For two thousand years, Christians have always believed that Jesus is the Eternal Son of God. This truth is enshrined in the Nicene Creed:  "I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father".  This is the faith of our Fathers, the true Christian Faith.  Our Eastern brethren and many of our separated Protestant brethren share this belief with us.

However, a few Evangelicals today deny this great truth.  They still believe in the Trinity, but try to argue that the Eternal Word, the Second Person of the Godhead, was not always the "Son" of the First Person. Some say that Jesus only became the Son of God at the Incarnation, at the same time Mary became His Mother.  Others go so far as to claim that Jesus did not become the Son of God until His Resurrection!

These Evangelicals may even call the belief that Jesus is eternally begotten a "heresy"!  Imagine calling an ancient Christian teaching contained in the Nicene Creed "heresy"!

This article will show that Jesus' eternal Sonship is not only orthodox doctrine but completely Biblical (as is all Christian orthodoxy, of course!).  First it will refute the more extreme claim that Jesus only became the Son of God at His Resurrection.  Then it will show from the Bible that His Divine Sonship extends even into Eternity.

A Doctrine Based on One Verse!

Those who think that Jesus did not become God's Son until He rose from the dead base this belief on a single verse of Scripture: Acts 13:33. This verse reads "This (God) has fulfilled to us their children by raising Jesus; as also it is written in the second psalm, 'Thou art my Son, today I have begotten thee.'" They interpret this passage to mean that God begets Jesus on the day of the Resurrection, not before.

This is a gross misinterpretation of this passage.  Saint Peter is only saying that Jesus is the Son of God spoken of in Psalm 2:7, and that God has raised His Son from the dead. The "day" spoken of here is not the day of His Resurrection, but the Day of Eternity. To God, Eternity is like an endless Day, with no night, no passage of time. Jesus is begotten of God in the everlasting "Today" in which God eternally lives: "Today, in Eternity, I have eternally begotten you".

Was Jesus the Son of God before His Resurrection?

The rest of the Bible clearly and definitively teaches that Jesus was the Son of God before His Resurrection.  All throughout His earthly life, Jesus keeps calling God His "Father", and Himself God's "Son". What could possibly be clearer than that? It is astounding that some Evangelicals have missed it!

Here are some examples:

Perhaps I have belabored the point, but I just wanted to show part of the massive, overwhelming Scriptural witness to Jesus' Sonship before His Resurrection. It is astounding how some people can completely ignore the clear teaching of so many Bible verses and build an entire doctrine on a misinterpretation of a single verse!

What About the Eternal Sonship?

So Jesus was clearly the Son of God during His earthly life, before His Resurrection.  But what about before His earthly life?  Was Jesus always God's Son, or only after the Incarnation?

In Isaiah 9:6, we read the prophetic words:  "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given".  This messianic prophecy informs us that the coming Messiah will not just be a child born into the world, but a "son given" to the world.  "To us a son is given" means that God gives us His Son; He gives us one who is already a Son.  So Jesus is the Son of God before His Incarnation!

The New Testament confirms this:

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).  He does not change, for He is God (Malachi 3:6).  If Jesus went from not being God's Son to being God's Son, this would be quite a change.  It would be a change in the very Godhead; in the eternal relationship between the First and Second Persons of the Trinity!

Scripture calls Jesus the "only begotten of the Father" (John 1:14), and even the "only-begotten God" (vs. 18).  Since God does not change (Malachi 3:6), this must be an eternal reality.  What sets the Second Person of the Trinity apart from the First Person is that the Second Person is the Begotten One, while the First is Unbegotten, the eternal Begetter of the Son.  If He is the eternal Father, He must have an eternal Son!

So the title of this article is really a trick question.  Jesus never "became" the Son of God:  He always was the Son of God!  The Eternal Sonship of Christ is not a "heresy"; it is biblical, orthodox, Christian truth.

See the Catholic Answers tract on The Eternal Sonship of Christ  for proof from early Christian writers that the Church has always taught that Christ is eternally begotten of the Father!

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