The AH-64D Longbow in Lego

Finally! A few images of my Apache. :-)
This is a difficult model to photograph - too much black.
Like just about any model, it looks *much* better In Real Life.

3/4 Nose Detail View614 x 422 - 27kb
3/4 Overview800 x 530 - 48kb
Left Nose Detail View589 x 386 - 29kb
Left Overview588 x 386 - 39kb
LDraw RenderingsSix LDraw Views - 190kb total. 1730x956 largest
POV-Ray RenderPOV-Ray Render 800 x 600 - 35kb
POV-Ray RenderPOV-Ray Render 800 x 600 - 65kb
POV-Ray RenderPOV-Ray Render 800 x 600 - 46kb
POV-Ray RenderPOV-Ray Render 800 x 600 - 43kb
POV-Ray RenderPOV-Ray Render 800 x 600 - 43kb
Small Render with TextSmall Render with Text 900 x 480 - 58kb
A HUGE zip version of the above file (876kb, JPG, 6000 x 3200 )
can be downloaded by right-clicking on This Link,
and selecting "Save Link As.." in Netscape or
"Save Target As.." in MS Internet Explorer.
File must be unZipped (a Zip file was the only way I could get it to upload)

This image has a lot of rendered detail (and the text is readable!)
and was used for a small poster.
{which, due to Kinko's Copy shortcomings, turned out less
than great - dang large format HP Deskjets are only 600 dpi)

This model was intended for looks, so it has very little in the way of technical functions.
Some features:
Questions? Comments? Just ask.
-- Terry K --

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Last update 9/29/2001

Copyright � 1997-2001 Terrell E. Keller - All Rights Reserved.

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