Early History according to Humans and Haflings

(AN- After Nordics / BN - Before Nordics)

Before Record

Time of the Gods, which ended when the gods made the Elves, Dwarves, Halflings and Men, and then left for places unknown.

Approx 2500 BN

Golden Age of the Elves begins. They teach mankind language and agriculture, and all is at peace for a thousand years. The Elves make a servant race, upon the model of humans. This race became known as the Anthropes.

Approx 1500BN

This servant race rebelled against its elvish masters and a war rocked the world. Terrible weapons of light and dark were brought to bear, and undead and evil things arrose from the earth against the Elflords. Finally, the elves, triumphant, threw back the evil things, driving them back into the earth.

357 BN

The Cateclism and the Age of Demons. The Elves do something to affront the gods, and a great destruction is called down upon the world. Demons appear for the first time, and begin to torture and subjugate all mortals. A great battle begins between the different demons for the claiming of mortals.

252 BN

The Formation of the Hegemony. In order to better protect people from Demonic onslaught, elves, humans, dwarves, halflings and gnomes band together to fight against the Demon Lord Azazel, that has claimed the Lands. The war is continuous for two and a half centuries, with many terrible losses.

0 (The Year of Angels)

Finally answering the prayers of the many races, the gods send their envoys, the Nordics, to fight the Demon Lords. The Nordic Gab aids the Hegemony against the Demon Lord Azazel and Its minions. The Nordics manage to break the power of the Demons, and they ae driven out of the Hegemony Lands. The Nordics return to Heaven to watch over the faithful.

96 AN

The War of Heaven ends. The Demons are driven from teh Earth. Begining of the Modern Age.

Modern History

The Fall of Trogorth and the first Venging War

In 266, the first of the Underlord incursions began. The Dwarven nation of Trogorth in the mountains to the north bore the brunt of these assults, and the Hegemony responded slowly. The Dwarves were driven from their lands, and moved south into the lands of their brother Low Dwarfs in the hills, in the nation of Petrath. The Underlords sealed the passages to the northern lands. The Hegemony gathered and began the First Venging War against the Underlords in 270. Unfortuantely, with the Underlord forces entrenched in the Dwarvish strongholds, the war was lost and the seiges undone by 277.

The Invasion of the North and the First Northren Questing

Trade and commerce continued to the far north, but now by sea. The far north lands of Zinia, Thiphrika, Sotho, and Tartry began to report in 291 that they were under assult from the mountains. The Hegemony sent emmesaries to the Trogorth mountains, but they never returned. So, in 294, they sent forces by sea to aid the northern nations in the first Northren Questing. But it was too little too late. The forces joined the defenders against the Orcish Horde, but they lost the lands of Zinia and Tartry. A truce was negotiated in the land of Sotho in the year 301, named the Sotho Accords. It established a code of negotiation with the Orcish lords and drew up maps and limits for each nation.

The Annexation of Sotho, and the Second Northren Questing

The peace lasted 100 years. The dominated lands of Tartry and Zinia began to trade once more, under orcish rulership. Things seemed to be going well. Then the Underlords marched a massive army into Sotho, and bloodlessly annexed the state. Thiphrica fell into a state of complete panic, and sent envoys to the south for aid. The Hegemony, receiving the envoys in 407, ordered a second Northren Questing, and a force was sent in 408. They found only a few cities holding out against the Underlord armies, and established what defences they could and counterstruck to the south. They discovered that the orks had eliminated the humans from the lands of Zinia and Tartry, and came against a terrible force. They send word back to the Hegemony, and the Second Venging War was called in 411. The dwarves in particular were eager to try to regain their homelands in Trogorth, and sent a powerful force.

The Second Venging War

The conflict lasted 46 years. It was a bitter war, fought on many fronts. There were a few minor gains for the Hegemony, regaining three major strongholds in the Trogorth Range. The city enclaves to the far north Thiphrika were holding out, thanks to supplies sent by sea. The deciding factor in the war occured when the Hegemony discovered by accident the Island (pirate) nations of Digas and Carim. Digas and the Hegemony formed an alliance, and with the extra people and ships reinforcing the port cities of Thiphrika, The Hegemony could concentrate on the mountain strongholds. The Underlords asked for peace, and in 457 the Valcorn Accords were signed in the Hegemony nation of Valcorn.

The Time after the Valcorn Accords, and the Dwarven Homeland War

There was peace for over 150 years. The pirate nation of Carim were the only major threat at this time, and they were regularly put down by the stronger Digas and their allies. People fleeing from the remains of the northern nations either settled in other lands, or became gypsies. There were all kinds of terrible rumours about things going on in the once extant northern nations, none proven. But in the mountains of Trogorth there was never really peace, the Dwarves resenting human peace negotiations when most of the mountains remained under orcish control. Small conflicts continued in this area.

In the year 623 dark events began again. In an action contrary to the Valcorn Accords, the Underlord nation of Trogorth annexed the Dwarven strongholds in Trogorth, using as an excuse the continual conflict in the area. They managed to gain enough support for this action in the Hegemony that no response was made. The Dwarven nation of Petrath walked out on the Hegemony and declared war on the now orcish land of Trogorth. Many human and elven sypathisers to the Dwarvish cause joined in. The war lasted for 6 years, in which no gains were made on either side. In the end, the Dwarvish Nation agreed to a truce in 629 due to lack of adequate supplies to the front.

The Loss of the Northern City - Forts and the Third Northren Questing

The peace lasted for 20 years, with many dwarf / orc conflicts continueling on a smaller scale. Then ships stopped returning from the northern cities in the once extant Thiphrika. Ships sent in that direction down the east coast did not return. In 652, the Hegemony gathered together a great expiditionary force, and calling the Third Northren Questing, set off down the west coast. At first they were dismayed at signs of total distruction in the various cities, each completely razed to the gound. Then, finally, they came to the city of Cape in the furthest North, and discovered a besieging Orcish army and navy. The Battle of Cape lasted two weeks in the beginning of 653, with many, many losses on both sides. The Orcs had discovered a new weapon: cannon, and though they were poor sailors, they seemed to have somehow solved the usual orcish aversion to light. The casualties were great on both sides, but finally, the hegemony ships won through and the besieging forces were driven back.

The Orcish Invasion of the Hegemony, and the War of Thunder

The expiditionary force sent word back about the orcish offensive, but they arrived too late. The Orcs had massed great numbers of troups and invaded the Hegemony homelands. At first they met with little resistance in the lands of Airie and Valcorn, as the Humans gathered their forces. The Orcs had neatly side stepped the dwarves, and the nation of Petrath had to redistribute their forces to send aid. Send aid they did, even though many of them were loth to do so after the human disinterest in the Homeland war. Elves revealed the secret of cannon to the human and dwarvish forces, which caused many questions to be asked, but proved useful none the less.

The War of Thunder, as it became known, lasted for 8 years, until the year 661. The last three years were marked with orcish retreat out of the lowlands, and defence of the border forts of Trogorth. The Dwarves wanted to take the war home to Trogorth again, but the orcs sued for peace once more after an unsuccessful twelve month seige of the City of Grund. The Hegemony forces beat themselves against the once dwarvish town, only to fail again and again. Finally it was the Dwarves who agreed to peace, with much resentment, since they had suffered terrible losses in the war.

It is the here and now. (for the start of the game) The year is 662, and the army veterans are returning from the front. The Hegemony had rewarded its forces well, strung out though the money is. The Hegemony has doled out land to its men, officers receiving lordships and fiefdoms. In the southern land of Malia, nearly untouched by the war, long gone warriors are returning, with titles to land. There is a great celebration planned for their victorious return in every town, and on the southern border, near the elvish lands, a little village named Harion welcomes its military heros.

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