Chapter 1, part 14

Denis, Sandalphan, and Boston

Waiting at the airport, Melanie grabbed a few newspapers, and after boarding the plane, handed half to Karen and got to work perusing the others. An in depth report of the events in LA was the front story, claiming the death count to be over a thousand and speculating on the source of the accident without much accuracy. A report of red rain in Iraq is the page 4 story. Airline crash in Sri Lanka page 3. Reports of the highest death toll from guns ever over the one weekend for the last two days in the New York area.

The news was discouraging. To say the least.

Karen sighed, shaking her head and murmuring softly to Melanie "I'd never thought that there would be so many options to choose from when deciding where Uriel struck, although LA does seem to be the culprit. I wonder whether these other events are linked? Whether..." She broke off to look again at the red rain in Iraq article, then mused unhappily in the same quiet voice "And the rivers will run blood red..."

Finally, descent, then slow disembarkment, and out into the city beyond. A taxi, a brief lunch, then waiting again, and finally, Karen spotted the man entering the bar.

She remembered his appearance from the photo in the file she had been supplied by Jean. This was the man who her lost charge was supposed to meet in three and a half weeks time. He did not look very impressive.

His shirt hung out to the side, his hair was uncombed and, even though clean shaven, he managed to convey the image of a man who cared little for his appearance, trying as hard as he was able to dress well. He was a little red faced as though he had just run a distance. Karen checked her watch. 2:15. A quarter hour late. He tucked himself in, looked about and failed to spot the two women. Karen sized him up, five foot eight, average to thin build, blue eyes, yellow blond hair, before standing and going to him.

Karen smiled, as much in sympathy for the poor guy after all she'd put him through as to put him at ease. She called out softly to get his attention "Mr. Shiel?"

He blinked at her, surprised even though he had come to meet her. Finally he nodded.

"Hi...I'm Karen and this is my partner Melanie." She reached out to take his hand and he, still a little dazed, wordlessly took it. Karen senses the acute connection as she evoked her resonance and attuned herself to him, looking directly into his eyes as she said "We're here to look after you." trying to put as much reassurance as she could towards Denis.

He, in turn, gave Karen her second peculiar look of the day. "That is the strangest thing..." he said, eyes wide. "What is the chance that ..." then he broke off and lost eye contact, as Karen was suddenly overwhelmed with sensations.

The symphony brought echoes of his future to her. The strength of this future threat kept her silent for a moment, as she realized exactly how much trouble he was in, and through him, her also now.

Some plan was in operation to pervert the meeting that was supposed to occur, that had been set up by Jean�s organization. Denis was supposed to meet with Sonja, Karen's previous charge, and they were supposed to inspire one another in the area of research into artificial virus antigens to combat the Aids virus. They were supposed to each work alone after this meeting, but remain in correspondence.

Denis was infected with the Aids virus. Karen could feel it.

Ten days from today, earlier than the intended meeting Denis was going to meet someone. That someone would be carrying the disease that would kill Denis, his damaged immune system not able to handle that strain of influenza. But, worse than that, the danger was planned. It would come to him through Sonja herself. Sonja will be, knowingly or unknowingly, working for the enemy.

Karen knew the Hand of the Demon Prince behind this. An orchestrated plan such as this one could only come from the mind of Kronos, the Demon Prince of Fate, or one of his servitors.

She let go of his hand, watching as he and Melanie made their greetings, then gestured to the seats where she and Melanie were sitting. "Please, join us for a drink?"

Oblivious to the thoughts racing through Karen's mind, he quickly nodded.

Karen ordered a new round of drinks and then looked towards Denis, opened her mouth, then closed it again. Sighing she tried again "I'm sure you're intensely curious about this by now, and I�ll try to explain everything to you as best I can. although it's rather hard to know where to start. I think perhaps it might be easiest if you tell us a little bit about yourself, and the work you do?

Denis nodded. "Of course... Um, well... I am actually more of a student, really. I Do a bit of lab assistance work, mostly to pay the bills, you know, in the same office that I study in. My professor is doing work into genetic mapping of viruses." He shrugged, eyes avoiding them. "Quite important work, very complicated."

Melanie spoke. "What kind of applications has this kind of work, Mr. Sheil? Or is it mostly theoretical?"

He looked at her. "Oh, mostly theoretical at this stage... but we have had some success in analyzing viruses and determining which genes in their makeup are characteristic and how they can be altered... In the long run it has all kinds of potential applications in virology and fighting diseases... In the long term."

Karen asked "And have you ever heard of a woman called Sonja Morgan who worked for Caltech?"

He blinked again. "Er... no... should I?" he managed to sound guilty.

Karen sighed and shook her head. "No. but I think it's likely that you will meet her before very long, and.. well.." She frowned, framing her next words carefully "You'll have to forgive me if I sound a little strange, but it is a highly unusual situation that we're dealing with here. I believe that you will be in quite a bit of danger when you do meet her, unless you are prepared." Already prepared to calm his inevitable panic "But don't worry, I have a friend that I hope will be able to help you, in more ways than one perhaps. And of course Melanie and I will be there for you."

Denis shook his head, getting very little of this. "Ohh ... Kaay ..." he said slowly looking at Karen as if she had gone off to live with the fairies.

Karen sat back, taking a careful look around the room, trying to make out if there are any other people taking an interest in this conversation, or if there are any celestial beings around.

She spotted no one untoward.

She then turned her gaze back to Denis and asked abruptly "When we met you said something about this being a strange thing, and 'what is the chance that ..', but you never finished your sentence. What were you going to say?" She smiled to soften her abrupt words "And please believe me, even if it was something weird, I can deal with that. I think most of what I have said to you is bordering on the weird."

Denis paused, gauging his words carefully. Finally he made a decision. "All right. I still have no idea what this is all about, but ... Look, all I meant was that there was this guy who came up to me the other day, like, Friday or something, and introduced himself as Mr. Sandy Alphan. And that he worked for a private investigation firm and it had come to their attention that I was at some kind of risk. And that their employer, who they were not going to name, was bankrolling them protecting me." he shrugs. "I have no idea what in hell is going on with all you people."

Melanie piped up. "Excuse me, Mr. Sheil, could you please describe the man who spoke with you?"

He shrugged. "Guess so... About five ten, solid build. Indian or Islander, I guess, but his name was a bit funny. Spoke very correctly, like he had learned English rather than been brought up with it. Look, the only reason I mention it, is because..." and his voice drifted off.

Melanie filled in for him. "You had that same feeling when Karen shook your hand."

He looked at Melanie, surprised, then nodded his head. Melanie and Karen exchanged a look of understanding. Either a Cherub or a Djinn. And Karen had a feeling she knew which.

Karen guessed at the name. Sandy Alphan. Sandalphon. One of the greatest of the Cherubim, and the one whose Name /was/ Guardian Angel. Last she knew, Sandalphon was working for Yves, but that was about a hundred years ago. It would potentially fit in with Kronos being active against this plan of Jean's to have a powerful servant of Destiny being in the opposition.

Karen blinked, being somewhat overwhelmed by the thought of Sandalphon being involved. She asked curiously "Did this man leave you with any way to contact him?" She swiftly spoke of her suspicions in a low aside to Melanie: "I believe this could be an old acquaintance of my line, and one who is more than capable of looking after matters"

Denis nodded, not particularly noticing the communication between them as he fished out a business card.

"Here it is." He said, holding out a little piece of cardboard to Karen. Upon it was embossed *Seven Swords Investigative Agency* and several phone numbers.

Karen dialed one on her mobile.

"Hello. This is the front desk. Can I help you?"

Karen said "Yes, I�m trying to reach Mr. Sandy Alphan, concerning a matter relating to a Mr. Denis Shiel. My name is Karen McKinnon."

In the background Karen heard Melanie talking quietly with Denis.

The phone manner of the receptionist at the other end was impeccable. "Ms McKinnon, regarding Mr. Denis Sheil." she muttered under her breath, obviously putting the names into a computer. "If you will hold a moment, please... Ah, Mr. Alphan has had both your name and that of Mr. Shiels put on an immediate attention list. I will connect you through to him in just a moment. Will you please hold?"

Karen knew efficiency and good use of technology when she heard it. Jean would be proud. Of course she held.

A moment or two later, the line picked up a definite long distance feel, and then there was an abrupt,

"Karanthiel? It has been too long." A strong male voice which Karen recalled, sounding vaguely strained, with the sound of a motor vehicle in the background. "What can I do for you regarding Denis?"

Karen sighed as she detected the strain in his voice and then smiled sadly as she began to speak "Sandalphon, it has indeed been a long time. recently there has been so much happening and so much confusion... I hesitate to ask how things are with you at the moment?"

Pause. "Well, if you must know..." sound of an engine overrevving. "I am talking to you from my satellite phone, while chasing two demons in a stolen range rover on a dirt road out side of Buenos Aires. They are about ten minutes ahead of me, so it will take a while to catch them up..." Sound of screeching brakes and complaining tires. "Please, what is it you are calling me about..."

Karen winced "Oh dear.. I�ll try to be quick then. But I hope you'll be glad to hear that I�m calling to offer assistance."

"As for how you can help me regarding Denis, well I think I�m actually offering you my help instead. But before that there are a few things I need to talk to you about. I'm not sure how much you know about my involvement with this matter?"

"I am peripherally informed, but please, remind me of the details..."

Karen proceeded to quickly to tell him about Jean assigning her to Sonja, who was supposed to meet Denis, losing Sonja (and the circumstances surrounding the loss), then meeting Denis. "I highly suspect Kronos is behind all of this, but I�m afraid I�m still in the dark about why this is so important, and how, if at all, this related to all the other events that have recently occurred."

"...right..." over revving again. "Go on..."

"I have attuned myself to Denis - before I realized that there was another attuned to him - and when I did this I caught a flash of events in the future. I saw him meeting Sonja, who will be working to bring about Denis's death, either willingly or unwillingly. She will be carrying a virus that she will pass on to him. In his current state he won't survive the resultant health complications."

"OK. I think I am up to speed now..."

"What I�m suggesting is that I take Denis to see a healer I have been working closely with over the past few days and whom I�m meeting with tonight, and that maybe together we might be able to heal him completely, or at least to the extent that he won't be in as much danger from the virus Sonja will bring."

"Sounds like a good idea." Tires crying out for mercy and receiving none.

"Jason, the healer I�m speaking of, was working with Raphael. And it was only last night that she/he was taken from us - again it may have been Kronos. At the very least it was by -a- prince of hell. We took out two of his cronies, but the prince and Raphael were gone before we even arrived."

"Right. I know Jason. Good solid chap, if a bit of stickler for details. But I had not heard about the Raph situation. Hrm. I had better let Michael know about that, so that he can take steps when his current plan actualizes.�

Karen interrupted at this point "I realize this is a rather bad time to bring this up, but I would love to hear any information you are willing to share about current events, particularly regarding Raphael. But I�d say to leave that until you are less... um... distracted. I will mention however, that Raphael's heart is safe for the moment. It was saved by a demon called Ashikel, who gave her life to save his and another two hearts (including Jason's) from her masters, and in doing so, ascended before she died."

There was a pause after this, and Karen thought that maybe the phone was covered and another conversation had. Finally he got back on.

"Well, Ashikel." Screeeech! "I would have more sympathy for her if I had not been involved directly in two occasions where she had screwed mortals over is a big way. Nevertheless, it is good to hear she saw the Light before the end. Now, the other issue, I am afraid I cannot discuss over a satellite line. But I can tell you this... Michael is organizing things at the moment. If you have any contacts among his servitors they would be able to give you a better idea of what is on the cards. I understand that you are calling from somewhere in USA? There are a few places Michael has been looking into personally there, and with the assistance of Gabriel. I am sure you could finds someone there to fill you in."

"Well, Karanthiel. It seems like you have the situation with Denis well in hand, for which I am glad. Look, I am more than happy for you to take that one off my to do list, in all honesty I had put him down as low risk at the moment, and this would have probably slipped by me. Why don't you take care of it, and I will pass along my thanks to Jean for your assistance if it all works out. Might make a difference if it comes from me. But do be careful with Denis, he is carrying a little piece of my soul with him too..."

Karen said "Thank you... I will do everything I can. This issue has my full attention - ever since I lost Sonja it has been on my mind constantly. I hope that through Denis I can also do something to save or retrieve Sonja... but that is another story."

"Well, I had really better get back to concentrating on the road..." On cue, the engine screamed out in superhuman anguish of metal against metal. "Unless there was anything else?"

Karen replied quickly "no...I�m sorry for being such a distraction in the first place, but please, I'd greatly appreciate it if you would call me when you have time so we can talk. My number is ...., or otherwise you can get through to me by calling the Washington PD."

"Thank you. That may be a while however. I have a backlog of work at the moment and will be in the field for at least the remainder of the week. Good speaking to you, and thanks for the assistance in the Sheil matter."

Karen ended the call, pausing for a moment in thought as she watched Melanie and Denis talking together. Finally she put the phone away and headed back over to the table, smiling "Sorry about taking so long there. Well, the good news is that Mr. Alphan is in good health, even if he is a little distracted by matters at the moment. He is content for your protection to fall into my hands for the moment - if you are agreeable Mr. Shiel?"

He seemed bemused, and shrugged. "I guess..."

She continued, in a business-like manner "Now, I believe the best course of action is for me to arrange a meeting with the friend I spoke about - Jason is his name. I had already arranged to meet with him this evening in NYCity concerning another matter, so perhaps the most convenient approach would be for you to accompany us back this evening? Of course all costs would be covered by my department, and I will make all the appropriate arrangements, including your return flight tomorrow morning. Would this be convenient for you Mr. Shiel?" In her tone of voice and manner, Karen tried to convey the impression that

it was Jason who's schedule they should be working to rather than Denis'. She waited for his response.

Denis blinked. "New York?" he looked around to Melanie. "Is that really necessary?" Melanie's eyes conveyed the importance of Karen's opinion without doubt. Karen was immediately grateful of the young woman's presence. She was so easily capable at gaining people's sympathy, and did such a good 'good cop'.

Denis, a little wide eyed, nodded. "You still haven't really told me what this is all about, you know. Why am I in danger? Who is this woman you mentioned? Why all this interest in me?" He left the questions hanging.

Karen glanced around the cafe again (more for effect than any true paranoia) and said to Denis "Because of the nature of the issue it's probably best that we speak of it in private. Perhaps we could head back to your place and grab you an overnight bag and then discuss this there or once we get to New York? But you have to keep in mind that even I don't know all the details yet. I'm piecing together bits of information from here and there and these have been enough evidence for me to believe you are in danger, and to know -something- of the nature of the problem. But the where's and hows and even most of the whys are yet unclear. Perhaps once you meet Jason some things will become clear for you. The only thing I can tell you right now is that it has something to do with your work and that Jason is the best chance you have of preparing to avoid the dangers whatever it is and whenever it comes." She chuckled and spreads her hands helplessly "And I�m afraid I can't tell you why or what in particular is so interesting or relevant about your work since all I know of it is what you've told me tonight."

"I know little more about Sonja than I do about you, although I did get to meet her when I was sent to watch over her. As I said she has been missing for nearly a week now and I would give my eye teeth to know where she is right now." Karen sighed, again showing some of the pain that was associated with the loss of Sonja, and then shook herself out of that, glanced at her watch and says "Well that's probably made things even more confusing than they were before, but perhaps we should make a move. After all the sooner we get there the sooner we can get things done"

Denis was a little out of his depth (say by about a million miles) and went quiet, trying to make sense of all this. Finally he looked once at Melanie, and seeing her determination, shrugged and acquiesced. "All right, I guess..."

Karen called up the airline and arranged Denis's passage - on the same flight as she and Melanie were taking. She also called up and organize him a hotel room in their hotel.

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