Lego F-15 (ish)

Okay, its not *exactly* modeled after the venerable McDonnell-Douglas F-15 Eagle Air Superiority Fighter. This was done entirely by recollection and what "felt" right. And so I have designated this as the F-15ish (F-Fifteenish) And you may notice a couple of non-Lego pieces used. Hint-look at the engines. But they look a lot like the "turkey feathers" found on the GE and Pratt&Whitney engines of the real thing. In fact, they are aircraft parts. Old sleeves for some forgotten purpose, from an F-16 Fighting Falcon. So I felt they deserved a place on my model.

This is the second time I have photographed this model, and I'm still not satisfied with the results :-(
Maybe next time I'll get it right.

The first view is a 3/4 Side shot. Visible (barely) are an AIM-9 on the wingtip (I know, an F-15 doesn't have wingtip missiles) next is a pair of AMRAAM-type missiles on an underwing launcher. Then a 500lb MK-82 bomb, an AGM-65 missile, and two inline MK-82's. On the belly is a Vulcan Cannon, and some kind of Big Bomb, maybe a B-61 nuke.
Next is a similar view but with speedbrake up and the tailhook deployed.
This is an upper Rear View with a good look at the "turkey feathers". Notice the low drag tails of the MK-82s. These have chutes in them for a high drag/low altitude drop. Similar to Snakeyes.
This Cockpit view shows our two happy campers taxiing out for takeoff. Note the large intakes to feed those ravenous Pratt&Whitney turbofans.
A good outline in this Top View. I rebuilt this several times, altering the cockpit length and placement in relation to the intakes. Had to get just the right "aggressive" look to it.
I tried to clean this Bottom View up, but its still unclear (dang). It should have given a clear view of the various weapons.

After I had this model done, I looked at some F-15 fotos and noticed many errors. Maybe someday I'll try to model it more closely, but for now I'm happy with my F-15ish.
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Last update 6/20/97

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