Tyler Prequel, part 2

Spoke with the tongue of Angels, held the hand of the Devil...

The walk to Babylon was long and harsh. But the tall figure faltered not, marking its path by the rise and fall of mountains long since become hills.

And then the green of the garden city was about him, its great tower rising high above, cutting asunder the sky.

A washer woman cleansed clothes by the well, a goat herd brought his flock out to feed, then inside the walls, a thousand merchants dealt and made known their wares on the streets, a thousand nobles passed each other disdainfully, a thousand thieves made light of others� purses. There were thousands, nay, millions of people in the magnificent city of languages.

A grand precession made its way along the city streets. It approached Tyler, and a magnificent carriage, drawn by a hundred slaves, stopped beside him. The door opened, but the inside is cloaked in shadow.

A hand, red of skin as though burned by fire, reached out of the darkness towards him.

"I Come In Silence. Here, In The City Of Division And Pride, Far From The Sight Of Others, To Speak Words With You. So Do I Act, Far From That Which I Am. I Have A Request. Enter If You Would Hear It, And None Shall Offer You Harm While You Are Under My Wing."

The voice was not familiar. The power with which it spokes obvious. Tyler could make out no face from outside the carriage.

Tyler was intrigued by this offer (also somewhat unnerved by it), but - mindful of his recent conversation - he stood his ground. This was his domain, after all. He addressed the occupant of the carriage in a strangely multi-layered voice, as if he were speaking in many languages simultaneously. With concentration, he adopted the affectations of the stranger, speaking in like fashion.

"Our Spirit Is Strong Here, For Dreams Shall Always Be. That You Seek Us Is Fascinating. We Are Impressed. But Know This: We Will Talk Here Under Your Wing Only If You Speak A Name For Us To Know You By."

With those words, Tyler relaxed his stance, and waited for the stranger to reply.

The figure shifted in the darkness of the carriage. The burned right hand retreated into the shadows, but the door remained open. Night fell, the colours of the sky shifting amber then red then black. Nothing more of the figure could be seen from without, but the voice resonated into the now clear courtyard. People seem to have had the sense to find somewhere else to be.

"As Long As There Are Those Who Live, Dreams Shall Be. But I Can Conceive A Time When None Shall Have Need Of Dreams. That Time Is Not Yet, But May Come To Pass. For As Long As It Does Not, This Place Is As Safe As Any Other."

"Too Many Listen For True Names To Be Spoken. But A Name By Which To Know Me I May Give Without Fear. I Was Once Samael, Named And Willed To Be In The Place Where That Which Is Willed Must Be. Samael Will Suffice. A Name As Good As Any Other, And Long Forgotten Or Mistaken."

"The Words 'LET THERE BE LIGHT' Spoke Of My Coming. Here, This Place Of Pride, Knows The Sin That Was My First Transgression Against That Which Is. But Not My Last Transgression. No, Indeed, Not My Last."

"I Am That Which Serves The Ineffable In Opposition And Rebellion. Or So I Am Told."

"In Turn, I Know You Only By Reputation And By The Word Of The One Who Serves Fate. I Come Seeking You In Hope That Fate Serves Me Still, And In Finding You, Find It Must. You Are Spoken Of As The Last, As The Hidden, And As The One Outside. But I Know Not Your Nature, Nor Purpose. By What Name Shall You Be Known To Me At This Time And In This Place?"

Tyler inclined his head slightly, taking in the words of the eminent presence before him. If one could have read the minute changes of expression on his face as he listened, the tale would tell of concern, grudging respect, and then a moment's indecision before he replied. This time his speech was as but one voice - his prior address having achieved the desired effect of discouraging loiterers from attempting to overhear the conversation. In low, rumbling tones he addressed Samael thus:

"Your Reputation Far Exceeds Mine. The Titles You Bestow Upon Me I Have Attained Without Intent. While I Was Hidden, It Would Seem I Became The Last. You May Know Me By The Name Which I Have Amongst The Unaware."

He paused briefly, the ghost of a smile haunting his face.

"My name is Tyler. Tyler Matthews."

With those words, devoid of angelic inflection, he entered the carriage.

The carriage was dark, but when he crossed the threshold, there was light in all directions. Yellow light, from fire. Tyler realized he was elsewhere in the far Marches, and the area was somewhere at the edges Nightmare, but far from the Tower of Beleth. All about were burning fields and cracks in the earth that wept lava.

Before him stood a tall golden haired man, six winged and beautiful beyond description. Four wings cloaked his nakedness and hid his brilliance. Two wings were outstretched and encompassed this land in shadow, as can only happen in dreams being both small enough to be upon his back and large enough to hide the sun.

In his outstretched left hand he held a sphere, or orb of purest gold, surmounted with a cross.

"I Am Pleased."

"Tyler Mathews. I Like Your Name. May I Call You Tyler, Then? I Wonder If That Which Willed You Stole From Me In Your Creation?"

"Let Us Speak Openly Here. I Am Both Troubled And In Trouble."

"When I Fell, I Took With Me One Third Of Heaven's Forces. Much As Humanity Would Will It Otherwise, I Have Had Little To Do With The Corporeal Realm Since My Conversations With Your Step Mother and Great Grandmother. I Lost That War, As Most Are Prone To Forget. Heaven Has Been Quite Diligent In Keeping Me Away From Their Little Playgrounds Since Their First Slip Ups."

"And Now Something Has Happened. Or Rather, Something Has Not Happened. And I Have No Idea What In Hell Is Going On."

"Sorry. I Lost A Bet With Kobal That Means I Have To Say Something Like That Every Now And Again."

The beautiful face smiled wryly at Tyler, and he understood how this being could have charmed one third of Heaven away from God.

"I Know For Certain That Something Is About To Happen In My Realm That is Completely Unprecedented. Kronos Has Made It Known That I Will Not Be The Sole Ruler Of Hell For Much Longer, But Cannot Find The Reason."

"This Silence Was Not In His Schedule. Therefore It Is of The Divine Agenda, Or Something Else That From The Workings Of The Fallen."

"Kronos Has Also Made It Known To Me That It Is Within Your Potential To Find The Reasons Behind What Transpires. Also, None In My Realm Can Be Counted Upon. The Path Of Discovery May Involve Walking The Seven Heavens. None Of The Fallen May Do Such A Thing. And So I Came To Find You, With This Offer."

"Find For Me The Reason Of The Silence. In Return, I Offer You My Service And Influence. In Any Matter. Once."

Tyler nodded his assent to ignoring formalities, and then after a moment's gauging of the situation, his nerves got the better of him, and he shook his head in disbelief.

His speech was somewhat more agitated than usual, and in a more modern dialect.

"So, let me get this straight...You want Me to look into this matter for you, because - ah, screw it! Everything You think I need to know is what you've told me, so I might as well forget what you want, and look at why you want Me..."

Tyler turned and began pacing back and forth somewhat exaggeratedly as he spokes. He was aware of the gravity of the situation presented to him, but determined to play down its importance regardless of the guile of his - don't think it too loud, just in case - supplicant. Then he abruptly changed his mind - or did he?

"Nah, fuck all that! I've been out of the big picture for so long it's not funny, but life on the run gives one an interesting perspective on that kinda shit. Scope this: if I go up there, I'm shit on Uriel's toast! That is not my idea of a good time!"

"OK, OK, so you're probably smokin�' that one...that's why you'll give me a `Get Out Of Jail Free' card. But, what's the point? I can turn you down - and go on wending my ways through history, living happily ever after - no, don't start smiling...I haven't finished yet...you've shown me the carrot, but I'm sure the stick is suitably gratuitous. Am I right?"

The beautiful face watched Tyler and his moods with distinct interest. He paused with his head at a curious tilt as the taller figure speaks. Finally, Samael smiled warmly.

"I Have No Need To Try To Force You. The Offer Remains. Again, Much As My Opponents' Propaganda Would Lead You To Think Otherwise, One Of The Reasons Behind My Fall Is My Support Of Free Will. The Other Side Have Determinism All Stitched Up, But I Found It Boring."

"I Could, If I Desired, Bend You To My Will. That Goes Without Saying. But What Does That Achieve? You Might Break Free Eventually, And I Would Count My Enemies Increased By Yet Another. What Difference Would That Make With Heaven Itself Wanting My Blood? Well, I Prefer To Say That Makes Me More In Need Of Help Than Any Other Being."

"And I Would Be Happy To Assist You In Any Manner That I Might In The Completion Of This Task, And That Shall Have No Bearing Upon Your Reward. My Only Reservation Is That Demonic Presence, Or At Least, Fallen Presence, Is Likely To Interfere With Your Capacity To Find What I Need. Or So Kronos Tells Me."

"Uriel, I Think, Need Not Be Consulted Should You Indeed Need To Follow Such A Course As I Have Outlined. Besides, I Have Not Heard Anything From Him For The Last Millennium. It May Be Possible That That Particular Bright Soul Has Found Some Bucket In Which To Stick His Holier-Than-Thou Head. Perhaps Filled With Some Unspeakable Filth. I Can But Hope. Suffice To Say, If Given The Opportunity, I would Happily Hang Out Uriel's Guts Upon A Fence Somewhere For The Birds To Pick At. He And I Have A Score Or Two To Settle. Michael Is One Thing, Uriel Something Else."

"In Fact, I Am Guessing That The Fact That You May Be Able To Walk The Seven Heavens Might Be A Reason Why Kronos Recommended You. I Actually Have No Idea Why Your Perspective Might Be More Likely To Find The Answers I Need Than Any Other."

"Well, Leaving All That Aside If You Like I Am Sure I Could Come Up With Some Kind Of Stick. Hmm. How About 'Every Hound Of Hell And Every Minion Of The Fallen Will Be Given Your Scent And The Manner Of Your Appearance. Every One Shall Be Given The Word That You Are A Desired Soul, And You Shall Not Have Peace Between Now And The End Of Time.' How Does That Sound? Not Bad On A Moment's Notice, I Thought."

"Oh, Stuff It. I Do Not Mean A Word Of It. Help Me. I Do Not Believe Any Other Being Is In A Position To Help Me As You Can."


Tyler fixed his gaze on a point just a little above and to the left of Samael's nose, and then replied, without a trace of his prior histrionics.

"You have either missed the point or you choose not to acknowledge it. You are asking me to take a side. I've been playing my own game, playing `air guitar' amidst the noise of the Symphony, and I've been safe. Bored, but safe. Very safe. At least, that's what I thought. Then this shit happens, and here I am talking to You."

Tyler stifled an ironic chuckle, and looked distractedly around the infernal dreamscape for a few moments before continuing to speak.

"My free will has led me to many places, and will continue to do so. At this point in time I will not commit myself to your service. But since I am more than a little curious about the current state of affairs, I will share with you any pertinent information I find out about them."

"I will continue my investigations within the corporeal world. I am somewhat more familiar with that realm than the Celestial, and even if I can walk the Seven Heavens, as you say, it would be a new experience for me, and one which I would not take lightly."

"That is all I have to say on this matter for now. I have a music festival in Darwin which I must attend. I can put a name on the door for you if you should wish to attend, or send one of your minions along."

Tyler looked around in an exaggerated fashion. "So, how do I get out of here?"

Samael inclined his head in respect. "Do You Have Any Idea How Refreshing It Is To Deal With Someone Who Is Neither Out To Get Me, Nor Currying Favour? Tyler Mathews, I Thank You. Kronos Said It was Your Fate To Serve Me, But I See It In A Far Different Light. I Would Appreciate Any Information You Chose To Share. And You Are A Far Wiser Soul Than I Had Hoped To Meet. Your Assessment Is Accurate. If You Had Agreed To My Offer, You Would Have Been Joining A Side. And The Price For That Is Greater Indeed Than Any Service I Might Perform For You. Relish Your Independence, Lonely Or Boring That It May Have Been. It May Not Last, And Few Others Can Claim To It."

He smiles whimsically at Tyler. "I Suppose Then That You Would Not Accept A Gift Of Mine?" He holds out his left hand, with the golden orb surmounted by a cross. "I Offer It Freely And Without Consequence. It Is The Orb Of The Sun, Containing The First Ray Of Light Shed Upon The Earth. It Was Mine To Give The World, And Mine To Hold. I Offer You This As A Token Of My Esteem For One Who Has Escaped Both Divine And Infernal For Near Six Millennia, In The Knowledge That It Will Bring Light Where There Was None Before, And Illumination To Darkness."

Tyler shifted his gaze to rest upon the golden orb. After a brief moment of consideration, he glanced back at Samael.

"I'll take it. It may prove to be a useful form of insurance", he said with a smile.

The Orb burned the hand at first touch, but then became merely a weight in gold. Its surface was perfect, featureless, and reflective.

Samael changed the topic. "Perhaps Some Time When Less Transpires In My Realm That I Must Attend To I Will Take Up Your Offer. I Very Much Would Enjoy Hearing What Music You Have Aided In Crafting. I Too Am A Composer, Of Sorts. Or Perhaps A Conductor Is More Accurate. I Did Not Write The Symphony, Only Interpret It In My Own Way. And Occasionally Write In A Refrain Or Two."

"The Exit From Here To The Mundane Is Across The Burning Plane And Through The Pits Of Bile. Or You May Fly. There Is A Crystal Maze With Your Mother's First Name Which You Are Doomed To Forget Written On The Last Door. That Is The Way Out."

"Or There Is Beleth's Tower That Guards The Way To Hell, Or Blandine's That Does So To The Other Side If You Should So Choose."

"Regardless Of Your Path, I Will You No Ill Upon It, Tyler Mathews. That Is The Best Blessing I Can Still Manage, I Am Afraid. Damned If I Can Do Any Better."

He could be heard to mutter to himself as Tyler prepared to depart. "Ah, Kobal, Hell Would Be Drab Without You. Else I Would Tear Out Your Heart And Make You Eat It For That Bet."

After listening to Samael's directions for the purpose of leaving, Tyler shifted into his winged form. His voice once more attained that polyphonic, multi-layered quality as he addressed Samael.

"I Thank You For Your Blessing. Further, I Ask That You Allow Me To Mark This Place In Dream, Such That I May Return Here With Surety, If Need Be."

Samael merely nodded, and Tyler spit upon the ground. The mark was so made, steaming and bubbling. Tyler knew he shall be able to find this place with ease should he so desire.

With that, Tyler beat his wings powerfully and took off. Then, as if on afterthought, he circled and returned to hover above Samael.

"If You Or A Minion Should Seek Me In The Corporeal World, I May Be Found Amidst Ethereal Skies. The Name Was Not My Idea, But Suits My Intent Adequately. Fare Well, Bringer Of Light."

Samael smiled, and raised one hand. He seemed almost made of flame and bronze, as he stood wordless, watching. Above, the skies boiled and turn to blood. A lone beam of light in this wilderness of destruction, the figure stood on this ground, the dream after effect of the plane of Hell to which he Fell first.

Tyler headed off towards the crystal maze, keeping one set of eyes on Samael as he did.

When Samael was almost out of view, the six wings opened, and there was a bright light, such as the mortal world has not seen for a thousand years. Tyler, shielded by distance and dreams, was not blinded, but a lesser being would have been. Then, Samael was gone.

The crystal maze took a day, and a string wound from the hair of a forgotten child to solve, but Tyler found the door finally. There was written things doomed to be forgotten, and beyond was the World. Tyler could see its globe, spinning, spinning, an orb in the void. Almost as an after thought he held up the golden Orb he carried, and could see in it the sun. With this light to guide him, he could travel to any place that the sun shone when he left this dream. There also was the way that was open to him from his temple.

He was aware that some time had passed in the world but not sure how much. Light shone upon Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia, but America was at night.

Tyler contemplated the possibilities open to him, and then decided to save himself a plane ticket. He headed for the band's next port of call on their first World Tour, and opened the way to Darwin, Australia. He guessed that the affinity that the indigenous culture had with Dreaming would make for a smooth transition back to the corporeal world. In preparation, Tyler shifted back into his human form before waking.

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