Spells of Love


Spells of this type should not be manipulative. They should not be focused on one particular person. The effect is always stronger on the one who performs the spell than on the intended partner. If done this way they usually backfire, causing more harm than good. Love spells are meant to be used for two people who are already involved and wish to increase their feelings toward each other. If you are not currently involved you may wish to perform a spell that releases its energy into the universe and ask for guidance in bringing a relationship your way. You need to be open to love or no spell can help.

Timing of the Love Spells : For maximum effect of a love spell perform on Fridays, Moon in Aquarius or Pisces, Full Moon, Valentine's Day or May Day

Rose Petals to the Sea

If you are lucky enough to live near the ocean, collect a few rose petals from a wild beach rose. If not, a regular garden rose bush will do. Please do not collect rose petals from somebody's prize roses without asking permission! Visualize your ideal mate while you collect the petals.

Take the petals to the shore or a river, any source of moving water. Water flowing away from you carries energy outward, and those that flow toward you draws love inward. If no river or or ocean is available, use a garden hose to make a miniature river.

When you feel you have found the appropriate spot on the river, beside the ocean, or the home made stream, toss the petals into the water, saying, " As this rose moves out to sea, so true love will come to me." Again visualize your ideal mate while repeating the incantation. The water transports the magic.

Adapted by GreyWing from Z. Budapest

Love Candles

Heat dried apple peels (or apple-scented oil) and 2 teaspoons of dried basil together with a cup of pink or red wax. When the wax is melted, remove the apple peels and pour the liquid into a heat resistant container you have chosen for a mold. For easy removal of the candle after the wax has hardened, make sure the top of the container is as wide or wider than the bottom. Before doing this, anchor a wick to the bottom of the container by putting a spot of hot wax on a penny or anything similar and attaching the wick to this using another spot of hot wax. Hold onto the wick as you pour the wax. Depending on the size of the candle, you may secure the top of the wick to a pencil and span the top of the container to keep the wick straight while the wax dries.

When the wax has set remove the mold. Carve you candle with symbols of love.

Burn the candle for two hours at a time during the full moon (for companionship). Visualize your desire and meditate. You may chant an incantation such as " Full Moon and Candle light the way. May love and joy find me and stay."

Adapted by GreyWing from Patricia Telesco

Herbal Charm to Attract Love

Fill a circle of rose or red colored cloth with any of the following : Acacia, rose, myrtle, jasmine or lavender petals, in combination or singly. Add to this a red felt heart and a copper coin or ring. As you fill the bundle with your chosen items, visualize the type of lover you are looking for. Tie the cloth with blue thread or ribbon, in seven knots. As you tie the knots you may chant an incantation such as " Seven knots I tie above, Seven knots for me and love."


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