Ashley Prelude, part 6

Manipulating the news

Ashley had gained one small quanta of essence from her conversation with Simon, having released him from his metaphoric bonds of misunderstanding of the universe, and given him a good reason to skip work for at least a week, and so she put that essence to immediate good use.

Leaving the bemused and distracted Simon to care for the still preoccupied Babble, she walked from their rented rooms into the street, down a little used back alley and through a fence, walking in as normal on one side, and out the other as a slim, attractive young man.

Ashford blended in with the crowd, glad of his unisex jeans and tee shirt. The tingling in the Symphony from the sound of the change dampened rapidly, and he checked around with caution to see if there was any attention, from a suitable distance.

But none was apparent. So on, into the suburbs, to the site of the first disaster.

Quite a crowd of onlookers has gone out of their way to come and observer the scene of destruction and the cleanup operation, with more than a few news-crews among them. Ashford blended in easily, watching for familiar faces, or signs of any celestial activity.

Several hours passed, without event. No one of interest, not even among the police or rescue crews. Finally, deciding to try the other site, Ashley grabbed a hot dog from a vendor that had set up to work the crowd, and walked the distance to what once was her apartment, stopping to give a call to check on Simon. He reported everything fine. Babble was apparently examining a Bible and seemed fascinated. Ashley did not even want to think about that, so said bye, and moved on.

The destruction here at her once apartment was more concentrated, but just as complete. The crowd of onlookers were also fewer, but more select. Here, finally, after an hour or so of observing the news-crews and ambulances, Ashley spotted something of interest. Or rather, someone.

A neat black man, dressed in business suit, with close cropped hair and mobile phone stepped out of one of the arriving vans. Ash immediately picked the bulge in his jacket and the sweat upon his brow, even in the shade of the afternoon. His authoritative stance and businesslike expression were familiar to her, and took only a moment to place. Scot. Scotathis. The Demon of Darkness.

Scotathis had had occasion of the use of Lilith's services before. Ashley had guessed that he served either Kronos, or Asmodeus, or possibly Beleth. It was possible that someone as high in Lucifer's favor might actually be serving no one but the Dark Lord himself. He was an Habalite, of curious distinction: He felt only two emotions, and could produce them alone in others, but felt them to the most complete of intensity.

Those emotions were Fear, and Regret.

He was mad. Of course. It went without saying, for the same is true of his entire band. But he was rational in his madness, And he was known to Ashley.

At the moment, he was looking over the rubble just out the back of the black van that brought him and his three minders, whom he had directed into action by the merest of pointing of fingers, while speaking into his mobile phone. They were setting up a camera, and one of them held a microphone and puffed himself up... obviously a reporter crew, which would make him the on site producer. Ashley was just one of the crowd about fifteen meters behind him. It was about 4pm

Ashley felt herself (for she always thought of herself as a she, even in her male guise) astir with curiosity at his appearance here and slowly moved her way over to where they were starting to set things up; though not close enough to draw the attention of security.

Ashley had every intention of finding out what "Scot" had put his mundane reporter up to; even if she eventually had to deal with Scot himself.

Muscled arms folded themselves across his broad chest in a picture of stunning male nonchalance as Ashley leaned up against a wall and waited to find out what would be on this 4:30 special report.

Getting close enough to hear the report and yet remain outside notice proved to be an easy enough task, at one point Scot himself organized in a quiet voice to make sure the reporter speak with people in the crown as part of the reportage.

The report itself focused on the destruction and people's understanding of the events. One wide eyed lady or probable Spanish or Mexican background gave an interesting account:

"... It was terrible. I was coming home from the night shift, when /flash/, like a camera. I looked in the direction, and there was a ball of flame for a moment, like nothing I have ever seen before, so bright. Then, poof! it was over. A few moments later, there was a low boom, but nothing more. It was so bright, I could see my shadow from it! Then, a couple of hours later, I was sitting up watching the news reports, when... Flash! it happened again, this time over to the side. I rushed outside, and saw that rising ball of flame, and the mushroom cloud in the early morning light. Then that low rumble again, this time a little smaller."

Ashley noticed that Scot took great pains to ensure that he did not get on camera. Finally he took the film crew aside and spoke with them about the editing. Ashley made out, "Put that on the news, and include the statement you got from Officer Logos. I want it on every news report from now until this time tomorrow. Every station." He got a few nods from the crew.

Then he abruptly heft the camera man by the arm and drew him aside. Ashley could only barely make out what is said, and even then it was lucky that he was not spotted.

"You will survive, Malphan. Tell your master that his services are appreciated. Even if he did not donate them. You will not regret these acts as much as I do." There was a twinge of disgust in the words. Then Scot turned from him and opened his mobile phone to speak into it quietly. He motioned with his free hand and the crew cleared up quickly, obviously preparing to leave. Malphan, if that was who the cameraman was, Ashley was not familiar with, and was looking a trifle pale as he works.

Curiosity boiled inside her as she wondered why Scot was (assisting?) Gabriel... and just who Malphan's boss was... that one ate at her like the plague....

Deciding that nothing would get done by standing there looking stupid; the debonair man focused his attention on the NEED of Malphan.

Ashley misses out on whatever it is that Scot says into his phone, as she focused on Malphan.

His Need was easy to see, almost written on his face. He was a minor diabolical, in some kind of trouble with his superior. In order to clear it up, he needed somehow to make some kind of coup this evening; either find something out his superior would consider valuable, or get something done useful to his master's wishes.

Something to do with the media...

Ashley was careful to hide the smirk on his face as he gracefully moves away from the wall and walked over to Malphan; trying to make sure that Scot didn't get a good look at her.

"Looking for a scoop?" he says casually when he was in earshot of the diabolical.

Malphan's head jerked up at the words. He had obviously been lost in his own little world, musing over his own problems. "Wha..." he began, then, eyes moving from Ashley, who he clearly did not recognize, to Scot, still on his mobile on the other side of the van, his eyes tightened and became sly. "Sure ... Five minutes." He motioned with his head to a spot in the shadows of a near building, and soon wandered in that direction.

Ashley met him. His gaze did the spy thing, looking for observers, and finding none. He nodded cautiously. "'lo. What have you got for me?"

Had she truly been around so long that these things felt as easy as fishing in a wading pool.... no matter... probably better that they were easy so she could get to the meat of things.

"Pretty interesting bunch of explosions you guys are doing a story on no?" Ashley asked with a nonchalant tone while examining his fingernails, the bare hint of a smile upon his lips.

His eyebrow went up a trifle. "Yah. Seem a bit ... unusual." He left the comment hanging.

"Wouldn't it be nice if you had some more information on them no?"

His face betrayed his interest immediately. "Well, anything you happened to have heard might be useful..."

Ashley couldn't help but feel pleased as she dangled the fledgling along.

�Just think of the.... satisfaction... you might get if you could produce a.... "witness" to such worldly events as these."

He was nodding before he thought of a proper response. "Well, yes, that would be particularly useful, if they had actually seen the explosions from up close... Mr ... ?" and as he spoke, something in Ashley�s last comment caught his attention, and some vague suspicion began to ferment behind his expression. But it was not acute enough for him to articulate yet.

Ashley smiled at him and decided to play a little game.

"The name is Ashikel.... Mr. Ashikel..." Ashley said as he stuck out his hand in the ever familiar gesture of a handshake.

Ashley watched keenly for any reaction to the name that Gabriel had first called her. He blinked, and looked at Ash acutely, surprised.

"But you know.... it will cost you... as do all good leads for a scoop." (s)he continued.

"Well, Of course, adequate compensation can be arranged..." He frowned as he spoke, then looked around once more conspiratorially. When he spoke again it was with a whisper. "Ashikel? I ... didn't recognise you looking like... that..." He said, gauging his words carefully. "Is your boss involved in this?"

Ashley purred to herself inwardly.... now she was getting somewhere.

"My ~boss~ is involved in quite a few things... though I don't think that this is one of them... at least directly. You might say I am here to find out who's snooping around...."

Ashley then lent forward so as to speak very quietly.

"And I was not kidding about the witness either... but you can understand my reluctance to show him to just anyone. Suffice it to say that one of these cattle was at the wrong place at the wrong time and saw something he shouldn't have. The one who did this burned him good.... but didn't manage to kill him."

"A grave mistake in my opinion; but who am I to frown upon good fortune."

"Interesting..." muttered Malphan.

"He is rather....well... changed in the mind. Can't speak nothing but riddles and rhymes... seems to have some way to sense the Symphony now.... rather a useful talent."

"Hrm... How would he go on camera? Can we get any useful footage off him?"

Ashley thought about Babble on film and thought that that would be a VERY bad idea.

"No god on film... though I could get a still of him done and maybe we could post one of his riddles... if anything, it will shake more prominent players out of the woodwork Malphan.... something that is of interest to both of us."

"Now then... I have given you a little... you tell me why your ~boss~ over there wants to throw mud in the issue?"

Ashley gave the man a knowing look and folded his arms.

The 'man' shivered... "All right. Fair is fair. I was not supposed to be covering this, but Skot over there 'requisitioned' my team... I have not had a chance to ask Nybbas if he had authority, and I was not going to gainsay Mr. Mad-Fuck over there in any way. Last person I heard of doing that is still feotal and rocking back and forth in a little white cell..."

He was quiet for a moment. Then, "He hasn't told me anything, except what to do... but..." He shivered again, then, almost as if compelled (ash feels her bond of information for information resonate) said, "...but I did hear him speaking on the phone, saying to someone that he would attend to his task in Australia immediately after he had ensured that Gabriel was implicated and visible in what had happened here." He shrugged. "He mentioned asking for backup in that next task, and I heard him say something like... 'Her? If I must... But I fear that no good will come of involving someone so destructive in what is, in essence, a retrieval of lost property'... And I have no idea what the hell that means..."

"Interesting...." Ashley said in direct mimic of Malphan's earlier remark.

"Interesting and worth my while. Thank you.... I am sure we can work together in the future. Give me an address I can send the photo and quote to so that YOU get the credit for the story and not him." Ashley whispered as she jerked a thumb in his 'bosses' direction.

"I will make sure to ask a most entertaining question to get the quote.... be assured."

At first he seemed reluctant to have this particular favour be left open like this, but then finally, he muttered. "Ah, well, what do I have to lose? Get it to me by tomorrow afternoon, otherwise it won't be worth squat to me. I owe you one, Ashikel." He held out his hand to shake, in a manner that showed he was expecting to get screwed.

Ash took it and shook, feeling the attunement of the favour happen. Malphan was too thick to notice it. But, awareness or not, the favour was there... or at least would be after she got whatever nonsense Babble will say onto hard copy and to him.

Malphan nodded to him, and ducked back to the camera van. In the background, Scotathis was off the phone, and beginning to look about suspiciously, as he resurfaced. Malphan received several quiet words, which cause him to tremble visibly, and then got into the van.

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