Star Wars

This model is based on the drawings of the FreiTek, Inc. E-Wing Starfighter found in the Star Wars Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels. I think it is a pretty good interpretation, better than I had hoped for. Of course, I added a few "improvements" :-)
I had originally intended this to be minifig scale, but when it was finished I found that a Technic figure fit quite nicely and looked much more realistic. Its a little cramped, but hey, war is hell.

The standard E-Wing features triple laser cannons that can be fire linked, and a concussion missile launcher. The wings are fixed in place and reinforced by struts. It was designed to be the successor to the famous X-Wing. It is faster, more maneuverable, better shielded, and more powerful than the X-Wing.

Like the X-Wing, the E-Wing utilizes an astromech droid. The droid is a special R7 unit specifically designed to handle the advanced interfaces on the ship. The droid is in a sealed compartment just aft of the cockpit.

I have made two weapons modifications.

The first is an additional pair of concussion missile launchers on each side of the cockpit. Each launcher has two firing ports, and they share a magazine of 12 missiles.

The second mod is a mission-optional twin-barrel, recoil-absorbing medium ion cannon mounted on a swivel mount directly below the cockpit. This cannon was one of several "liberated" from a defeated Imperial Star Destroyer.
Ion cannon missions are generally undertaken by two or more advance fighters coming in at high velocity. The cannon is used to disable enemy shields and systems, allowing waves of assault ships such as X-Wings, A-Wings, B-Wings, and conventional E-Wings to move in to finish the battle.
When installed, the cannon disables the standard ventral mounted concussion missile launcher. In combat, the pilot has only to aquire a target lock, or multiple locks, and thereafter the droid maintains the lock(s). Even under hard maneuvering, the droid will maintain the lock and continue firing on the target(s) until overridden by the pilot.

The first view is a 3/4 nose view. If you look closely, the concussion missile ports are visible just to the side of where the pilots right arm would be.

Next is a side view. The cockpit hinge point is directly above the top of the wing strut. The entire dorsal laser hinges up with the canopy and provides access to the R7 astromech droid.

This is a top view. The cockpit canopy hinge point is visible here. Note the engine bleed-off vents on each wing, as well as the sensor discs (smooth round objects immediately forward of the engine vents)

This bottom view shows the standard concussion missile launchers (two small blue ports on the centerline toward the rear). In this view, the ion cannon is installed and in the stowed position.

These next two views show the ion cannon in the stowed position, and rotated into a firing position. When firing, the cannon has a wide field of rotation, with a safety-interlocked "rotation profile" to prevent self-inflicted damage.

Would you like to see instructions for this model? Both the LDraw DAT source files and a full step-by-step instruction set are available.

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Last update 5/01/98

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