The Dark Tower
Dark Half  Picture

The story of the Gunslinger, Roland. The story starts with his persuit of the Man in Black, but flashes back to his entry into Tull from Princetown, and the trap that is set by the Man in Black that causes Roland to kill the thirty nine men, fourteen women and five children in Tull.

Walking across the Mohaine desert for sixteen days, he finally meets and befriends Jake, a nine year old boy that has died in his own world and entered Rolands. Together they walk to the hills beyond, where Roland and Jake follow the mysterious Man in Black.

Roland is confronted by the Man in Black on the far side of the mountains, but has to make a hard decision, catch the man in Black and obtain the information on the Dark Tower or save the life of his new friend Jake. This choice will haunt Roland for a long time, but the Dark Tower is never far from his mind.

Published by Donald M. Grant, 1982
Dedication: To ED FERMAN who took a chance on these stories, one by one
Comment: This will be the only book that I will say good or bad on. I actually had to make myself read the first half of this book. But after that it took off and I find myself waiting for the next release on this Series.
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