Name: Date:

Country Presentation Worksheet #6


Country: _____________________________





Helpful web pages:

Folktales from Around the World

Tales of Wonder

More Folktales from around the World

Stories, Legends, and Folktales from Around

the World

  1. What is the "national story (or native folktale)" of your country?

  1. Is there a known author for this story?
  2. Who are the main characters?
  3. Who is the good guy? Describe this person.

  1. Are there any evil characters? Describe them.
  2. What is the setting of the story?
  3. When does this story take place?
  4. What is the plot? What happens in this story?
  5. How does the story end?
  6. What did you learn about your country through this story?

11. Create PowerPoint slides from the above information for your presentation.

Include a summary of the story, pictures (or drawings) of the characters, and

information about the author.

on to Worksheet #7: Food

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