Aloha, all you big Kahunas and pretty Wahines!

So, you gave up did you? You know what they say, nobody likes a Party Pooper! Seriously, the idea for this site came from the countless times I've tried to get to the beach and found the actual getting there so tough, I wondered why I bothered! Beach Blanket Blotto is intended all in fun and I apologize for any teeth gnashing, hair pulling, hearing damage or psychiatric bills your visit here might have caused.

I'd appreciate it if you'd drop me a line to let me know how far you got. Your feedback will help me know if I need to make the trip easier...or tougher on you all.

You might wanna ask IS there a party going around here? And even if there is, what's in it for me if I find it?

Fair enough...yes, there is a party. You'll find the guestbook for Beach Blanket Blotto there, among other things. Each person who signs the guestbook will find a Beach Blanket Blotto Survivor's graphic they may take for their own use and I'll post their names and site URL's (if you have one) on the Die-Hard Partyer's Page.

So I guess all you get for your trouble is a graphic and bragging rights. What?? You were expecting maybe a cash prize? Get real why don't ya?

What's the point? There isn't one...parties are pretty pointless when you get down to it, but they sure are fun!

Up for another try?
Then go back to the Starting Page
(Course, you COULD just cheat and hit your BACK button. I won't tell if you don't!)

May the road rise up to meet your feet
and the wind be at your back wherever your travels take you

Design, content, and most graphics by Becky
Please do not use without permission

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