Spells for Protection

Negative energy is real. It is believed best to take preventative measures to stop negativity before it reaches you than to fight it off once it is there.

Best Times to perform a protection spell are :

Monday or Sunday

Waxing to full Moon to establish protection

Waning Moon to banish evil

Other Associations Are :

Elements : All

Planets : Moon, Sun

Colors : Silver, White, Blue

Metal : Silver

Plants : Basil, blood root, burdock, cinquefoil, feverfew, garlic, hyssop, High John the Conqueror root, laurel, motherwort, nettles (for binding), patchoule, purslane, rosemary, rowan (good against evil psychic forces), Solomon's Seal, St John's Wort, unicorn root, vervain (gathered with the left hand at the rise of the Dog Star, Sirius)

Spell to Reflect Negativity



Wide-mouthed glass jar



Knife or other carving tool


Perform this spell after sunset. Set the jar in front of the mirror. Place some ashes inside the jar and fill about 2/3 of the way with vinegar.

Draw a representation of the negativity with the knife on the apple. While you are carving, feel the negativity drawn into the apple.

Raise the apple above the jar and say :

"Protection sought with apple and ash

Vinegar and salt, just a dash.

Far away I send you, at this hour

May all your attempts to harm turn sour."

Place the apple in the jar. A chemical reaction should take place. Visualize the negativity fizzle the way the contents of the jar fizzles.

For best results, perform this spell for three consecutive nights.

Adapted by GreyWing from Edain McCoy's "Witta"

Spell to Protect Home and Possessions


Sage incense



Perform this spell during a Waxing Moon.

Put some sage in your incense burner (censer).

Walk around your home with the censer. Circle your home three times (always clockwise), then in each room of the house. Pay special attention to doors and windows and let the the smoke filter into the crevices and openings.

As you walk, recite a prayer you improvise, or write one ahead of time. Say or write what you feel. This has to come from deep inside you. It does not have to rhyme, nor be a great piece of literature. An example would be :

"I invoke the Goddess of Protection,

I invoke my ancestor's spirits.

Three times around, three times about

The world within, the world without.

In home and possessions, may good spirits abound

Evil and problems will not stay around.

Ring the bell each time a circle is completed.

When you are finished inside and out, place the incense in the doorway. Open all doors for a few minutes and let the smoke drift through your home, washing it clean.

You may also purify your friends. Walk around your friends three times (clockwise) and fan the smoke over them.

Repeat as you circle :

"I invoke the Goddess of Protection,

I invoke my ancestor's spirits.

Three times around, three times about.

In friends or family, may good spirits abound.

Evil and problems will not stay around.


Fire Protection Spell

Find a clear spot outside, at least twenty feet in diameter. Gather plenty of wood, matches, and a quantity of water. Using one of the sticks of wood, draw a circle about 11 feet in diameter. Use a compass, the Moon, Sun or stars to determine the directions. Lay a small fire (but do not yet light it) at each point just inside the circle for North, East, South and West.

Make sure you have enough wood to keep the fires burning at least 1/2 hour.

Walk to the South first, light the fire, with these words :

"With the lighting of this fire, nothing from the South can harm me!"

Move to the West and say :

"With the lighting of this fire, nothing from the West can harm me!"

Move North and say :

"With the lighting of this fire, nothing from the North can harm me!"

Lastly, in the East say :

"With the lighting of this fire, nothing from the East can harm me!"

Grab a burning stick form the Southern fire and thrust it at the sky and say :

"With this flame, I am protected. Nothing from above can harm me!

Throw the branch to the ground and say :

"With this flame, I am protected. Nothing from below can harm me!

Pick up the burning branch and replace it in the Southern Fire. Sit in the center of the circle. Watch the flame consume the wood. Know anything that may harm you, on any level, is being burned away. Feel the heat, see the light from the flames. Know you will be protected.

When the fires start to die down, you will feel the power ebbing. Bury the fires and douse with water. Erase the circle you have drawn on the earth.

Leave the area. Keep the image of the protective flames in your mind. Recall this image when you feel the need for physical, spiritual, or mental protection.

Adapted by GreyWing from Scott Cunningham's "Earth Power"

Herbal Charm for Protection

Cut a circle out of a piece of blue cloth. Fill the center of the cloth with 9 protective herbs. As you add the herbs recite :

"For protection I fill this circle of blue,

For protection I use the herbs that I do."

Tie the bundle with white or silver thread. Carry this charm with you when you feel the need. You may make the tie long enough to put around your neck, or keep the bundle in a pocket.


A Protection Bottle

Also known as Witch bottles

Pour fresh, clean sand into a long small bottle. Fill it to the top and cap it. Place the bottle near a window. This will guard against evil entering your home.

In the past, the earth was thought to confuse evil spirits. They had to count every grain in the bottle before they could enter the home.

Today evil spirits are seen as negativity that is around us all. The earth bottle is said to be useful in blocking such negativity from entering your home.

From Scott Cunningham's "Earth Power"

The bottle may be filled with things other than sand. Use items that symbolize protection such as broken glass, rosemary or other protective herbs, salt, ashes, vinegar, pins, alcohol, oak twigs, needles, nails, saliva, and blood. All of these have been used for protection at some point. As you place each item in the bottle imagine how that particular item will attack and destroy negativity. For example, visualize the broken glass cutting the negativity to shreds.

When the jar is full, bury it outside your front door. Visualize the bottle stopping the negativity. Draw a banishing pentagram on the ground above it.

From Edain McCoy's "Witta"

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