Fade to Gray: Karathiel

Cherubim of Lightning

Total Forces




















Vessel 3


Mind Hits


 Soul Hits


ArchAngel: Jean

Word:  Lightning



Attunements & Distinctions




Gentle, stout-hearted and stubborn protectors of things held dear. Other names: Hayyoth, The Guardians. Relation with the Symphony is one of ultimate devotion and loyalty. Find Kyriotates difficult to understand and a tad annoying. Betrayal of devotion is most serious sin, including harm coming to something she is attuned to. Failed attempts at erasing an attunement also cause dissonance. Can attune herself to as many objects or people as you have forces.

Servitors of Jean:
His servitors control the various energies in the corporeal world and technological advancement in man. Jean prefers that his angels don�t take too much upon themselves without his approval. It creates dissonance to let a technological secret of device fall into the hands of a human before Jean decides it is time. It is dissonant to let an infernally inspired technological innovation go unopposed. Jean�s servitors tend to lack subtlety and create disturbances in the Symphony. No allies, associated with Eli (Creation) and Yves (Destiny), Hostile to Jordi (Animals), Michael (War), and Novalis (Flowers). Chance of Invocation: 3. Note that Laurence says he is allied with Jean and David says he is associated with Jean.

Can spend essence to enhance the effects of choir attunements. From any telephone she can connect to the phone nearest to the object they are attuned to. If there�s no phone there then she can spend 1 essence and temporarily (10 minutes) create a cell phone within 7 feet of the object.

Regain Essence:
Rest for an hour touching the turbine in a power station, Rest for 2 hours plugged into a wall socket, spend and hour in a thunderstorm on a cliff. Regain 1 each day at dawn.

Celestial form:
A giant winged panther suffused with a golden halo. The fur is deep and soft and jet black, and the eyes glow large and golden with a broad slitted pupil. In bright lights, golden tracings of spots are just visible on her dark coat. Dark mottlings are also just visible on her wings in bright light, although they in no way mar the perfection of the brilliant gold feathers.

Vessel�s form:
She is a very large, very tall woman, an although not particularly strong looking, her work mates realise that she must work out a fair bit to be so strong. She has long jet black hair, although when she spends time in the sun it tends to get red tint to it. Her skin is dark, although it is hard to tell whether that is natural or from tanning. Her facial features are mostly Caucasian, although there is a slight touch of some form of Asian.

Ancient History:
Karathiel originally served with Uriel, standing by his side in the great rebellion, loyally watching the back of any that it was commanded to protect. Its role in battle was generally not one of direct attack, rather it was assigned to protect strategic points or people, and if in direct battle was at the side of one of the stronger fighters, protecting his/hers/its back.

Yet again Karathiel was on earth in the time of the flood, and took on a rather unusual role - that of protector of the dove who�s sighting heralded the end of the flood. While this didn�t exactly involve much heroics, it did mean a rather miserable and wet time of it, and lots of cleaning out pigeon droppings from the cave it�d taken shelter in. The loss of the Nephilim and the half human/half angel descendants of the Fallen saddened it, although its main involvement previously with them had always been in opposition. Its feelings were that god made all that is, good and evil both, and that to lose these people merely because they did the task they�d been assigned too well was surely not as God intended. However, it did not feel that it was its place to speak out against this, especially as in the back of its mind it had a suspicion that its feelings were due to an empathy with the Grigori and their plight. This was not something it wished to bring to the attention of anyone high up.

Karathiel was not involved at all with the birth of Christ, nor with the unveiling of the Qu�ran to Mohamed. For the first it was elsewhere on earth, protecting a priest by the order of Uriel. And the second it was on one of her brief sojourns in heaven. Neither religion particularly effected it, no more than the formation of any other religion - all are merely different expressions of the same thing. The direct involvement of people so high up both times surprised it, but again it was not its place to question the motives of its superiors.

Karathiel�s service with Uriel came to a close in 745 AD once it ascended after killing all the creatures of myth. It then began to serve Laurence as Uriel�s replacement. However, Laurence�s methods and reliance on Michael, worried her. She began to see the potential for the misuse of her loyalty, and approached Jean with her troubles. In the past she had often worked with servants of Jean and had a closer relationship with Jean than with any other Archangel, including Laurence at the time. Jean was not particularly impressed with the fact that Karathiel had made her own judgements of one of the Archangels, but could see that her loyalty to God was unfazed by this incident, merely needing a new form of expression. Thus she came to serve Jean, only months after Uriel�s ascension.

Her involvement with the inquisition was again a strange one, and one that gained her Jean�s disapproval for independent action. On completing the task she was assigned by Jean, rather than come back to him for another task she took pity on a priest who had been falsely accused of heresy, and took on the role of his protector. She knew him as innocent, as he was one who she had been friends with while completing the task Jean had set. She also knew his accuser as one who was ambitious and stood to gain from the removal of this priest. Thus her views and opinions of the inquisition were not as one loyal to heaven should have been. And her actions brought dissonance that only hundreds of years of loyal service to Jean repaired.

Recent History:
Karathiel took on the vessel and role of Karen McKinnon, Detective Inspector of the Washington City Police force about 18 years ago. Previously she had worked similar roles in other cities and countries. She has had a number of servants as her partners in these times, generally having each serve for a decade or so and then retire in favour of another younger servant. She has cared meticulously for each of these, and all have survived to return to a normal life or death - whichever the case may be - with one exception.

Her servant and partner of 14 years, Ned Wills, was killed during a shoot out following a failed attempt at drug theft. It was a situation that Karen should have been in control of, but somehow she was distracted, and an unlucky stray bullet killed Ned instantly. This incident has been preying on her mind ever since, and she has felt the effects of her sin affecting her control on her presence. She has been unable to completely control her aura since that time, and is aware that this is making her stand out to those with eyes to see it. It has remarkably never been too much of an issue with Jean, who lowered it to a managable level after several services were conducted well. But it still always preyed upon her mind.

After Ned�s death, she began the search for a new partner, and remembered the young woman she had saved in a case several years before, who had since worked her way up through the police force to a rank of detective. She approached Melanie and explained her situation to her, and asked her if she�d be willing to take Ned�s place by her side. Melanie was more than happy to do this and so the partnership began.

Two years later, and Melanie is well on her way to being a competent soldier, and the partnership has yielded many successes for the side of good.

About 2 months before the Silence, Karen was introduced to and entrusted to protect a woman called Sonja Morgan. Jean�s directions for this assignment included little details about the woman or why she had to be protected, but he was adamant that she should be present in Washington City at a particular convention, and that she should be introduced to a scientist called Denis Sheil at this time. They were to be allowed to speak with one another during that meeting, then Sonja was to be protected and allowed to work uninterrupted in the months following this meeting. Karen was a little confused by this, but had become used to Jean�s ways by now and accepted that she�d have to be the one to find out what it was all about herself.

She discovered that Sonja was a scientist working in a medical laboratory associated with Caltech, one focusing on developing cures to currently terminal diseases. While she was only a postgraduate student, her topic of research was the AIDS virus. She�d been having little success in her project however, and Karen surmised that this meeting with Denis Sheil must be, in some way, the inspiration to bring her success. The convention is scheduled to take place one month after the Silence.

About 10 days before the Silence, Melanie�s daughter, Sally (Karen is also attuned to her and Melanie�s husband), was taken from her day-care centre and a chase ensued. She was found by Karen and Melanie late that night, dumped by the side of a freeway outside of New Jersey City, apparently unharmed, but very frightened. However, as she picked up the little girl she felt her attunement to Sonja break. In a panic she returned to Sonja�s lab to discover her missing, and the lab in a shambles. Several people outside mentioned seeing three men enter the building and leave with a young woman, but none remembered seeing how they left the building. Upon investigation, Karen found a door to a closet fragmented into gray powder, rendered unto chaos. Shocked, Karen reasoned that such could only be evidence of direct Demonic intervetion, and probably from the band of Shedim. Thus, her failure has lead to her taking on a geas to find Sonja and take her to the meeting in time. To compound her problems, her guild has caused the aura problem to flare up again.

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