Star Wars
Heavy Assault

This model is based on the drawings of the Slayn & Korpil B-Wing Starfighter found in the Star Wars Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels. This was the first Star Wars model I had attempted to make. It is an approximate minifig scale, though the pilot does have a rather tight fit :-)
Needless to say, this is the single-seat version of the craft.

The B-Wing is essentially a long flat wing with a cockpit on one end. My Lego rendition required a somewhat thicker wing body section. Two folding airfoils (S-Foils) are mounted at the base of the engine assembly near the midpoint. These s-foils are retracted for cruising, and extend out for combat

The B-Wing is unusual as it does not have a R2 unit, but instead has an internal navigation computer that stores two sets of jump coordinates.
Like the original, my model has a cockpit gyro-stabilization system that allows the cockpit to remain stable while the rest of the ship rotates around it.

The weapons complement consist of three ion cannons, one at the tip of each s-foil and one at the end of the main wing. A laser cannon is also mounted at the end of the main wing. Two proton torpedo launchers are mounted above the engines, and a concussion missile launcher is mounted on the neck between the engines and cockpit. One auto-blaster and one low-power targeting laser are mounted on the cockpit nose.

The B-Wing weapons mounting points were designed to be modular, and this versions weapons complement differs considerably from the "stock" version.

The B-Wing is powered by a single immense Quadex Kyromaster engine with four individually adjusted thrust nozzles. The engine is fed by a single Vinop 02 K ionization reactor and four Slayn & Korpil JZ-5g7 power converters. This gives the B-Wing only moderate sublight speed capability, and its hyperdrive, a class two unit, is only half as fast as comparable X-Wing and A-Wing hyperdrives.

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Last update 6/26/97

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