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Almodóvarlandia | Main Menu Almodóvarology | Biography | Filmography | Awards | The Science | Guestbook | Shop

Almodovarology - The art of making excellent movies
Photo of Pedro Almodóvar  <<< ¡¡¡ Click to see his Biography !!! >>>


Pedro Almodóvar is a Spanish Director.

�Almodóvarology is a new and young Science that deals with the way Almodóvar usually sees and interprets the world in his Movies.�
(Source: Karl A. ERBER, 1998)

Guestbook of Almodóvarology
(Run by Karl A. ERBER)

  • Updated January 3, 1999!
    The Biography
    of Pedro Almodóvar
  • Updated July 25, 1999!
    The Filmography
    of Pedro Almodóvar
  • Updated January 30, 2000! The Awards won
    by Pedro Almodóvar
  • Updated July 25, 1999! The Science called Almodóvarology
  • You're Welcome at ... Almodóvarlandia - The place where Almodóvarians are!
  • Updated October 16, 1999!
    The Shop
    Order Movies, Soundtracks of Almodóvar's movies and books about Almodóvar directly on the Web.

This Page was created by Karl A. ERBER on April 2, 1998
Last Update: January 30, 2000
Email me at [email protected] !

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