Chapter 1, part 11

Karen and Jason catch up on Dawn

Karen dialed up Jason and got right through straight away.

Jason, alone in his apartment save for the unconscious Josh, was about to call Karen, and picked up the handle of the device. He was about to dial Karen's mobile number, when he realized he had no dial tone. Instead there was Karen's voice...

Karen was only partially surprised when the angel of Destiny answered his phone without giving it the benefit of a ring.

"... Hello? Jason?"

"Karen." he replied.

Both could hear the sound of CNN in the background on the other end of the phone.

�Obviously great minds think alike." Jason said with a chuckle. "I hear the news on, I assume you have heard what happened?"

Karen's voice was a little distressed and she quickly replied "Yes! I heard what happened, but only because I felt it first...hang on. Let me start again." She continued a little more slowly "This morning as the sun rose I was standing there feeling the essence of the dawn flow through me, when I heard another sound. You and Lynne would have had to have heard it?" She sounded a little unsure about that.

"Lynne wants to go to LA today to look into what is going on, but I am not sure if that is the best course of action. I am going to book her and Josh on AA flight 3 leaving JFK at noon and arriving in LA at 2:49 PM. I wanted to see if you had heard the news, and what your interpretations of the noise this morning were. Lynne and I each sensed different things."

She took a deep breath and continues "I wasn't sure what you or other people would have heard. It was so loud to me, but Melanie slept right through it. It was a sound I�ve heard before, although one I definitely didn't expect. It was Uriel, and not in a good mood either. I don't really know what part of the destruction in the news it relates to, but it was definitely Uriel bringing his wrath down upon one corporeal place, for the purpose of utter destruction." She hesitated a moment before continuing as if not quite sure exactly how to say this "Several things about it worry me" She snorts and rephrased what she just said "Ok, several things other than the act itself worry me. The fact that Melanie didn't hear a sound of that magnitude when she seemed to pick up so much more than me during other events; the fact that it seemed to be keyed to the coming of the flux of dawn to conceal it; and the fact that the world seems unchanged after something of that scale"

"As for going to LA, I�m content to leave that to Lynne for the moment, unless she particularly wants some company. I was going to spend from now until Melanie wakes up doing some searching of the police database, then after that following up any leads that I find. There's something that I have to do... someone I have to find before the end of the month, or things could go very badly for me" The tone in her voice suggested that whatever the bad thing she was talking about was much worse than her current dissonant state.

"Hmmmm" said Jason as he seemed to think for a little while. "I guess that fits. Lynne heard the sound of a judgement. As of someone being judged and found guilty, and an attempt at the punishment of the one who was judged. But the guilty escaped. Not so I'm afraid for those in the area at the time. A great many mortals died. There appear to have been two 'attempts'. I sensed one or more disruptions occurring within about 5 miles of one another. The 'noise' was dampened by an Ethereal Song of Shields on a truely grand scale, the kind of scale that only an ArchAngel...or higher...could do. The Shield probably covered about a 10 mile radius. The song used the 'dark before the dawn' as its triggering mechanism, and the waves of disturbance rode the dawn itself. Although it shouldn't have been able to. I would guess that the events took place about 2-4 hours before dawn. So it would have happened yesterday at around dawn on the East coast."

He let what he had said sink in for a moment before continuing "I wondered if it were Dominic, or Yves, or possibly even Israfel who was judged. I just don't know. I had planned to try to get some Essence back today, if I can. I planned to have a philosophical discussion with Josh when he gets up and then do some other stuff during the day. But I can fit that in here and there, what can I do to help you?"

Karen was silent for a moment, listening and considering what Jason is saying. She murmurs "The guilty judged...hmmmmm. I guess that would explain why they were trying to hide the traces of the song." She paused again, softly murmuring "Guilty judged...." Jason could hear a quick intake of breath before Karen continues by saying "It was Uriel...letting his wrath down upon someone. It has to have been! I once served Uriel, and I can tell you that if any of his servants even had a hint of dissonance, they purged themselves fast or fell. He had no tolerance to anything that wasn't pure and strove to purify the world. Now just assume that for some reason one of the archangels gained dissonance... wouldn't that be reason for him to come back and try to purge the world again?" She sat in silence again for a while, perhaps unable to fully grasp what she had just said, perhaps concerned by it.

Moments later she sighed "Anyway, we can only do our best to find out. I could perhaps try to call in Jean for information, although he isn't tolerant of dissonance at all either, so I doubt I�d have any luck. Basically if you can there are a few task that I need to get to. Finding Nathaniel is one of them, as is trying to track down Raphael. "You have Raphael's heart? Have you used it to try and find out his location?"

Jason replies "It could only have been an ArchAngel. No one else could have survived Uriel's wrath. We can rule out Jean, Novalis and Michael, as they have all been seen since then. Yves is still a possibility, I can check with Selindeal, and see if she knows anything, I guess. I am pretty sure I know where Raphael is, and I don't see going to Hell by myself."

Karen snorted "Not my idea of a picnic either...but then I�d imagine that Raphael's not having a thrilling time of it. Perhaps if we can get one of the Archangels on side we might have a better chance of rescuing him? I can try Jean, although as I�ve said I don't think I�d have much luck there..."

He let that thought hang in the area before moving on to another subject. "Lynne is checking the local hospitals to see if any trace of Nathaniel can be found. When she is done she will be heading back here, or directly to the airport if she is late. Then she is off to LA to see what is up there. So maybe she will find out something about Nathaniel. I can still attune myself to Hablashim's secretary and see who comes to knock him off, but again I am loathe to do so without backup."

Karen sighed "I think that'd be the best move, although if you do that and get some idea of when it's going to happen, I think you're gonna need backup. Be very careful about it."

You can almost hear him shrugging over the phone "do you want to just leave things at that for the next few hours? If either of us finds out anything they can just ring the other."

"I think that's probably the best...until we find out more, that's about all we can do."

Karen said goodby, Jason wished her luck and they both hung up.

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