in the "XMinus".- Simpertigue confided to the other . - Vegetate? ' - Newark felt himself intrigued. - Do not advance further. Stay put.'- Simpertigue lit his laser pipe, breathing the smoke with delight. Both members of the crew were seated in front of their monitors, astern of the XMinus. The information were flowing from the radar , showing them all the planet's traffic. It was being tapped in the Orbiter Computer. - Mr. Spock is also a member of the crew. His special aptitudes makes himself eligible for the mission he is trying to accomplish now. "- Simpertigue remembered. - Those Vulcan ! We will have some days in the surface, but to think in all those macho-like females gives me the creeps !"- Newark groaned. - You must see the bright side of things ! At least, they aren't klingons !"- Simpertigue laughed heartily, and in that instant the Captain Kirk appeared there. - Too much fun in a working post signifies, generally, little attention to the job !"- He admonished, and asked a report of the guard. 18 ships had abandoned the planet, and 12 had entered the atmosphere. All this data was with several details more, such as the destiny points, crew members and cargo. - Little traffic for a so famous planet ! "- Kirk mumbled. - May be it's the quality and not for the quantity that it is a famous planet, Captain.- Simpertigue replied. - Could be so. And at purpose of this, our Mr. Spock is entangled in high politics ! So high, that I am asking for a new assignation for our vessel."- Captain Kirk commented, seating in a chair. Newark said:- " I was commenting about that, Captain! It seems to me a waste of time and recourses just to be here orbiting the same planet, waiting for Mr. Spock, who knows for how many time he will be engaged in those political discussions." - He also said we are the taxi drivers of Mr. Spock.'- Simpertigue chipped in. Kirk said "- Not so little thing as taxi drivers ! But it is a waste of our time. I will ask my petition to Headquarters in a plausible way, as to gave us some chance to go somewhere else." And he retired. - Why did you said that I said we were as taxi drivers of Mr. Spock? - Newark asked. - Alas! You would be just a little thing if you can talk in absence of someone what you cannot have the guts to say in front of that someone ! You must always speak as if the absent were present: in that way you need not repent afterwards."- Simpertigue replied. ============================================ Simpertigue ends its turn and walked to the Main Deck, and he sees Kirk busy sending the message, with the aid of Lieutenant Uhura. He went there and said :- " Captain Kirk, can you gave me an interview for this afternoon? - Yes. At three o'clock in my office."- Answered Kirk absentminded. As it was twelve hours { ship's time} Simpertigue went to lunch . At three o'clock he enters Kirk's office. Uhura asked why he was there. - I asked an appointment to the Captain, Sir." - aren't being too lucky., He has the willies." - Damn."- Simpertigue said demurely, and stepped in. Kirk offers him a chair, and said"- Be brief, Simpertigue. And do not touch religious themes, I have too much to do." - If this is the case, Captain, I ask your leave to retire myself. I am a man of ideas and I cannot abridge them" - Speak. - Please tell me how it goes in reference to your requisition." - Bad! - Kirk yelled, and Uhura's head appeared in the threshold . - Are you calling me, Sir? - No! Lieutenant, you can resume your duties."- Kirk said, and he adds to Simpertigue :- " I expose them the wasting time we are having here, and the answer was that an armed vessel of the Federation over the Vulcanian skies was enough back up for Mr. Spock's efforts down there. And if we retire the "XMinus", we are endangering the political schemes."- - And there will be no new mission? - They said there is no important mission to gave the moment."- Kirk answered. - So we are stuck here .'- Simpertigue said, crossing his arms. Kirk retired a bottle of wine from his desk, and he served two portions in two glasses, offering one to Simpertigue, who received it gladly. - Only a urgent call from someone in distress could move us now."- Kirk assured. - We can create that urgent call ! - I think I'm not that desperate."- Kirk snorted. - Then you could license us , to visit Vulcan and search the fun here isn't !" - As we are relatives I will refrain to punish your words, but gave me the power to castigate you."- Kirk remarked, and he slaps Simpertigue. - Enough.- Simpertigue said, drinking the rest of the wine, and with a salute, he retired from the office. When going by Uhura's desk, Simpertigue told her:- " He wasn't so mad: he just bit me once." Uhura buried her nose in her console. She wasn't interested in fights... -Uhura ! Came immediately, please!"- Kirk bellowed from his office. She enter the room at a brisk pace. - Do you know what that bum came here to ask of me?" - No idea, Captain. - Close that door. Seat there. Well. He wants a shore leave for all hands on Vulcan."- He snorted. - You opposed, of course.- Uhura asked mildly. - Not yet. I must study this matter, but in this moment I am feeling very strained." She walk round the desk, and seats in the border, near him. Her legs shone under the silk. Kirk's eyes were trying to run from their orbs. - Course of collision ! "- Kirk interjected, and he embrace those appendages of ebony. She smiled and caressed the blond head. She understood that man, inheritor of some heroic ancestors. That gravitate heavily over his anguished ego, making stagger enormously. - Do you think I can leave all hands without endanger our mission?- He asked, rising his head. She puts his head over her chest, and the man rushed to it, hungrily. ---------------------------------------- (The tale is greater; soon I will post the rest as here are some troubles to show the file. Thanks for the delay. Alfred).2002 1

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