Some Things Aren't What They First Appear To Be...Touch The Rose

Family & Friends:

Vara- She is not only a great friend but also the BEST Sister-in-law that I could have ever asked for! There isn't enough room on this page to say how I feel about her and how wonderful she is so I will just say this "Love ya Vara!!"

Lenord- Is Vara's husband and my Brother-in-law. Hes a really nice and wonderful man. Also lots of fun to go to the Casino's with! "Love ya to Lenord!" ;)

Margie - She was my best friend at work and I haven't seen her in such a long time. She was like my right hand... Margie I miss ya GirlFriend!! :)

Randall - You have always been the one that could make me smile. I wish you and your wife the best that life has to offer. May God Bless and watch over you.

April - Is a very nice lady that sometimes got really excited about things that would go wrong at work...LOL. Shes pretty kewl and I miss her now that she has moved off. We do still stay in contact with each other well... when I have time to answer my email. I miss ya April!!

Brenda - I have known you for such a long time and would take nothing in the world for the years of wonderful friendship that we have shared.

Elaine- Hmmm now how do I put into words about her.....She was great to work with real smart and has a come back for everything so shes very witty. She always kept me on my toes thats for sure and was a lot of fun to work with in the U204 Cell!! :)

Glenda & Betty - These are two sisters from work and I really haven't gotten to know them real well until recently and they are the sweetest Ladies in the world! I have never seen any two that are as close as they are. I wish that I had more time to get to know them even more but all of us will be on lay-off before long so I wish them all the best.

Karen - You are a great friend and could always picked me up when I was feeling down. :)

Murina (Rina)- Such a sweet and caring young lady. I have really enjoyed working with you and I also wish you and Jason all the happiness in the world!

Rosemary - You are a great friend and have enjoyed working with you!

Millard - You are a very nice man with a witty sense of humor...but if I remember right he was always asking "hiself questions"!LOL I have also dedicated a Laffy Taffy page to Millard since he loved the jokes so much :) We miss you Millard!!

Donna - I knew her in High School as a young lady and sometimes we hung out together. You are and always will be a good friend!

Mary - You were there now your gone! Good Luck with whatever it is that you are doing.

Tracy - He is very bright and sooooo sweet! I know that when the plant closes he will be one that will have no problem getting another job.

Kevin - He is such a nice and witty young man. He has been a very good friend to me and been there if I needed someone to talk to. He is working at a different plant now since we are shutting down.

Sandy - I grew up with Sandy. We ran around together as teenagers and had alot of fun. I still am in contact with her even after all these years. She is more like a sister than a friend. I love ya Sandy.

Mickey - He has been a friend of the family for such a long time that I don't really know where to start. He's a wonderful man and has a true heart of gold. When his wife "Rita" fought with breast cancer for 17yrs he was always there when she needed him. He stood by his wife until the end and never stopped loving her. If the world had more like him and my husband Dennis this would be a far far better world to live in.

Maxine & Dennis - Now where to start? Hmmm well Maxine is a one of the few and rare people. She not only cares more than most about her job but she is also a heart of gold person! She is a wonderful and true friend! And Dennis her husband is also a really nice man with a cheerful disposition. He always waves and says Hello to me when I see him.

My Internet Friends:

�@��M@�~F�اT - Now this young man is very special to me he even called when he found out that I had surgery. Now how sweet is that?!! :) I admire him for his computer knowledge and his way with words. He is a very nice and has a very strong internet personality. I think that if I had a son I would want him to be just like Shannon!!*hugs*

JeMiEs123 - A real nice young man I talk to on ICQ. He always sends me a rose and his sweet sense of humor always makes me smile! He also seems to be a very dedicated husband and father.

Ancient One- She was one of the first ladies I ever chatted with and miss her lots!

spud - Kevin a nice young man that I talk to on ICQ. He is very sweet and quite. Well, at least he doesn't try to message me to death on ICQ. Sometimes I don't even know when he is online! LOL

Frank & Betty - They are a very nice couple and I really enjoy talking to them on ICQ. I am so happy that I have gotten to know this charming couple! They also named a calf, "Marmalade" after my ICQ name. I feel very honored at this sweet gester of friendship.

Still Standing - This is a really nice lady that I know on ICQ. Even though she has had a tough life she has held her head up high and hung in there. I really admire this lady and think Kim is a fantastic person! She also writes some very pretty poetry.

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