The Wizard of Oz!

Produced by: Mervyn LeRoy

Cast Members!

Famous Quotations from the 1939Movie

Once you've become addicted to the movie, it's expected that the famous lines and tunes will get stuck in your head. If you're not singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" then you're saying "If I only had a brain" over and over again. Like any good movie, the famous lines stick with you. Here are a few of the most memorable lines from the movie:

-Oh Auntie Em, there's no place like home!" - said by Dorothy to Aunt Em.
-"Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!" -said by Dorothy to Toto.
-"If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any farther than my own backyard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with." - said by Dorothy to Glinda.
-"I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!" - said by the Wicked Witch of the West to Dorothy.
-"We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!" - sang by all four main characters.
-"I'm melting! Melting!" - said by the Wicked Witch of the West.
-"Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh my!" - chanted by Dorothy, Tin Man, and Scarecrow."
-"I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do." said by the Cowardly Lion in the haunted forest.
-"A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others." - said by the Tin Man
-"Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable." - said by the Wizard to the Tin Man
-"Follow the Yellow Brick Road!" - said by many

Did You Know...

Dorothy and the Tin Man ... that the original Tin Man was to be played by Buddy Ebsen but he had to bow out because he was allergic to the make-up?
... that among the sequences cut was a 5-minute song and dance called the "Jitterbug" where all the characters danced uncontrollably because they were bitten by a bug sent by the Wicked Witch of the West?
... that the famous song Somewhere Over the Rainbow was originally cut from the film. Six MGM executives wanted it to be cut, but after many complaints it was reinstated?
...that Margaret Hamilton who played the Wicked Witch of the West, suffered first and second degree burns on her face and hands while filming the scene where she departs from Munchkinland in a cloud of smoke?
... that Ray Bolger who played the Scarecrow went through over forty masks of baked rubber during filming because each mask would last only a couple of days?
...Frank Morgan played 5 different characters in the movie: the Wizard, the cabby who drove the Horse-of-a-Different-Colour, the soldier and guard at the Wizard's palace, and Professor Marvel?
... that Dorothy's original wig was blonde for the first two weeks of filming before it was changed to brown?
... that Margaret Hamilton's stand-in, Betty Danko, did some of her stunts on the broomstick and was hospitalized with an injured leg when the Witch's broom exploded?
... that the singer Adriana Caselotti was paid one hundred dollars to sing the line "Wherefore art thou, Romeo?" in the Tin Man's song "If I Only Had A Heart"? Caselotti was the voice of Disney's original Snow White.

Fun Facts!

-Judy Garland was only 16 when she stared as Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.
-Frank Morgan was 48 when he played the role of the Wizard of Oz.
-The tallest munchkin was 4'8".
-Professor Marvel's crystal ball was actually a glass bowl.
-The Tin Man's costume was so shiny that it ruined some of the shots.
-It took 2 hours to put on the scarecrows mask each day.
-In the 1988 auction the Ruby Slippers sold for $165,000.
-Frank L. Baum, the author of the Wizard of Oz book, was born May 15, 1856.
-Frank L. Baum wrote 13 other Oz books.
-1.5 acres of poppies were used for the poppy field scene.
-Before Margret Hamilton played the Wicked Witch, she opened a nursery school in Cleveland.
-It cost $80,000 to film the completed, but never used, Jitter Bug scene.
-It took 7 weeks to train Toto.

ourge is the key to getting through life.

ften we lose sight of our goals

nless we try our best to gain courage

eaching for your ultimate goals is tough

cting like the cowardly lion and searching is the best key.

etting his wish was a struggle but he did great things with that courage.

veryone of us can use him as an example to get through life.

I'm sure most of us have seen the movie "The Wizard of Oz", but have you read the book? They are similar but very different in their own accord. In the book, Dorthy is taken up into the twister, and does land in a stange land, called the Munchkin Land, where she meets three Munchkins and the Good Witch.

We also notice that in the book dorthy receives the Silver Spippers and a kiss on the forhead from the Good Witch. Yes, I said the Silver Slippers. They changed it to Ruby Slippers in the movie to add a certain appeal. And, did you ever wonder why the Good Witch kissed Dorothy? It was for good luck and to protect her from evil.

There was no death certificate or any big parade. The only time Dorothy saw munchkins was while she was walking along and they were outside their housed. They all had blue houses and blue clothing. Yeah I know the movie wouldn't have been as good without the singing and the dancing but the book is great and has added details that the movie doesn't even mention, but you'll have to read the book to find out more.

Now, who could forget the scarecrow. He was so funny. It seems so strange that he claimed to have a brain but the whole time he had clever ideas and many wishes. How can you wish or dream without a brain? Even when he felt so stupid all he needed was something to give him hope and a diploma did that. We too can look in ourselves and be smart if we only give ourselves the credit we derserve.

Wishes do come True!!

Pariah Illusions of the Mind
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